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1、论小学英语游戏教学 优化课堂提高课效 On the Primary English Teaching Games Optimization of classroom lessons to improve efficiency小学英语教学特别强调语言环境的创设,有了多媒体教室,创设情景就容易多了,教学内容也丰富了,课堂气氛也活跃了。随着课程改革的进一步推进,结合实际,顺应素质教育的要求,如何创造条件,充分发挥自身优势,采取灵活多样的方法和手段,优化课堂教学,使得小学英语课堂教学更成功,Primary English language teaching with particular emphas

2、is on the creation of the environment, with multi-media classrooms, the creation of context is much easier, and enrich the curriculum content, classroom atmosphere livelier. Following the curriculum reform to further advance, combined with the practical, comply with the requirements of quality educa

3、tion, how to create the conditions for giving full play to its own advantages and adopt flexible and diversified ways and means to optimize the classroom teaching, making primary school English classroom teaching will be successful, 一、巧用教具,辅助教学 一 Using teaching aids, supplementary teaching对小学来说,运用现有

4、条件,创造性地制作教具,在英语课堂教学中巧妙地使用教具,会使教学取得事半功倍的效果,从而使学生更自觉、更有兴趣地参加课堂的交际活动。 Pairs of primary and secondary schools, the use of the existing conditions, creatively making teaching aids, in the English classroom teaching aids skilfully used, will achieve a multiplying effect of teaching so that students more c

5、onscious, more interested to participate in communicative activities in the classroom.1自制人物、动物头饰,辅助教学。例如译林出版社和牛津大学出版社合编的牛津小学英语教材,每册教材都有主要人物的图像,教师应带领学生动手制作头饰,以便在教学中更好地创设情景,操练语言。在角色表演中,教师与学生或学生与学生戴上头饰进行对话,不仅增加了趣味性,而且容易体现真实的交际情景。 1、Self-made person, animal hair, auxiliary teaching. For example, Yilin P

6、ress and Oxford University Press, co-editor of the Oxford Primary English teaching materials, teaching materials are the main characters of each book images, teachers should lead students to hands-on production of hair in order to create better teaching scenario, drilling language. Performances in t

7、he role of teachers and students or students to engage in dialogue with the students to wear headgear, not only increased the fun and easy to reflect the real communicative situation.2自制生词卡片,辅助教学。在牛津小学英语教材中都出现有一定数量的生词,课堂上,教师利用事先制好的生词卡片,既可巩固生词,又能节省时间,使教学真正达到方便、快捷、高效。有时通过变换操练形式,还可调节学生情绪,活跃课堂气氛。如可先遮住卡片

8、上生词的前部分或上部分,让学生猜猜是什么;还可进行“快看快说”“快听快指”“藏藏、找找、说说”或“英汉反向说”游戏等(制卡片时,正面写英语,反面写汉语意思,若教师向学生展示的是英语,就让学生说汉语意思,反之,则相反)。 2、Home Shengci card-assisted teaching. English teaching in primary schools in Oxford have emerged a number of new words the classroom, teachers to use the system well in advance Shengci card

9、s, will strengthen the new words can save time, so that the teaching really convenient, fast and efficient. Sometimes by changing the form of exercises, but also students in emotional regulation, active classroom atmosphere. As can first cover the first part of New Words in the card or on the part o

10、f students to guess what; also a quick look quick to say quick to listen to quickly refer to Tibet Tibet, look for and talk, or United Kingdom Han reverse that games (the system card, the front and write in English, the opposite meaning to write in Chinese, if the teachers to students to demonstrate

11、 that the English language, let the students speak Chinese meaning contrary, opposite).3自制挂图,激发兴趣。有时根据教学的需要,依据教材内容,制作挂图,能够激发学生兴趣,使教材内容直观化。如在学习学科时,教师制作一张课程表,可大大提高教学效率。根据教材内容,除制作挂图外还自制了一些其他教具。 3、Self-made, wall charts, to stimulate interest. Sometimes, according to the needs of schools, based on teach

12、ing materials to produce charts that can stimulate students interest, so that teaching materials visualization. If the study subjects, the teachers in producing a curriculum can greatly improve the teaching effectiveness. According to textbook content, apart from producing the charts a number of oth

13、er things, self-made teaching aids.如在教小学英语五BUnit 2 A telephone call E部分时,doctor说:“Open your mouth and say Ah.Patient听了之后说:“Ahhh.”教师做了一个小电筒,听筒和帽子,整个课堂顿时沸腾了,学生争着带帽子,挂听筒和拿电筒,争着做医生,个个抢着表演对话,这样一节难度较大的对话内容,学生在轻松愉快的气氛中就掌握了。 (这一段没翻译) 二、运用肢体语言,优化教学 B, the use of body language, teaching 小学英语内容简单,但学生大多初次接触,因此教

14、起来却不太容易。美国心理学家通过实验得出这样的结论:信息的效果7的文字38的音调55的面部表情及动作。可见形体语言是有声语言的重要补充。在教学过程中,教师应针对小学生的年龄特点和心理特点,采取形象、生动、新奇、有趣的方法,充分调动各种感官,运用肢体语言进行教学。 1在字母教学中,运用肢体语言,优化教学。教师在字母教学时,如果枯燥地领读、跟读,学生很快感到厌烦。教师应尽可能多地用手势表示大小写字母,有时还可发挥学生的想象力,让学生想象怎样用手势表示字母,学生的兴趣会很高。 Primary English content simple, but most of the initial contac

15、t with the students, so teaching them is not so easy. American psychologist through experiments come to this conclusion: the effect of information = 7% of the text of the tone +38% +55% of the facial expressions and movements. Can see that body language is an important complement to the audio language. In the teaching process, teachers should address the primary characteristics and psychological characteristics of age to take the image, vivid, strange, and interesting ways to fully mobilize the various senses, using body language teachin



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