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1、牛津小学英语6B教案Unit2 More exercise 第一课时 一、教学内容: 6B. Unit 2 A部分,Listen ,read and say. 二、教学目标: 1 初步把握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用副词比较级句型 2 把握四会单词be good at, strong, faster ,higher. . 3 把握三会单词和词组jog, have problems with, do well in , Thats true. . 4 能听懂会说句型 Thats true. He is not as strong as the other boys. 5 四会句型:Ben ru

2、ns faster than Jim . 三、教学重、难点: 能正确理解、把握四会单词和句型。 四、课前预备: 1 预备录音机和本课A部分的磁带。 2 预备A部分的图片。 3 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 2A部分Look, read and say 五、教学过程: A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello B Free talk. 师生交流 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: How

3、old are you ? Ss: Im 12years old. T: How old is he? Ss: Hes 11 years old ,too. T: Do you run fast? Doyou jump high? Do you swim fast? T: Who is taller ,you or you r brother? Which bag is heavier, yours or mine? C Presentation and drill新授和操练 1 通过刚才的师生问答引出句型I run faster than xxx。 2 板书fast和faster进行教学同时

4、让学生理解。 3 出示音标让学生试读,然后集体升降调朗读。 4 找和自己比跳高。T:I jump higher than xxx.同时板书high和higher,运用相同的方法学习这2个单词 5 就刚才创设情景,T:Im good at jumping.T:He is good at English.引出be good at的学习。同时让模拟说几句。 6 板书巨型并领读。 D Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 1 听录音,引出单词和词组jog,do well in,do more exercise的学习。 2 T板书以上单词和词组集体朗读,并扩展出词组和句子 3

5、让模拟跟读录音。 4 小组活动,每人接龙说一个比较级的句子,I run faster than xxx. I jump higher than xxx。 5 在次基础上小组讨论说出句型:Ben runs faster than me . xxx runs faster than xxx. . 6 请说出自己擅长的方面运用句型be good at.I am good at English. 接龙说句子。 7 Ask and answer in pairs.。 六 布置作业: 听本课A部分的录音,要求跟读、读熟,并能够和同学比身高和年龄。 调查班级同学的年龄和身高 七、 板书设计 Unit 2 M

6、ore exercise fast faster high higher I jump higher than Tom. Ben runs faster than me. 八、教后记: 牛津小学英语6B教案Unit2 More exercise 第二课时 一、教学内容: 6B. Unit 2B部分 Look ,Read and learn 二、教学目标: 1 能正确理解、把握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语交流。 3 正确把握B部分出现的四会单词low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier,

7、, well better,和Ben runs faster than Tom .Jim is not as strong as the other boys.句型 4把握B部分中出现的三会单词 far farther 三、教学重、难点: 能正确理解、把握B部分单词。 能熟练运用巨型操练单词。 四、课前预备: 1 预备录音机和磁带。 2 预备本课单词的图片。 3 预备好的调查内容。 54 课前写好本课的课题。 五、教学过程: A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello B Free talk. 师生交流 T: Good morning, boys and girls.

8、 Ss: Good morning, T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: What day is it today? Ss: Its Monday. T: Are you as tall as xxx?? T: Who is taller ,you or Tom? T: Who is younger ,you or Su Yang ? S3: Im younger than Su Yang . T: Do you run fast? Doyou jump high? Do you swim fast? C Present

9、ation and drill新授和操练 T有和学生的对话引出B部分单词的教学。T: Do you swim fast?引出同类单词的教学。 1 板书low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better, far farther,让学生静听,后模拟、跟读。 2 继续创设情景用句型引出单词并引导学生说句子。 T:xxx flies the kite lower. 板书句子.让学生静听模拟跟读。然后集体升降调朗读。 3 运用刚才所学句子操练。让2个学生做动作大家一起说 Ss: xxx swims slower than

10、xxx. XXX gets up earlier than xxx Xxx jump farther than xxx. 4 运用刚才所学句型和单词小组内进行交流。 5 小组内汇报刚才所说的句型,分组进行,看哪组说的又流利、又正确。 6 Talk in pairs then ask and answer. D Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 1 听录音,模拟跟读单词。 2 游戏: A:一学生说形容词他的同桌说出比较级。 B:分集团接龙说单词。 3 再次听录音,模拟跟读单词。在跟读中,纠正朗读中出现的错误。 4 在能正确朗读的基础上让升学自己总结部分形容词比较级的

11、变化规则。 六 布置作业: 1抄写形容词和他的比较级。 2 跟读录音。 七、 板书: Unit 2 More exercise 单词 xxx swims slower than xxx. XXX gets up earlier than xxx Xxx jump farther than xxx. 八、教后牛津小学英语6B教案Unit2 More exercise 第三课时 一、教学内容:6B. Unit 2 C部分Work in pairs二、教学目标:1 把握副词以及比较级的正确用法。2 熟练把握四会单词的运用.3 熟练运用四会句型:Ben runs faster than Jim . D

12、o the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes ,they do. Does Jim swim slower than David? No, he doesnt.三、教学重、难点:1 能正确理解、把握四会单词late later,early earlier, far farther.2 并能熟练运用四会句型: Ben runs faster than Jim . Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes ,they do. Does Jim swim slower than David? No, he does

13、nt.四、课前预备:1 预备录音机和本课C部分的投影片。2 课前写好本课的课题。五、教学过程:A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲B Free talk. 师生交流T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: What day is it today?Ss: Its Monday.T: Are you as tall as xxx??T: Who is taller ,you or Tom? T: Who is yo

14、unger ,you or Su Yang ?S: Im younger than Su Yang .T: Do you run fast?Doyou jump high?Do you swim fast?C Revision复习会话1 看A部分投影片,师生问答,讨论会话。2 试着复述A部分第一段。3 复习句型Heis not as strong as Tom .4 小组内表演会话。5 投影副词以及比较级,起升降调朗读。D Presentation and drill新授和操练1 出示C部分的图片创设情景引出句型的操练:T:Look .The boys jump higher. The gir

15、ls jump lower .T: Do the boys jump higher than the girls?Ss: Yes ,they do.这时就很轻易回答了。用同样的方法操练其他的副词。(low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better)2 教师继续创设情景让2个学生比赛引出句型第三人称单数T:Does Jim swim faster than David ?.教师运用同样的方法引出其他单词进行操练(far farther,)3. 教师和学生操练2组后,让学生模拟自己练习。4 先让把握比较好的学生做示范。然后同桌问答5 板书句型四会句型,集体朗读。6 Talk in pairs then ask and answer.E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固1 出示C部分的投影片,看图1,师生会话。Do



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