重庆市九年级英语上册学案:Unit3 3

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《重庆市九年级英语上册学案:Unit3 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市九年级英语上册学案:Unit3 3(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料九年级(上)英语 导学案 班级 姓名 课题学习目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist2. Go on learning the simple present passive voice: Of all these languages, English is the most widely used. 3. Let the students know the wide uses of English in t

2、he world. 学习重点掌握重点词汇和句型继续学习被动语态学习难点深入理解被动语态的构成和用法教学方法和教学时数采用多媒体教学方法,小组合作探讨,师生问答等方式1 period学 习 过 程学习内容(学生活动)学习方法教师知识讲解一、学前准备 根据首字母提示完成单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. English is the British peoples mother t_.2. Dolphins use sound to c_ with each other.3. There are many English s_ in the world. They think speaking Engl

3、ish is very popular.4. The i_ translated the language for him.5. Please remember to p_ your bags before you leave.学生课前 完成(2) 导入新课A. 小黑板出示上节课的重点短语,复述Section B中的2a。2.展示图片,创设情景对话,呈现新词汇。然后让学生阅读1a,完成1b。提高学生的阅读能力,让学生感受到英语在日常生活中的广泛应用。1. (教师出示一张召开国际会议的图片,图片中有发言人,有英文背景。师生互动,呈现新单词。) (板书、讲解并领读,要求学生掌握。) (板书并要求学

4、生掌握。) conferenceT: (指着发言人。)Which language is the speaker speaking? Can you guess? (板书并要求学生掌握。)speakspeaker 二 独立思考、解决问题1. 学生听1a的录音并填空:(1)( )people speak English as their mother tongue in the world.(2)About ( )of the worlds scientists read in English.(3)About ( )users of the Internet communicate in En

5、glish. 2.再读课文,要求学生用国家名称填写方框,回答文前问题,并找出课文中心句。3. 根据Section C中1b提供的数字对课文复述。4.听录音,完成2。学生自主学习课堂展示三分组讨论 合作探究1. 分组活动,复述1a。2. 分组讨论3 Group work。3. 讨论生活中英语被广泛应用的例子以及学习英语的重要性。小组合作完成组内交流课堂展示四、自学反馈 精讲点拨3. 继续巩固学习被动语态。4. 了解英语应用的广泛性。 3.重点词句mother tongueOf all these languages, English is the most widely used.The num

6、ber of小组交流归纳总结教师整合解疑五、课后练习I. 用方框中所给短语填空,使句子完整、通顺。1. _ 3,000 languages are spoken in the world.2. _ people in the world send and receive e-mails every day.3. Englishmen speak English as their _.4. _ we are clever, we must work hard.5. _ the students in our school is 5,000.II. 同义句转换。每空一词。1. People in

7、none of these countries speak English as the first language.English is _ _ language in _ these countries.2. There are many famous museums all over the world where people can enjoy art.There are many famous museums _ _ _ where people can enjoy art.3. I have known James for over five years.I have know

8、n James for _ _ five years.4. Even if it was dark, the workers went on working._ _ it was dark, the workers went on working.5. Wherever you go, I will follow you._ _ where you go, I will follow you.III.情景交际。(A=Kangkang B=Dad C=Mom)A: Dad, could you come and help me?B: Sure, dear. What is it?A: I don

9、t understand the meaning of “interpreter”.B: 1 A: But I left my dictionary at school.B: 2 A: Thanks, Dad, I will. Mom, 3 C: This word “interpreter” means a person who helps foreigners to translate the language and explain the culture of the country.A: I see. 4 I want to help businessmen all over the

10、 world and help them know China.C: Good idea. 5 A.What are you doing?B.I want to be an interpreter when I grow up.C.You may go and ask your mother for help.D.You are good at English.E.Oh, dear, you can look it up in your dictionary.F.But you must study English harder than before.G.what does “interpreter” mean in English?独立完成小组内检测 教 学反 思编写:张云霞、祁德玉、江黎、左坤静 校审:顾德金最新精品英语资料



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