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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、You _ only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck.AmustBcanCcouldDneed2、 Learning a language isnt easy. It takes time. I

2、agree. _. Theres no short cut.ARome wasnt built in a day.BAll roads lead to Rome.CWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do.DBurnthecandleatbothends.3、 You are good at playing the piano, arent you?Yes, I am. Besides it, I also do well in playing the violin.AIn addition toBBecause ofCAhead of4、The 2022 Winte

3、r Olympic Games in Beijing.Awas heldBwill be heldCis heldDwill hold5、 What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? I prefer _ a bike to _ there.Aride; walk Briding; walk Cride; walking Driding; walking6、- Which of the two shirts would you like to choose?- Both. Then I can give one to my

4、 brother and leave _ to myself.AanotherBthe otherCother7、I have some information about the astronauts _ is helpful to you.AwhoBwhatCthatDwhose8、Dont throw rubbish everywhere, Please. Building a civilize(文明的)city is our duty. .AOK,I willBYou are jokingCTake it easyDSorry, I wont9、Amy, I hear youve go

5、t many foreign coins_ I have a look?Of course, Ill fetch them for youAMay BMustCShould DNeed10、Summer is coming. _perfect time to _!AHow a; go swimmingBWhat a; go swimmingCHow; swimmingDWhat; swimming. 完形填空11、On a cold December morning, my mother and I were walking home from pizza store. We were ser

6、vedwarmly and equipped with the video we had been trying 1 I was feeling a little tired 2 I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the video.They were so 3 that I decided to throw away some of them. So I started to walk towards the dustbin when I noticed a poor man stepping out of the restaura

7、nt in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He headed for another nearby dustbin and started looking 4 something.I suddenly felt very upset. I know this man would take all he could get, so I walked up to him and handed the drink and some snacks to him. The man, with lines on his face

8、 and wrinkles(皱纹) on his forehead, looked up in 5 and took what I gave him.A huge smile spread across his face and this made 6 feel indescribable satisfaction(满意). I felt like I couldnt be happier with myself, but then he said, “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now som

9、e tasty food, this is my daughters 7 day!”He thanked me 8 and started off on his bike. I even heard him whistling(吹哨) a song as he 9 away.I now understand what is meant by the saying “Giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can 10 help and everyone will be helped by something

10、kind.The image(图像) of that mans happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every time I have the chance to do something nice.1Ato see Bto read Cto look Dto watch2Abecause Bwhen Calthough Dafter3Adry Bdirty Cheavy Dsalty4Athrough Baround Cfor Dover5Asight Bdanger Csurprise Dtrouble6Ahim Bme

11、 Cus Dthem7Abusy Bboring Cterrible Dlucky8Ahappily Bunhappily Cquietly Dquickly9Awalked Brode Cran Dflew10Aoffer Breceive Crefuse Dshare. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。One day the Prince of Wales wanted to go hunting with his men. He told his dog, Gelert, to stay at home and1(look)after

12、 his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like 2small bed.When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged his tail and 3(jump) up to put his paws on the Princes chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelerts jaws and head.“What have you done?” th

13、e Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and there was blood4 them.“ So you have killed my son?” the Prince said 5(angry). “You unfaithful dog!” He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert w

14、as dying, he managed to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby 6(call) to the dog.The Prince ran back into the house and saw his son 7(lie)on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended the baby and killed the wolf.The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was 8(dead). The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran9 his face when he realized he had killed his faithful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again. Every morning at dawn,


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