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1、 Unit 4 Earthquakes 导学案Period 1. Warming up and Reading 1.True or false 1)People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night.( )2) People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.( )3) More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake.( )4) Many rescue workers and doctors wer

2、e trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.( )5) All hope was not lost.Slowly, the city began to breathe again.( )2.Choose the best answer 1) The title “A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep” means “_” A. The earth was wide awake all night long. B. People on the earth couldnt fall asleep that night. C.

3、 The earth shook like crazy and wouldnt stop that night, causing great damage to people. D. Animals on the earth would not sleep that night. 2) What can be inferred from the passage? _A. If mice run out of the fields looking for places to hide, there must be an earthquake. B. If the earthquake had h

4、appened in the daytime, all the people in Tangshan city might have had a chance to survive. C. There wouldnt have been such a great earthquake, if people had paid enough attention to some natural signs. D. If some natural signs had not been ignored, more people might have had a chance to survive. 3)

5、According to the authors description, which of the following statements about the earthquake is not right? _A. The whole nation felt it. B. Buildings were badly destroyed during it. C. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt D. A large number of people lost their lives. 4) Which of the following st

6、atements can NOT be part of the main reasons for the heavy loss of life in Tangshan Earthquake? _A. The earthquake happened in the deep night and people were sleeping in bed at the very moment. B. There werent enough rescue workers. C. The buildings were poorly constructed and most of them were dest

7、royed in the earthquake. D. People were not careful enough to notice some natural signs before the earthquake. 5) What is the mood of this passage? _ A. nervous. B. angry. C. serious and a bit sad. D. calm3.Main ideaThe passage can be diveded into 3 parts.Whats the main idea of each part?Part1 (para

8、._):Signs _ (prep)the earthquake. Part2 (para._): Damage _(prep) the earthquake. Part3 (para._): Rescue work _(prep)the earthquake. Period 2. Language Points1. right away 课本原句:Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.1).Ill phone him right away.2).She has arrived at the sta

9、tion. Please pick her up right away.归纳: right away : _同义: at_; in no_; immediately.即学即练:Its not early, so youd better start_.A. on time B. for the present C. at present D. right away2. burst课本原句: In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.1)The balloon burst, which surprised al

10、l of us.2).She burst into tears.3).She burst out crying.4).He burst into the room without knocking.5).There is a burst in the water pipe.归纳:burst词性 v 词意 _(burst,burst) burst _sth. 突然起来 =burst_ _ sth burst_冲入,闯入 词性 n 词意 _拓展:burst _ laughter=burst _ laughing 突然大笑起来 burst into flame(s) 突然起火 burst open

11、突然开了 a burst of anger 勃然大怒即学即练:One minute she burst into_and the next she burst out_. We just couldnt catch her mood at any moment. A.crying;laughter B.tears;laughing C.tears;laughing D. crying;laughing3. think little of 课本原句: But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these event

12、s, were asleepas usual that night.All the visitors think little of the service there.He thoutht little of my suggestion. You think little if that boy. 归纳:think little of _ 拓展:1).We think highly / much / well of his lastest article. 2). She thinks nothing of running six rounds in the morning.3). The

13、manager spoke highly / well of him.think _/_/_ of对高度评价think _of 把看得很平常;不把放在心里speak _ / _ of对高度赞扬4. at an end 课本原句: It seemed as if the world was at an end!1).The war was at an end.2).They will go to Europe at the end of this month.3).By the end of this year, he had been in No.1 Middle School for fiv

14、e months.4).They gave up the plan in the end.归纳: at an end _ at _ end _ _ the end of _ _ the end _拓展:come to an end _ end up with _ _5. ruin课文原句: In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.1).Wenchuan was in ruins after the earthquake.归纳:ruin词性_; 词义_in ruins 成为废墟,变成废墟即学即练:Years of fighting left dthe village in_.A. destroy B. dama


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