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1、Book 4 Module 1 Life in the Future自我检测题(满分120分;用时90分钟)I . words 请根据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语提示,用所缺单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分;共10分)1E_ we decided to go abroad for further education.2Most people in the country are_(乐观的)about their future life.3You dont need to look very far ahead to make a useful_(预测)4Maybe you can come up

2、 with an _(可供选择的)suggestion concerning the location of the new market. 5It is reported that several people in connection with a robbery have been a_6The people with a learning _(残疾)may have trouble following the directions or starting a new task.7It is advisable that you should _(附上)a recent photo o

3、f yours to your application form.8Life as an aid worker can be a r_ business.9Im _(肯定地)going to get in touch with the dealers for more information.10The store often c_half the prices for some goods on Sunday.II. Useful phrases 短语:(每小题1分;满分30分)1. 别无选择只能做_ 2. 确信无疑地 _3. 可替代能源_ 4. 用光, 用完, 枯竭_5. 依赖; 依靠_

4、6. 除掉, 去掉; 摆脱_7. 向订购某物_ 8. 免费地_9. 当心; 小心(某人/物)_ 10.首先_11. 即将淘汰; 即将过时_ 12. 装载_13. 命令某人做某事_ 14. 打开 / 关上_15. 把系到上_ 16. 组装_17. 管理一个城市_ 18. 在范围内/ 限度内_19. 一出生就_ 20. 贯彻; 执行;做_21. 残疾人_ 22. 声音识别系统_23. 医疗_ 24. 环保的_25. 在进行中_ 26. 一个发电站_27. 冒险做 _ 28. 形式为_29. 二十年后_ 30.一按开关就_III. Sentence Patterns.句型默写(每小题2分;满分20分

5、)1. 将来,随着地球自然资源濒临枯竭,爱护环境会变得非常重要。_1. 为了解决垃圾问题,城市将把废物装进巨大的宇宙飞船,把这些废物送往太阳,预防出现垃圾填埋问题和环境问题。_3. 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。_4. 医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术进行远程治疗将成为常事,因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。_5. 通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人就能周游世界。_6. 我太忙于享受现在的生活无暇担心未来。 _7. 并不是所有的预言都会成为现实_8. 谁也说不准,并且进行预测是一件冒险的事情。_9. 到2000年,家庭主妇

6、们将可能有一个形状像是一个盒子的机器人,顶上有个大眼睛。_10. 因为预测到在20世纪70年代会有第一批到月球的移民,现在正在修建几种类型的建筑物,当人类在月球上时,他们需要住在里面。_IV. 词语辩析(每小题1分;满分5分)A. run out & run out of1.Our time is _.2. She has _ her money and her patience is almost running out.B. such as , for example, that is1. We learn from an elephant, _, that power and gentl

7、eness are not incompatible.2. Hes a local government administrator, _, a civil servant.3. He has travelled to many countries, _ America, Germany and France.V. 根据语境用适当的时态完成句子(每小题1分;满分10分)1. We _(leave) when it began to rain.2. I_(watch) TV at home this time tomorrow evening.3. We _(visit) the Nature

8、Museum on Saturday.4. He told me that he _(arrive) in half an hour.5. He promised me that he _(water) the flowers for me, but he didnt.6. I hope scientists _(find) a cure of cancer.7. Humans _(live) on another planet five billion years form now.8. My toothache is killing me. I thought it _(go) away. But now its getting worse and worse.9. The train _(leave)at 6:00 pm. So I have to be at the station by 5:40 at the latest.10. -Are you still busy? -Yes, I _(finish) my work,



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