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1、_说文解字标题:One mans meat is another mans poison Poison n.毒药 vt.毒害, 败坏, 使中毒 poison sb. 毒死某人poisonous有毒的,含有毒素的= toxicvenom毒液toxic含有毒成分的polluted污染的gas毒气,汽油(美)复习season, reason, person, Jackson One mans meat is another mans poison萝卜青菜。各有所爱(Used to that sth one person likes may not be liked by someone else)O

2、ne mans junk is another mans treasure.One mans breath is another mans death.One mans heaven is another mans helldifferent folks, different strokes青菜萝卜各有所爱one womans trash is anothers treasure 一个女人的宝是另外一个女人的草All things fit not all persons 一物难称万人心。There is no accounting for tastes.人各有所好。There is no ac

3、counting for taste.萝卜青菜,各有所好。There is no disputing about tastes.人各有所好。Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.情人眼里出西施。She seems very plain but he dotes on her, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.她看上去相貌平平,但他非常爱她,情人眼中出西施。I dont understand how he can think s

4、he is good looking, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.我不明白他怎么会认为她漂亮,不过情人眼里出西施罢了。Now researchers have finally proved that beauty is in fact in the eye of the beer holder rather than the beholder.如今研究终于证明,相较于情人眼里出西施,喝酒的人眼里更能出美女。Poison vt.毒害,使中毒He was poisoned by pesticide.(n.杀虫剂, 农药, 防疫药)他农药中毒了

5、poison 毒药, 有害的思想、想法deadly poison致命毒药poison gas毒气rat poison鼠药food poison食物中毒blood poison血毒poison apple毒苹果finally, she got Prince Charmings love, break the Queen to Snow Whites poison apple curse.最后,她得到白马王子的爱情,破解了皇后给白雪公主的毒苹果诅咒。Gloom and sadness are poisons to the soul.抑郁和悲伤是心灵的毒药。He thinks pornography

6、 is poison to young minds.他认为色情会腐蚀年轻人的心灵。Even nectar is poison if taken to excess.美酒过量也会变成毒药。Love is poison, drank not to regret! 爱情是毒药,喝了就不要后悔!短语poison sb.毒死某人to poison; to kill with poison; to poison to death毒死 give poison to sb/sth 使某人或某物中毒drink poison to quench ones thirst 饮鸠止渴 Hate injustice li

7、ke poison 嫉恶如仇hate each other like poison 互相恨之入骨,彼此互相狠透了hate like poison 痛恨,深恶痛绝 ,恨之入骨,深恶痛绝,强烈地憎恨They all hate her like poison.他们都对她恨之入骨。poison sbs mind 毒害某人的心灵,使沾染上恶习对某人产生恶感 She poisoned his mind with ideas of hate and revenge.她用复仇的思想来毒害他的心灵。Such books poison the minds of the young. 这种书毒害青年的思想Envy

8、of his friends success poisoned his mind. 嫉妒朋友的成功使他产生了邪念。poison the fountain of trust 损害信用 Poison/ruin ones reputation/image毒害形象,名声stain ones reputation 玷污名声 a stain/spot on ones reputation玷污名声, 名誉上的污点acrid poison 刺激性毒,烈性毒药Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quick

9、ly than the blood poison.尽管如此,神经毒液毒杀人比血毒液快得多。 The nerve poison does its business with man more quickly than the blood poison.神经毒液在人体内的作用比血毒液快得多。poison against 对有不良的影响; 给予较低的评价poison sth against sb:poison sbs mind against .使某人对产生恶感The unhappy mother had poisoned her childrens minds against their fath

10、er. 那位心情不愉快的妈妈对孩子的父亲的看法影响了孩子的思想。The unhappy mother had poisoned her childrens minds against their father and they no longer wanted to see him.心怀不满的妈妈对孩子的父亲的看法影响了孩子的思想,以至于他们不再想见到他。poison by eating sth 由于吃某物而中毒poison with 用伤害或杀死; 以影响毒害A certain ruler in the Middle Ages was famous for poisoning her gue

11、sts with chemicals put into their drinks. 中世纪时, 某女王以往客人饮料里放化学药品来毒死客人而闻名。 The soil has been poisoned with chemical waste from the factory. 土壤被从工厂排出的化学废料污染了。 His character had been poisoned with evil suggestions from his criminal companions. 由于受了他那些犯罪同伙的坏主意的影响, 他的品格已经变坏了。name ones poison你要喝什么酒Name you

12、r poison, please. = Whats your poison? 你要喝什么酒?(A humorous way of asking someone which alcoholic酒drink he/she would like)fighting poison with poison 以毒攻毒法reading poison with intent 故意投毒combat poison with poison 以毒攻毒spreading poison with intent 故意投毒Love is poison with sugar 爱是毒药加糖Sb be with a poisonou

13、s tongue言语恶毒Poisoned被上了毒的Poisoned soup 被上了毒的汤Poisonous(本身)有毒的;恶意的= toxic, noxioustoxic含有毒成分的poisonous substance 有毒物质Poisonous snake 毒蛇,本身有毒的蛇poisonous spider 毒蜘蛛Poisonous roses 毒玫瑰poisonous herb 毒草Poisonous mushroom毒蘑菇Poisonous scorpion 毒蝎子poisonous lie 恶毒的谎言highly / slightly poisonous剧毒的/毒性小的poison

14、ous ideasinfluence 有害的思想影响be poisonous to sbs ideas 对某人的思想有害Those words are poisonous to his mind.这些话对他的思想有害。He gave her a poisonous look. 他恶意地看了她一眼。The weather was positively poisonous.这天气着实讨厌。Edible adj.可食用的、适宜食用的edible fungi食用菌edible fungus 木耳Edible Mushroom 食用菌;食用蘑菇edible oils 食用油类edible vegetab

15、le oil食用植物油Some mushrooms are edible; some are poisonous.有些蘑菇可食用; 有些则有毒。These white mushrooms are edible.这些白蘑菇可以食用。The food at the hotel was barely edible.这家旅馆的食物简直不能入口。Besides, toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide released by some chemical plants have a damaging effect on air quality此外,一些化工厂排放的如一氧化碳(carbon monoxide)和二氧化硫(sulphur dioxide )这样的有毒气体对空气质量也有着破坏性的影响


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