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1、一、 动词填空9.Ill ask him for my book if he _(not return) it to me.10.You neednt_(worry) about Marry. She can take care of herself.11.Can you hear someone _(cry) at the moment?12.It is important _(not feed)your goldfish too much food.13.Without_(listen) to my teacher, I really cant understand it.14._(do)

2、 eye exercises every day is very important.15.Do you need_(give) your children so much pocket money?16.-What_you_(do) this time yesterday? -I_(watch) TV at home.17.If she_(not move) out of the flat,I _(not move) into it.18.The water pollution in this area used _(be) terrible.19.Jim, with his family,

3、 usually_(go) shopping at the weekend. But they_(go) to the cinema last Saurday.20.In the past, there_(be) no people in this place. Now the place_(turn) into a park.21.How many new words _ you _(learn)since you came to this school?22.They_(realize) they made a mistake last time.23.Look!That man _ (t

4、hrow) some rubbish into river .Tell him not to do so.来源:学*科*网24.Our city_(change)a lot over the years.25.When she arrived, he _(dump)the waste into the river.26.What _she _(do) if it doesnt rain tomorrow?27.How long _you_(stay) at home since this morning?28.Tom, together with his parents _ (watch) T

5、V at this time yesterday.29.Lets_(enjoy) ourselves.30.-_you_(find)him yet?-Yes,I_. I_(see) him in the school library.31.-_you_(get) a letter from your brother?-No, but I think I_(get)it in a few days.32.Im sorry you _ (miss) the train. It_(leave) five minutes ago.33.I only come to thank you and retu

6、rn the coat you_(lend) me.34.She _(go) shopping as soon a she _(finish) her homework.35.Tom, _(not be) late for school.来源:Z*xx*k.Com36.He _(know) the city since he was very young.37.Im sorry I_(keep) you waiting for such a long time.38.My sister_(be) born I 1983. Since then, she_(live) in this city.

7、39.Was it possible for our team_(lose) the game in the last 3 minutes.二、 选择1.Can you give me_water?A.alittle of B.a bit of C.a bit D.a few2.I have lived here _I was born in 1991. A.when B.before C.after D.since3.Taiwan is _of China. A.the southeast B.in the southeast C.to the southeast D.on the sout

8、heast4.She used to _her parents, but now she lives alone.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KA.living in B.lived with C.live with D.live in5._your grandpa_in the old house in the past? A.Did;live B.Has;lived C.Have;lived D.Do;live6.Now this small shop_a big Chinese medicine shop.A.is turning into B.turns into C.has turn

9、ed into D.turned into7.He arrived in China three months _. A.ago B.before C.late D.after8.-I have finished my homework.-When _you_it?来源:学科网ZXXKA.do;finish B.will;finish C.have;finished D.did;finish 9.I_some books from my friend and I_them to my cousin this morning.A.lent;kept B.kept;lent C.lent;borr

10、owed D.borrowed;lent10.The air in our town is not_that in the past.A.as well as B.as best as C.as good as D.so better as来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K11._, but can you tell me why there have been so many changes in your town?A.Hello B.Hey C.Im sorry D.Excuse me12.Tom _see the film with us because he_it.A.wont;has

11、seen B.wont;sees C.doesnt;will see D.doesnt;saw13.-He_be here,but he has moved to Shanghai. A.used to B.has to C.happened to D.tried to14.They are all over 18 years old, I think they can do things_.A.lonely B.by themselves C.on their own D.B and C15.He doesnt like playing_chess.A./ B.a C.an D.the16.

12、_pleasant life we are having in the century!A.What B.How C. What a D. How a17.W hope you_a happy holiday in China. A.to have B.had C.having D.will have18.She has never washed her clothes herself _. A.before B.ago C.ever D.already19.He has_finished his homework. Hes now_a rest.A.ever ;has B.already;h

13、aving C.yet;having D.just;has20-Have you_spoken to an Englishman?-No, Ive_met a foreigner.来源:学*科*网A.never;ever B.never;yet C.ever;ever D.ever;never21.The room is very clean.Who_it? A.has cleanedB.cleanC.cleansD.is cleaning22.He has taught English_over thirty years, and his students have been from ev

14、ery country around the world. A.since B.for C.at D./23.-Have you finished doing the work_?-Not_. A.already;yet B.yet;yet C.already;already D.yet;already24.-Shes never been to Hainan,_?-_. She went there last week for the first time. A.has she;Yes,she has B.has she; No,she hasntC.hasnt she; Yes,she has D. hasnt she; No,she hasnt25-Ive got a job in Shanghai. -Oh,_!But Im going to miss



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