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1、7B Unit 8 Pets第1课时 Comic stripWelcome to the unit预习目标1根据单词表,预习课本第9293页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。2听课本Comic strip部分的录音,能正确地模仿对话中的语音和语调。3找出课本第9293页新出现的短语和重点句型,猜猜它们的意思。预学热身通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语、句型(英汉互译)。1_n,宠物 2_ n老鼠,耗子3_n膝,膝盖 4_ vt.握住,拿5_vt.喂,喂养 6_ vt.教7. rude adj._ 8.goldfish n. _9. something to eat_ 10. sleep on

2、my knees _11. hold it in my hand _ 12. teach him to speak_13. swim around _ 14. Thats it _15. How rude you are! _16. Please bring me something to eat. _17. I like goldfish because I like watching them swim around._18.I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears._19.he can sing, and l want to teac

3、h him to speak. _自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读教材。1take,bring与carry有何区别?2something to eat是什么意思?3goldfish的复数形式是什么?教材导读1Please bring me something to eat请带些吃的东西给我。 探究点一:take,bring和carry有何区别? 指点迷津 (1) take与bring相对说话人的地点而言,从说话人处带走用take;从别处带到说话人处用bring。take常与to,there连用;bring常与from,here连用。 Li Lei was ill. His father too

4、k him to a hospital.李雷生病了,他爸爸把他送到医院去了。 Dont forget to bring your son here.别忘了把你的儿子带到这儿来。 (2) carry搬、携带、背(无方向性)。 The box is so heavy that I cannot carry it这盒子如此之重,以至我搬不动它。 别忘了把书从学校带回来。 Dont forget_ _ your books _school. 探究点二:something to eat意为”_” 指点迷津 something to eat意为“吃的东西”。同样可以说: something to drin

5、k喝的东西 something to buy要买的东西 你能给我点东西读一读吗? Can you give me_ _ _?2. I like goldfish because I like watching them swim around. 我喜欢金鱼是因为我喜欢观看它们游来游去。 探究点一:goldfish的复数形式是_。 指点迷津 goldfish的意思是“金鱼”,复数形式为goldfish或goldfishes,通常为goldfish。 Eight goldfish are all orange. 8条金鱼都是橘黄色的。 注意 本课中还要掌握mouse的复数mice,它也是一个不规则

6、变化的名词复数形式。 Every city all has mice.每座城市都有老鼠。 I have some_ (goldfish).1 want to buy some fish food for them. 探究点二:watch后跟动词的什么形式? 指点迷津 (1) watch sb. do强调整个活动或整个事件从头到尾的全过程。 I watched them climb the tower.我看到他们攀登到塔上。 (2) watch sb. doing强调正在进行的活动。 I watched them climbing the tower.我看到他们正在往塔上攀登。 注意 类似的动词

7、还有see,hear,find等。 ( )Did you see a pencil box_ on the ground just now? A. lie B. lying C. to lie D. lay3. I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears. 我可以给她喂胡萝卜,而且我喜欢她长长的耳朵。 探究点:feed有哪些用法? 指点迷津 feed sb. sth.的意思是“给喂”,feed sb. with/on sth.的意思是 “用喂养”,feed sth. to sb.的意思是喂给吃”,(animals) feed on的意思是“(

8、动物)以为主食”。 Please feed the horse grass. =Please feed the horse with/on grass. =Please feed grass to the horse.请给马喂草。 当他小的时候,他妈妈经常喂他牛奶。 His mother often _ _ _ when he _ _.热身练习A英汉互译。 1. watch them reading _ 2.feed it carrots_ 3. bring me my lunch _ 4.something to do_ 5喜欢睡在我的膝盖上_ 6教它说话_ 7和它在公园里玩耍_ 8游来游去

9、_B用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Can you teach me_ (ride)a horse? 2. I saw him_ (read) when I came in. 3. He always_ (carry) an umbrella. 4. I have something_ (do) here. 5. I hear the birds_ (sing) every morning.C单项选择。 ( )1. Do you have_? A. anything eat B. anything to eat C something to eat D. anything eating (

10、)2. -I want that one. Please _it here. - OK! Here it is. A. bring B. take C. pass D. past ( )3. There are many_ in the fish tank. A. goldfish B. goldfishs C. goldfishing D. a goldfish ( )4. I want_ English. A. to teach his B. to teach him C. teach him D. teach his ( )5. I like watching my goldfish _

11、 around in the tank. A. swims B. to swim C. swimming D. swim D翻译句子。 1这男孩多聪明啊!_ 2你不能把它握在手里。_ 3我喜欢看宠物狗跑来跑去。_ 4请把这些书带到学校去。_参考答案1. pet 2.mouse 3.knee 4.hold 5.feed 6Teach 7粗鲁的,不礼貌的 8金鱼 9吃的东西 10.在我的膝盖上睡觉 11.把它握在我的手里 12.教他说话 13游来游去 14.好的。 15.你多粗鲁啊! 16.请带些吃的东西给我。 17.我喜欢金鱼是因为我喜欢看它们游来游去。 18.我可以给她喂胡萝卜,而且我喜欢她长长的耳朵。 19他会唱歌,我想教它说话。1(1) take与bring。相对说话人的地点而言,从说话人处带走用take,从别处带到说话人处用bring。take常与to,there连用;bring常与from,here连用。 (2) carry意为“搬、携带、背(无方向性)”。2something to eat意为“吃的东西”。 3goldfish的复数形式是goldfish或goldfishes,通常为goldfish。1.to bring; from something to read 2.goldfish/goldfishes B 3.fed him milk; was you



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