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1、2016届高考语法复习系列 介词一) 表时间: 用适当介词填空1. I was born _May 5, 1996. 2. She usually gets up _ 6 oclock _ the morning. 3. We dont have class _ August because it is summer holiday. 4. We got the news _the morning of the wedding. 5. Plants grow faster _spring. 6. Their son was born _their third wedding anniversa

2、ry, which was the greatest gift for them. 7. The teachers will give us some work to do _ the holiday. 8. Hell be back _ a few days. 9. _ the summer we often went swimming together. 10. _ summer we often went swimming together. 11. He started his career in a big company _graduation. 13. I have been t

3、eaching English _ I graduated from college. 表示时间的介词用法归纳1.早、午、晚要用in in the morning /afternoon / evening/ day 有冠词在“某年”“某月”“某年某月” (但在某年某月某日则用on),在四季,在第几周等都要用in。如: in 1986 in April in December 1986 on October the first 1949on New Years Day on my birthday in spring in the first week of this semester 2. a

4、t钟点, 饭时, 正午/午夜, 年龄, 节日 如:at dawn, at daybreak, at noon, at night, at midnight 无冠词 at six oclock 在6点钟 3. on 星期, 具体日期, 具体某一天的某个时段, 节日4. during 强调时间的延续,强调“在的过程中”。.在某些表示事件的名词stay, visit, meal等前面,宜用during.与四季名称连用时,in 是泛指,during是特指5. within, in, after, since in + 一段时间 “(从现在开始)一段时间后”、“过”,谓语动词用一般将来时; after

5、+ 点时间 “在某时之后”,谓语动词可根据句子要求用各种时态; after + 一段时间 “(从过去某时开始)一段时间后”,谓语动词用一般过去时; since表示从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到说话时间止,谓语动词一般用现在完成时或过去完成时。 观察下列句子并归纳 for, since, by,from 后接时间的用法。1. They have worked for twenty-four hours.2. I have never met him again since then. 3. The work will be finished by the end of this month.4.

6、 We have finished the task by now.5. By the time I arrived, she had already gone.6. They often work from 7 am. to midnight. 7. From then on I decided to become a teacher. 8. I will study hard from now on.二) 表地点 1. They soon arrived_ Shanghai. 2. He arrived _ the village at last.3. There is a picture

7、 _ the wall. 4. Theyll leave _ Shanghai today. 5. They went _ the forest. 6. After school boys like to play basketball _ the playground. 归纳:1). at 一般指比较小的地点和某种活动场所,或把一个地方看做一个点。at the station/ the theatre/ airport2). in 指大地点或表示在某一区域或某一立体空间。in Beijing/ the forest / the park 3). on 某东西在一个平面上,或某东西接触或接近一

8、条线或类似一条线的东西;on the stage三) 表方位空间关系ADCB1. A is _ B. C is _ the right of B. D is _ the right of B.1) Shanghai lies _ the east of China and _ the northeast of Guangdong.2) Hubei is _ the north of Hunan.3) Fujian is _ the east of China. 4) China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia.2. A

9、bird is flying _ the roofs.3. He put a map _ the desk and began to look for Shaoguan.4. Theres a lamp hanging _the desk.归纳:1. in 表“在内”,to 表“在外”, on 表“相连,接壤表面接触” 2. over, above, on “在之上” over表正上方(反义词under);above “高于” 表相对高度,不一定在正上方. (反义词below)3. to/ at/ for表示“朝、向、” to一般和go, come, hurry, get等连用;at和thro

10、w, shout, shoot等连用;for和head, leave, set out, sail等连用.4. across, along, off, onto, over等,通常表示离开,沿着,在或不在某一条线或某个平面上;5. into, out of, through,past等,通常表示进入、走出、穿过某个地区、城市或立体物 ,经过四) 表示手段的介词:1. He cut up the apple _a knife. 2. I usually go to school _bike but yesterday I went to school _ foot. 3. Please answ

11、er the question _ English because it is English class. 4. True friendship cant be bought _ money. 5. He is always treating his parents _ a very rude way. 6. You shouldnt have dealt with the matter _ the wrong way.7. Its impolite to write a letter _ red.8. She was dressed _ blue at the party.9. You c

12、an get some information _ the computer.归纳:1. by 后接交通工具和方法means 2. with 后接名词,表示以某种工具或人体部位做某事;with this method3. in 后接名词way、语言、风格等。4. on 后接媒介、the + 交通工具五) 表除外:1. _ reading, I love listening to music. 2. I can take my holidays at any time _ in June. 3. The movie is good _ the ending. 4. Nobody _ John k

13、nows the city well. 5. The children hardly see anyone _ Tom.归纳:补充:1. 他昨天早上没吃早餐。2. I spend 30 minutes _reading English every morning.3. They only have a small room to live_.归纳:1表示时间的介词在 next, last, this, these, yesterday, tomorrow, one, any, every, each, some 等词之前省略;2.在某些动词之后的介词可以省略:spend(in) doing, stop/ preventfrom) doing3 .带有介词的短语动词在变为被动语态时,不要漏掉介词。 2


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