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1、六年级英语(下)Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike? Listening part 听力部分一、 Listen and choose:听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(8分) ( ) 1. A. think B. thin C. thing ( ) 2. A. cold B. cool C. cloud ( ) 3. A. matter B. mother C. meter ( ) 4. A. head B. hand C. hear ( ) 5. A. sore B. short C. small ( ) 6. A. fever B. feel C. few ( ) 7.

2、 A. tail B. test C. tall ( ) 8. A. study B. sick C. stay二、Listen and number.听录音,按听到的顺序给图片标号。(12分)三、Listen and choose:听问句选择答句(10分)( )1. A. Im five. B. Im fine. C. Thank you. ( )2. A. He feels sick. B. I feel sick. C. I feel fever. ( )3. A. My leg hurts. B. My leg is good. C. My leg has a headache. (

3、)4. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am. C. Yes, she is. ( ) 5. A . She is sad. B. He is sad. C. Im sad. 四、 Listen and fill in the blanks.听音,补全句子。(10分)Writing Part笔答部分五、 Read and translate.争当小小翻译家。(10分)疲劳的 兴奋的 无聊的 高兴的 生气的 六、 Read and match.(只写序号)(10分) ( ) 1. failed the math test A. 得了流感( ) 2. get the flu B.吃点

4、药( ) 3. a football match C. 因而发笑( ) 4. stay in bed D. 数学考试不及格( ) 5. laugh at E. 踢球 ( ) 6. kick the ball F. 进行一次长途旅行( ) 7. a little G. 有些( ) 8. take some medicine H. 一场足球比赛( ) 9. a few days I. 几天( ) 10. go on a big trip J. 卧床休息七、Read and choose:单项选择(16分) ( ) 1. Please stay _ bed for a few days. A. to

5、 B. in C. for( ) 2. If you sick, see the doctor. A. is B. are C. am( ) 3. Amy very sad. Whats wrong her? A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to ( ) 4. does John feel? Hes sad. A. What B. How C. Where( ) 5. Im sorry hear that? A. for B. to C. in( ) 6. - I failed the math test. - A. Im sorry to hea

6、r that. B. You are luck. C. Oh, thats bad.( ) 7. Some feel sick the winter. A. people, in B. peoples, in C. people, at( ) 8. My arm . A. is hurt B. hurt C. hurts八、将单词与对应的色彩连线:(4分)healthy sad angry very very sadblue pink black red 九、Make sentences.连词成句我最棒。(10分)1. feel, how, does, Liu Yun (?) 2. my, f

7、ailed, I, the, math, test (.) 3. look, so, happy, today, you (.) 4. is, my, throat, sore (.) 5. does, father, how, your, feel, today (?) 十、Read and write.根据短文,回答问题.(10分)Aunt Bear is going to make a big cake. She wants someone to help her. “Hi, Zoom!” says Aunt Bear, “Come and help me make a cake, pl

8、ease.” “Sorry, Aunt Bear. Im not feeling well today. I have a toothache.” Zoom answers.“Zip, can you help me?” “Sorry, Im not very well. I have a headache.” Zip says.“Monkey, what about you?”Monkey answers, “No, I have a fever. My throat is sore. I think I have a cold.”Aunt Bear has to make the cake

9、 by herself. Zoom, Zip and Monkey play happily outside. When they walk back home, they are hungry and tired. Aunt Bear comes out of her house to greet them. “Hello, children. Im sorry you dont feel today. You should eat well and go to bed early. Come and share my big cake. Zoom, Zip and Monkey feel

10、their face go red.1. Whats Aunt Bear going to do ? 2. Whats the matter with Zoom? 3. Whats the matter with Zip? 4. Whats the matter with Monkey? 5. Do you think they are ill? If not, why are they telling a lie(撒谎)? 十一、作文: If you have the flu , what do you do ? 如果你得了流感你该做些什么? 听力材料及部分参考答案Unit 2: Whats the matter, Mike? A卷一、1. thin 2. cold 3. matter 4. hear 5. shor


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