《I’m twelve》同步练习2.doc

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1、Im twelve同步练习一、单选题。()1.下列字母全是元音字母的一组是_。A. a, e, i, o, yB. a, e, j, o, yC. a, e, i, o, uD. a, e, r, o, u()2.Jerry, _ is Rose. Rose, _is Alice.A. this; theB. this; thisC. the; she D. the; the()3.Hello! My name _ Emma.Hello! I _ Betty.A. is; am B. am; isC. is; is D. am; am()4. Hi! How are you?_. A. Fin

2、e, thanksB. Good morningC. Im fine, thanks youD. My names Tom()5._ is an English girl. _ name is Kate.A. She; SheB. She; HerC. Her; SheD. Her; Her()6.What class are you in?_ .A. Im 10 B. Im fineC. Thank youD. Im in Class 2()7. Its time _ home now.A. go B. goingC. to go D. goes()8._ books are there i

3、n your bag?Six.A. How B. WhatC. How many D. How much()9.Hello, whats_ name?_ name is Bob.A. my; MyB. your; YourC. your; MyD. you; I()10.Tom is _ friend. _ in Class Three.A. I; HesB. my; ShesC. me; ImD. my; Hes二、完形填空。I_11_ a middle school student. I am_12_.My _13_ is Hu Fang. I am a_14_ girl. Im_15_

4、Class Three Grade One. My English teacher_16_Miss Pan._17_ is a good teacher. Mr. Zhang is_18_ Chinese teacher._19_ is a good teacher, _20_.()11.A.areB.is C.amD. /()12.A.fourteenB. fiveC. sixD. eight()13.A.bookB. boyC. girlD.name()14.A.EnglandB. ChineseC. manD. boy()15.A.atB. orC.in D. of()16.A.areB

5、.is C.amD.name()17.A.HeB. HisC. SheD. Her()18.A.hisB. herC. yourD.my()19.A.HeB. SheC. YouD. His()20.A.twoB. andC. tooD. very much三、阅读理解。AMy name is Mary. Im eleven. Mike is my brother. We are in No.4 Middle School. My mother is my Chinese teacher. Mrs. Wu is my English teacher. She is an old woman.I

6、 have a cat. Its name is Mimi. It is in the garden now. It isnt very well. Its ill.()21.Mary is _.A. ten B. eleven C. nine D. six()22.Mikes mother is _.A. a teacher B. an English teacherC. a worker D. a student()23.Mrs Wu is _.A. a Chinese teacherB. Mikes teacherC. old D. young()24._ has a cat.A. Mr

7、s. Wu B. Mary C. Marys friend D. Mike()25.Mimi is _ today.A. very well B. fine C. ill D.OKBName:Jim MillerAge:SixteenTelephone Number:997 5321Name:Gina SmithAge:FifteenTelephone Number:337 2016()26.The boys family name is _.A. Jim B. Miller C. Gina D. Smith()27.Gina is the girls _ name.A. first B. last C. one D. family()28.Whats Jim Millers telephone number?A. 997 5231 B. 337 2016 C. 337 0126 D. 997 5321()29.How old is Jim?A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18()30.How old is Gina?A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16参考答案:一、11CBAAB510DCCCD二、1115CADBC1620BCDAC三、2125BACBC2630BADBC



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