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1、Unit 9 famous women1. 他希望在下届奥运会中能创出100米短跑世界纪录,然后光荣地退役。He hopes he can set a world record in the 100-meter race in the next Olympics Games and then rerite with honor2. 他不幸患上了癌症,更糟的是他没有足够的钱去治疗。Unlucky he developed lung cancer. To make matters worse he didnt have enough money for treatment.3. 我相信这些科学家对

2、政府的很多决策有很大的影响力I believe these scientists have considerable influence over many government decisions4. 他因闯红灯而出了车祸,不幸致残。He was crippled in car accident, which is caused by his running a red light.5. 那个搬运工在搬运货物时不小心扭伤了腿,医生建议他每天对腿做一次按摩以辅助治疗。That porter carelessly twisted his legs while carrying goods and

3、 the doctor suggested that he give himself a message every day by rubbing his legs to assist the treatment.6. 她们的教练虽然非常严厉却受到她们的尊敬。Although very strict, their coach is looked up to by them.Unit 10 Success1. 在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他们是否有心理问题的迹象。Parent should pay special attention to their children during

4、their formative years and watch for symptoms of psychological problems.2. 天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满着激情。Geniuses usually have a great passion for things they are interested in.3. 他不知道简(Jane)就是他的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名字听上去有一点点熟悉(familiar)He has no idea that Jane is his biological sister, only her name sounds faintly famili

5、ar to him.4. 看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,只有叹息。Seeing the rice crops dying in the dry sun, the peasants could do nothing but sigh.5. 自从杰克(Jack)的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直在考虑辞职。Ever since his boss turned down his request for a long vacation, jack has been thinking about quitting his job.6. 我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看球赛。I d

6、ont care for soccer, and todays no exception. So I dont feel like going to watch the game with you.Unit 11 Summer Jobs1. 坐落于中国东部的上海是中国的商业中心。Shanghai, which is located in the east of China, is the business center of the country.2. 我购物时一般付现金,避免使用信用卡。When I shop, I usually pay by cash and avoid using c

7、redit cards.3. 卸货时要小心,别把这些电视机给砸了。Unload with care. Dont smash these TV sets.4. 这天可真热。我几乎一整天都在出汗。It is so hot. Basically I have been sweating all day long.5. 这位拳击手(boxer)朝小偷的脸打了一拳,小偷应声倒地。The boxer punched the thief in the face, and the latter feel to the ground6. 警察命令卡车司机靠边停车,因为从卡车上落下的甜瓜把路搞得一塌糊涂。The

8、policeman ordered the driver to pull up by the roadside, because the melons that had fallen off the truck had made a mess of the road.Unit 12 War and family1. 他被捕后遭到毒打,但却没有向敌人透露任何有用的信息。He was brutally beaten after being arrested, but he revealed nothing useful to enemy.2. 他们面试了很多人,最后终于找到了令他们满意的候选人(c

9、andidate)They interviewed a lot of people before finally getting hold of a satisfactory candidate.3. 他自愿捐助修建了一所学校以使那些穷孩子能读书。He made a voluntary contribution to the cost of building a school so that those poor children could get an education.4. 为了你我一定会努力训练争取获得进入决赛的资格。For your snake I will train very

10、hard to get the qualification for the finals.5. 在那样的情况下他除了勇敢地面对挑战以外没有其他选择。Under those circumstances he had no choice but to face up to challenge bravely.6. 如果我们想确保及时到达那里就该早点动身。We should start early if we want to make sure of getting there in time.Unit 13 Born to Buy1. 他鼓励儿子积极参加社会活动。He encouraged his

11、 son to participate wholeheartedly in social activities. 2. 我们意识到了学生们对学习的厌倦情绪,决定进行改革。We were aware of students boredom with their studies and decided to reform.3. 根据政府方面的声明,总统正在稳步康复中,但他的病情依然严重。According to the government statement, the President is recovering steadily, but his condition is still qui

12、te severe/serious.4. 你们在旅途中有没有什么可怕的事情发生?Was there any scary incident during your journey?5. 尽管大多数人对他的雄心壮志不予理睬,但他没有失去信心,仍然努力进行他的项目。Although most people ignored his ambition, he did not lose heart and still worked hard on his project.6. 市长在他明年的经济发展纲要中指出,本市家庭年收入估计将突破2万元。In his program for economic deve

13、lopment next year, the mayor pointed out that the annual household income was estimated to exceed RMB 20,000.Unit 14 Memories of the Past1. 一些著名的歌唱家将举行一场音乐会,为这家儿童图书馆筹款。但是,音乐会门票的销售情况一点都不让人满意。Some famous singers were going to put on a concert to raise money for the childrens library.However, the sale

14、of the tickets was far from satisfactory. 2. 这篇新闻报道真实地展示了监狱中的生活,引起了公众的关注。一些记者决定继续追踪报道。This news report showed prison life in the raw and got a lot of attention from public. Some reporter decided to follow it up.3. 安妮独自一人出发去了那个小镇。她一点都没想过,她的父母会为她的安全而担心。Anne set out for the small town by herself. It ne

15、ver occurred to her that her parents might be worried about her safety.4. 去年,我取得了做外科医生的资格。回想在医科大学过的五年,我觉得那是我生命中最艰苦也是最快乐的一段日子。Last year, I qualified as a surgeon. I looked back on the five years at medical university as the hardest as well as happiest time of my life.5. 布朗先生是一位十分杰出的实业家。他曾经说过,“要想在商业领域

16、里取得成功,你必须得冒许多险。”Mr. Brown is an eminent businessman. He once said:”you have to take a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business.6. 彼得靠在饭店里洗盘子维持生活。但是最近饭店准备裁员,彼得每天都生活在被解雇的恐惧之中。Peter makes a living by washing dishes in a restaurant. But recently the restaurant has been planning to cut jobs and Peter is living in daily fea



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