kids stories

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《kids stories》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《kids stories(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、每个MP3听5遍以上,直到听懂- 0 6 J6 J8 J5 s3 d$ * I1 u8 背诵,录音给老师检查发音* XV$ P8 Ti4 X1 O Y; c: a然后才是朗读(其实会背了就是会朗诵了)Kids Stories一上 Making a HatI can make a hat.I use scissors.I use a stapler.I use colored pencils.I use tape.I can wear my hat!Notes:scissors剪刀stapler 订书机tape胶布The Baby SharkThis is a baby shark.It has

2、 eyes to help it see.It has a tail to help it swim.It has fins to help it swim.It has gills to help it breathe.It has a mouth to help it eat.It will grow into a big shark.Notes:tail尾巴fin鳍gill鳃Football GameI can throw.I can jump.I can catch.I can run.I can score.Touchdown!“Hooray!”Notes:football足球,橄榄

3、球! score得分touchdown(橄榄球的)底线得分hooray好哇,“好哇”的欢呼声The Apple“My apple!”said Grandpa.“My apple!”said Grandma.“My apple!”said Mom.“My apple!”said Dad.“My apple!”said Sister.“My apple!”said Brother.Crunch!“My apple!”said the goat.Notes:crunch 嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼The Hungry Lion“I am hungry.” Said the lion.“What can I ea

4、t?”The elephant said,“You cannot eat me. I am too big.”The monkey said,“You cannot eat me. I am too clever.”The crocodile said,“You cannot eat me. I am too fierce.”The zebra said,“You cannot eat me. I am too fast.”The lion went down to the pool.“Run!” said the animals.“The lion is hungry.”Notes:fier

5、ce凶猛的,残忍的The JugglerI can juggle one ball.I can juggle two balls.I can juggle three balls.I can juggle four balls.I can juggle five balls.I can juggle six balls.Crash!Notes:juggler 玩杂耍的人,魔术师juggle(用球、小刀等)玩杂耍crash倒下,坠落The Birthday CakeI put the flour in.I put the sugar in.I put the milk in.I put the

6、eggs in.I put the chocolate in.I put the cake in the oven.I put the cake in me!Notes:Flour面粉oven烤箱ABIGFATCATWhat did the big fat cat eat?He ate a banana and his tummy got bigger.He ate an egg and his tummy got bigger.He ate a papaya and his tummy got bigger.He ate a mango and his tummy got bigger.He

7、 ate a durian and his tummy got bigger.He was a big fat cat.The ChaseThe mouse went down the road.The rooster went down the roadafter the mouse.The dog went down the roadafter the rooster.The horse went down the roadafter the dog.The farmer went down the roadafter the horse.The traffic officer went

8、down the road.“Stop!” she said.“You are all speeding!”Notes:Chase追赶ate英:ti vt.吃(过去式)v.吃,喝,吃饭( eat的过去式 );(食物)吃起来感到;咬;(人)感到苦恼(或烦恼)FishingA whale on the line?A shark on the line?A crocodile on the line?A hippopotamus on the line?A squid on the line?A monster on the line?A fish on the line!Notes:whale*

9、j, a% ! V; y$ ?鲸鱼shark鲨鱼hippopotamus河马squid: Q7 Z; g$ K, x0 q: R4 w鱿鱼monster怪物,妖怪Racing CarsHere is the red car.Here is the blue car.Here is the yellow car.Here is the green car.Here is the orange car.Here is the white car.“Go!”What Lives in a Swamp?Frogs live in a swamp.Bugs live in a swamp.Snakes

10、live in a swamp.Fish live in a swamp.Turtles live in a swamp.Birds live in a swamp.What else lives in a swamp?Notes:swamp- w o2 d! c0 o/ U沼泽,沼泽地4 k% e+ m9 r9 f/ U# v8 j/ sbug4 |% o3 I+ Z. |5 |6 q8 A w臭虫turtle乌龟else, W! h: , b其他的,别的The Big RaceThe big race.I ride in the big race.I climb in the big ra

11、ce.I paddle in the big race.I swim in the big race.I run in the big race.I win the big race!Notes:paddle用桨划(独木舟)What Can a Diver See?Divers go under the water.What can a diver see?What can a diver see?Starfish.What can a diver see?Fish, coral.What can a diver see?A shipwreck.What can a diver see?A s

12、eal.What can a diver see?Another diver.Notes:divero, F3 S/ I4 W7 潜水员starfish- z7 m# u& N! U A海星coral* u3 $ e( D0 l t珊瑚7 e z* W3 q+ X& Ishipwreck失事船的残骸seal海豹Kids Stories一下1.footprints2. cat and bird7 G1 z# |* c: D8 l8 w1 |. s5 c. s! , B3. diner time K4. go to sleep4 w6 z: 6 m! q: 5. the animal part6.

13、 a birthday party7 J3 T* V$ n7. the baby turtle8. the storm9. the clowns10. skiing11. my dad0 P# I7 C% 1 W Q4 a% u7 n: M12.the birds next( s3 ; g8 S p8 ) z13. a mouse in the house3 N( f v. , / H! j/ D14. hot and coldFootprints:- D- c: J) j3 r+We can see the footprints in the mud.We can see the footp

14、rints in the sand.We can see the footprints in the grass.We can see the footprints in the snow.We can see the footprints in the cave.We can see a monster!We can see the footprints in the mud.Cat andBirdS4 Z! K% $ T6 T7 hThe bird is going over thegrass.This cat is going over thegrass.The bird is going into thetree.The cat is going into thetree.The bird is going into thesky.The cat is going into thes


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