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1、 .wd.单词词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功用,可以分成十个大类。1 名词 noun n. student 学生 2 代词 pronoun pron. you 你3 形容词 adjective adj. happy 快乐的4 副词 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地5 动词 verb v. cut 砍、割6 数词 numeral num. three 三7 冠词 article art. a 一个8 介词 preposition prep. at 在.9 连词 conjunction conj. and 和10 感慨词 interjection interj. oh 哦前

2、六类叫实词,后四类叫虚词。 短语短语:分句或者句子中有机地联系在一起的一组词,短语中含有一个中心词,并且以它为核心,在它的前后可以再添加一些修饰或者辅助它的词,短语,甚至分句名词短语:the center of Australia,their seat.动词短语:didnt know,can do 形容词短语:very good.副词短语:even today.right away介词短语:after graduation,at school.由介词加介词的宾语构成,中心词就是介词。句子按其作用或使用目的,句子可分为: 陈述句(包括肯定句和否认句):This is a truck. 这是一辆卡

3、车。 疑问句包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句:Is this a truck? 这是卡车吗? 祈使句:有表示要求和请求两种Drive the truck away. 把卡车开走。 感慨句:有what 或者how 引导What a big truck it is! 多么大的卡车!句式构造分为五大类:1 主+系动词+表语+表语补足语常用的连系动词:表语是说明主语身份或状态变成,变得:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, run, turn保持某种状态:Continue, keep, lie, remain, stand, stay.看起来,好似:Appear, look,

4、 seem.感官动词:Feel, smell, sound, taste.He is older than he looks他比看上去要老。He seen interested in the book他似乎对这本书感兴趣。The story sounds interesting这个故事听起来有趣。The desk feels hard书桌摸起来很硬。The cake tastes nice饼尝起来很香。The flowers smell sweet and nicc花闻起来香甜。You have grown taller than before你长得比以前高了。He has suddenly

5、fallen ill他突然病倒了。He stood quite still他静静地站看。He becomes a teacher when he grew up他长大后当了教师。He could never turn traitor to his country他永远不会背叛他的祖国。1. This is an English-Chinese dictionary.这是本英汉辞典。2. The dinner smells good. 午餐的气味很好。4. Everything looks different. 一切看来都不同了。5. He is growing tall and strong.

6、 他长得又高又壮6. The troubleis that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。7. Our well has gone dry. 我们井枯槁了。 8. His face turned red. 他的脸红了。说明:有些动词同时也有其他意思,这时它就不是系动词了,就不是主系表构造,而是主谓构造的句子。如look看, He looked me up and down他上下打量我。主谓宾构造如come回来,He come back at six.他六点回来。主谓构造如taste品尝They are tasting the fish他们在品尝鱼。主谓宾

7、构造2主语+谓语此构造的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词1. The sun was shining. 太阳在照耀着。2. The moon rose. 月亮升起了。3. The universe remains. 宇宙长存。4. We all breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。5. Who cares? 管它呢 6. What he said does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。7. They talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen w

8、rites smoothly 这支笔书写流利。She came。她来了。He runs quickly他跑得快。They listened carefully他们听得很仔细。He suffered from cold and hunger他挨冻受饿。China belongs to the third world country中国属于第三世界国家。The gas has given out煤气用完了。My ink has run out我的钢笔水用完了。3主语+谓语+宾语在此句式中,V是及物动词(vt),因此有宾语。例如:此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的动作,但不能

9、表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及物动词。宾语位于及物动词之后,一般同主语构成一样,不同的是构成宾语的代词必须是代词宾格,1. Who knows the answer? 谁知道答案 2. She smiled her thanks. 她微笑表示感谢。5. They ate what was left over. 他们吃了剩饭。6. He said Good morning. 他说:早上好!7. I want to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。 8. He admits that he was mistaken. 他成认犯了错

10、误。She likes English.她喜欢英语。I saw a film yesterday我昨天看了一部电影。 Have you read the story? 你读过这个故事吗?They found their home easily他们很容易找到他们的家。They built a house last year他们去年建了一所房子。Theyve put up a factory in the village他们在村里建了一座工厂。They have taken good care of the children这些孩子他们照看得很好。You should look after you

11、r children well你应该好好照看你的孩子。 4主语+谓语+双宾在此句式中,V是带有双宾语的及物动词。常见的须带双宾语的动词有give,ask,bring,offer,send,pay,lend,show,tell,buy,get;rob,warn等。1、“七给(give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand)和“带(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb. 如:He lent some money to me.类似动词的还有:get,mail,offer,owe(借,pay,

12、promise,read,sell,take,teach等2、“buy(买);“draw(画);“make(制作)三个动词,在直接宾语前置时,则必须在后边加“for,构成“vt. + sth. + for + sb.。如:Mother bought a new dress for me。类似的动词还有:build,choose, cook, cut, do, find, fix,leave,order(订购,reach等。3、当直接宾语是代词时,间接宾语for和to于直接宾语之后如:Richard made it for him。理查德为他做的这个东西Give it to me。把它给我4、有

13、些动词后可单独用直接宾语、间接宾语或双宾语,如ask,teach,tell,owe, pay.I asked John. 我问约翰I asked a question. 我问了一个问题I asked John a question.我问了约翰一个问题5、 suggest,explain,introduce,mention,deliver,announce等动词后必须跟介词to,不能进展直接宾语与间接宾语的转换。Could you explain your point of view to us?=Could you explain to us your point of view?例如:He

14、gave me a book/a book to me他给我一本书。He brought me a pen/a pen to me他带给我一枝钢笔。He offered me his seat/his seat to me他把座位让给我。注意下边动词改写后介词的变化:Mother bought me a book/a book for me. 妈妈给我买了一本书。He got me a chair/a chair for me他给我弄了一把椅子。Please do me a favor/a favor for me请帮我一下。He asked me a question/a question

15、of me他问我个问题。 及物 多指人 多指物 1. She ordered herself a new dress. 她给自己定了一套新衣裳。2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. 她给丈夫煮了一顿美餐。3. He brought you a dictionary. 他给你带来了一本字典。4. He denies her nothing. 他对她什么都不拒绝。5. I showed him my pictures. 我给他看我的照片6. I gave my car a wash. 我洗了我的汽车。7. I told him that the bus was late. 我告诉他汽车晚点了。8. He



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