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1、英语四年级上册 Unit 1 I like dogs教学设计主备人车婧主备时间2016.8修改栏Teaching content:英语四上 Unit 1 I like dogs (Fun time & Cartoon time)Teaching aims:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:like, dog, cat, panda, horse, tiger;2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:elephant, lion, monkey, have;3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:I like I dont like Do you like ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.

2、4. 能初步掌握like后面加名词复数的用法。5. 能理解Cartoon time的意思,并能够运用正确的语音、语调及表情进行模仿和表演。Teaching importance and difficulties:1. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己和他人对动物话题的喜好;2. 能理解Cartoon time的意思,并能够运用正确的语音、语调及表情进行模仿和表演。3. 能初步掌握like后面加名词复数的用法。Teaching aids:课件,图片,Bobby和Sam的头饰Students preparation :画出自己喜欢的动物的图片(小组成员尽量不要一样)Teaching pro

3、cedures:Step 1 Free talk and Revision 1. Free talk 2. Review story time (1)Act the story in five(2)Try to completeWhat animals do they like?Give a tip: like后面加名词的复数。Step 2 warm-up1. Warm-up (Review the animals of last lesson)T: Lets play guessing game. Whats this? What are these? ( 复习单词a dog, a monk

4、ey, cats, pandas)2. Lets talkT: They are animals. Do you like pandas?S1: Yes, I do. I like pandas. Theyre cute and fat.S2: No, I dont. I dont like pandas.Work in pairs like this.Pay attention to hook or fork.Step 3 Presentation1. Listen and guessT: Can you guess what animals do I like?S: Do you like

5、 s ?Teach: a horse, a lion, a tiger, an elephant及其复数。2. Magic eyesT: You understand the voice of the animals. Can you say the words quickly?(复习所有8个单词)3. Drow and sayT: Animals are very cute. So we often draw them down. Can you draw? Show us your pictures. T: Look at my picture. This is a panda. I li

6、ke pandas. Do you like pandas? S1: Yes, I do. Theyre cute. S2: No, I dont. I like 引导学生注意单复数的区别。Practice the dialogues. 在音乐规定时间内尽可能多的询问别人,比一比谁得的星多。A: This is a I like Do you like?B: Yes, I do. Theyre / No, I dont. I like4.Enjoy some picturesT: Animals are our friends,We should protect them and love t

7、hem.Step 4 Cartoon time1. Look and answer T: Do you like Bobby and Sam? Theyre cute too. Theyre at a snack bar now. What can you see at the snack bar? 让学生根据图片来说一说食物类单词。 T:Would Bobby like a pie? (看书中图一回答) S1: No.2. Look and choose T: What would Bobby like? Please look and choose. (看书中图二回答) S1: A cak

8、e.3. Watch and answer(1) T: Bobby would like a cake.Who has a cake?Lets watch the cartoon, and try to find the answer. S1: Sam.通过图片Teach: have, I have a cake.(2)T: Dose Sam really has a cake?(山姆有一块真的蛋糕吗?) S1: No.引导学生理解本课的趣味点,Sam并不是真的有块蛋糕,而是有一张蛋糕的图片。(3)引导学生拓展:If you are Bobby ,what do you want to say

9、 to Sam?4. Lets watch.5. Lets read. Tip: Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.6. Lets act. Tip:Two people act in roles and pay attention to expressions and movements.Step 5 Consolidation 对比总结Would you like?句型和Do you like?句型及其回答的区别。Step 6 Homework1. Introduce the cartoon to your parents; 向父母介绍Cartoon Time中的内容;2. Show your picture to more friends after class. 课后向更多的朋友介绍你的动物图画。


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