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1、年级:八 科目:英语 时间:2014年春 主备:滕长萍 审核人:白青丽 欧金杰Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?(Section A 1a-2d)第一课时一、明确目标1.重点短语:deep , kilometer , any other ,salt lakes, in the world , in Asia ,feel free , as far as I know , the biggest population二、自主学习1. 预习课本,尽可能多的收集关于1a部分四幅图的信息。2. 从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。(1)世界上最高的山

2、峰_(2)亚洲最长的河_ (3)世界上最大的沙漠_(4)世界上最深的咸水湖 _ (5)明朝 _(6)最古老的文明古国之一_ (7)保护_ (8)随便(做某事) _ (9)就我所知 _ (10)古代皇帝_ 三、展示交流1. 比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员课前准备的短语,看哪个小组完成得最棒!2. 1a 展示同学们搜集的信息,讨论1a部分的四幅图片。3. 1b 听录音完成1b,并在小组内共同订正听力的答案。4. 2a 听录音把这些句子按照顺序排列起来。5. 2b 再听一遍录音把句子补充完整。6. 小组长带领大家讨论一下听力的答案,并负责解答组内其他同学的疑问。7. Pairwork 根据2

3、a和2c 部分的信息自己完成对话。四、合作探究 小组合作,总结一下population的用法。1.What_(is / are) the population of China?2.China has the _(biggest /most /big / many) in the world.3.(How many / What ) _ is the population of your country五、达标拓展(一)根据句意和首字母补全单词。1. The l _river in Asia is the Yangtze River .2. China is one of the oldest

4、 c _ in the world .5. Our playground is about 2000 s _ meters in size .(二) 单项选择。( )1. Its _ in the world .A the biggest desert B biggest desert C the biggest deserts D bigger desert ( )2. There are no man-made structures as _as the Great Wall A bigger B big C bigger D the biggest ( )3. The Nile is 6

5、,470 _A kilometers B kilometer C kilometers long D kilometer long ( )4. Mount Tai is _ lower than Qomolangma .A lots of B many C very D much ( )5. Shanghai is one of _ in the world .A more big city B the biggest city C the biggest cities D the most big city 小结提升:书面表达,请用英文介绍中国有名的名胜古迹 (places of inter

6、st),课堂笔录:_年级:八 科目:英语 时间:2014年春 主备:滕长萍 审核人:白青丽 欧金杰Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?(Section A 3a-4c)第二课时一、明确目标: 能够正确使用形容词的比较等级。1.重点短语: take in air ,spirit , achieve our dreams ,in the face3 difficulties, Challenge themselces, one of the worlds most dangerous sports , one of the most pop

7、ular places of , heavy storm, include, thick clouds ,freezing weather conditions ,succeed , the forces of nature3.二、自主学习(一) 大声朗读以上的重点短语。(二)从51页3a课本中找出并翻译下列短语。(1)最危险的运动之一_ (2)登山,攀岩_ (3)全世界_ (4)中国的东南边境_ (5)即使 _ (6)严寒的天气条件_ (7)大风暴 _ (8)大自然的力量_ (9)面对_ (10)吸气_ 三、展示交流1. 大声朗读短文,并谈论,共同找出课文中的重点短语和句型,并讲解给同学们。

8、2. 3b 根据课文内容完成下面的表格,并在小组内订正答案。Paragraph1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3 &3List three dangers for climbersList three achievementsList three comparisons(比较):1. thick clods2. very _3. It can_4. _5. heavy_6.very hard to _1.1953 Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary wer the first to rach the top.2.1960-_The first Chi

9、nese team_3.1975-_1. most dangerous sport.2. most_place.3. most_4. _5. most _6. more _7.8. stranger than_四、合作探究 (一)课文第51页3c ,Answer the questions susing information from the article.1. Where are the Himalaya_2.How high is Qomolangma ?_3.Wy do so many people try to climb this mountain even thoug it i

10、s dangerous?(二)完成课文52页4a五、达标拓展 (一)用形容词和副词的适当形式填空。1. Tom is _ (tall) than any other student in his class. So he is _ (tall) in his class.2. Li Ming is one of _(clever) boys in our class.3. The sun is _ (bright) than all the other stars because it is _ (near) to the earth.4. The earth receives _ (little) heat from the sun in winter than in summer.5.The train is running _ and _ (fast).6. He said that it was _ (happy) day in his life.(二)根据首字母提示完成句子。1. Mount Tai a _ lots of visitors every day.2. Most animals dont like to live in f_ conditions.3. Many c_ reached the top of


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