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1、Section 4 Quality management system第四章 质量管理体系4.1 Genneral requiiremennts一般要求4.2 Doccumenttationn requuiremeents文件要求4.2.1 GGeneraal总则4.2.2 QQualitty mannual质量手册4.2.3 CControol of documments文件控制4.2.3.CC.1 Coontroll of CCustommer-Suupplieed Doccumentts andd Dataa The organnizatiion shhall eestabllish a

2、and mainttain aa docuumenteed proocedurre(s) to coontroll all custoomer-ssuppliied doocumennts annd datta (e.g., nnetworrk archiitectuure, ttopoloogy, ccapaciity, iinstalllatioon terrminattion aassignnmentss, andd dataabase) if tthese documments and ddata iinflueence tthe deesign, veriificattion, va

3、liddationn, insspectiion annd tessting, or sserviccing tthe prroductt.客户提供文件及及数据控制 组织将建建立并且维护护文件化程序序以控制所有有客户提供的的文件和数据据(例如,网网络体系结构构,布局,容容量,安装结结束任务及数数据库)如果果这些文件和和数据影响设设计,验证,确确认,检查及及测试,或服服务于产品。4.2.4 CControol of recorrds记录控制Sectionn 5 Maanagemment rresponnsibillity第五章管理职职责5.1 Mannagemeent coommitmment管

4、理承诺5.2 Cusstomerr focuus 以顾客客为关注焦点点5.2.C.11 Custtomer Relattionshhip Deeveloppment Topp manaagemennt shaall deemonsttrate activve invvolvemmentin estaablishhing aand maaintaiining mutuaally-bbenefiicial relattionshhips bbetweeen thee orgaanizattion aand ittscustomeers. 4发展顾客关系最高管理者者应积极参与与建立并维护护组织与顾客

5、客之间的相互互受益的关系系。5.2.C.22 Custtomer Commuunicattion PProceddures Thee orgaanizattion sshall estabblish and mmaintaain adocumennted pproceddure(ss) forr commmunicaating with seleccted ccustommers. The ddocumeented proceedure(s) shalll incllude:顾客沟通程序组织应建立立并维护文件件化的程序以以确保与特定定顾客之间的的沟通。该程程序文件应包包括:a) a sttra

6、teggy andd critteria for ccustommer seelectiion,选择顾客的策略略及标准b) a meethod for tthe orrganizzationn and its ccustommers tto shaare jooint eexpecttationns andd imprrove tthe quualityy of produucts, and组织和顾客共同同参与策划及及提高产品质质量的方法,和和c) a jooint rrevieww withh the custoomer aat deffined interrvals coverring t

7、the sttatus of shhared expecctatioons annd incluuding a metthod tto traack thhe ressolutiion off issuues. 4会同顾客安既定定的时间间隔隔评审期望目目标的状况,并并且应有可以以追踪决定流流转的方法。5.2.C.22-NOTEE 1: IIt is recoggnizedd thatt it iis nott posssible for aan orgganizaation to prrovidee the same levell of commuunicattion wwith aall i

8、tts cusstomerrs. Thhe levvel prrovideed mayy depeend onn the amounnt of businness wwith tthe custoomer, the hhistorry of probllems, custoomer eexpecttationns, annd othher faactorss (seee Appeendix F, “GGuidannce for CCommunnicatiion wiith Cuustomeers”).注解1:众所周周知,组织不不可能对所有有顾客提供同同样级别的沟沟通。所提供供的级别应依依据与顾

9、客的的生意数量、历历史问题、顾顾客期望值,以以及其它因素素(参见附录录F,“顾客沟通指指导”)5.3 Quaality policcy质量方针5.4 Plaanningg策划5.4.1 QQualitty objjectivves质量目标5.4.1.CC.1 Quualityy Objeectivees OObjecttives for qqualitty shaall inncludee targgets ffor thhe TL 9000 measuuremennts definned inn the TL 90000 Quualityy Manaagemennt Sysstem MMea

10、surrementts Hanndbookk.质量目标质量量目标应包括括在TL90000 质量量管理体系计计算手册中为为TL90000定义的对对象。5.4.2 QQualitty mannagemeent syystem plannning质量管理体系策策划5.4.2.CC.1 Loong- aand Shhort-TTerm QQualitty Plaanningg Thhe orgganizaations quaality plannning aactiviities shalll incluude loong- aand shhort-tterm pplans with goalss f

11、or improoving qualiity annd cusstomerr satiisfacttion.长期和短期质量量策划组织织的质量策划划行为应包括括以提高质量量和顾客满意意度为目标的的长期策划和和短期策划。Performmance to thhese ggoals shalll be mmonitoored aand reeporteed. Thhese pplans shalll addrress:实现这些目标需需要监控和汇汇报。这些策策划应注明:a) cyclle timme, 循环时间间b) custtomer serviice, 顾客服服务c) traiining, 培训d)

12、 costt, 成本e) deliivery commiitmentts, annd 交货承承诺,等f) prodduct rreliabbilityy. 产品可靠靠性5.4.2.CC.1-NOOTE 1: Top Managgementt shouuld deemonsttrate theirr actiive innvolveement in loong- aand shhort-tterm qualiity pllanninng.注解1:最高管管理者应积极极参与到长期期和短期质量量策划中。5.4.2.CC.2 Cuustomeer Inpput The oorganiizatioon s

13、haall immplemeent meethodss for soliccitingg and consiiderinng custoomer iinput for qqualitty plaanningg actiivitiees. Thhe orgganizaation shoulld esttablissh joiint quualityy imprrovemeent progrrams wwith ccustommers. 4顾客输入 组组织应将顾客客输入纳入质质量策划中。组组织应会同顾顾客建立质量量改进程序。5.4.2.CC.3 Suupplieer Inpput The oorg

14、aniizatioon shaall immplemeent meethodss for soliccitingg and usingg suppplier inputt for qualiity pllanninng acttivitiies. 4供应商输入组组织应将供应应商输入纳入入质量策划中中。5.5 Ressponsiibilitty, auuthoriity annd commmuniccationn职责、权限与沟沟通5.5.1 RResponnsibillity aand auuthoriity职责和权限5.5.2 MManageement repreesentaative管理者代

15、表5.5.3 IInternnal coommuniicatioon内部沟通5.5.3.CC.1 Orrganizzationn Perfformannce Feeedbacck TThe orrganizzationn shalll infform eemployyees oof itss quallity perfoormancce andd the levell of ccustommer saatisfaactionn. 4组织成绩反馈组织应通知知其员工关于于质量成绩以以及顾客满意意程度。5.6 Mannagemeent reeview管理评审5.6.1 GGeneraal总则5.6.2 RRevieww inpuut评审输入5.6.3 RRevieww outpput评审输出



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