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1、5B Unit 9单元教学要求:1、能听说读写a visitor,a country,UK,visit,British, the Great Wall, USA, American, Australia, Australian, Japan, Japanese, France, French.2、能听说读写句型Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre. Do you speak? Yes, I do. I speak , too. No, I dont. I speak.3、能听说读日常交际用语Are you from different

2、countries?Id like to go around China.4、了解并会听读辨认元音字母组合ea在单词中的读音。5、会诵读歌谣Come here and meet us, please.单元教学重难点:1、能听说读写a visitor,a country,UK,visit,British, the Great Wall, USA, American, Australia, Australian, Japan, Japanese, France, French.2、能听说读写句型Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre. Do

3、you speak? Yes, I do. I speak , too. No, I dont. I speak.单元教时安排:6 课时第一课时教学要求:1、能听说读写a country,UK,British, the Great Wall, USA, American, Australia, Australian, Japan, Japanese, France, French.2、能听说读写句型Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre. Do you speak? Yes, I do. I speak , too. No, I dont

4、. I speak.教学重难点:1、能听说读写a country,UK,British, the Great Wall, USA, American, Australia, Australian, Japan, Japanese, France, French.2、能听说读写句型Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its/Were/Theyre. 教具准备:头饰、人物资料卡片、国旗卡片、单词卡片、世界地图、动物图片、名人照片教学过程:Step 1 : RevisionTalk with students about their weekends. How do yo

5、u spend your weekends? What do you like to do best on Sundays? What do you want to spend your winter holidays?Answer these questionsPractise daily talking and improve their oral speaking.And review as well.Step 2 : Introduction1. Say sth. about my weekends Club I often play volleyball with my club f

6、riends at weekends. The name of our club is “Way-net Volleyball Club”. Im a member of this club. There are so many friends from different countries in it. From China, from Japan, from Australia, from USA, from UK, from French, and so on. 边介绍俱乐部的成员边出示国旗卡片贴在地图上,可让学生试着跟读。紧接着就问学生:My children, where are

7、you from? 2. 通过介绍俱乐部的成员,来学习和练习Part B中的内容。 3 T: My friends are very busy. They cant come to our class. So they ask my students to introduce them. Please look and listen carefully, then finish the paper.4 老师提一些有关练习纸上的问题,学生抢答,回答正确即获得小国旗。可以扩充指示:What does he/she speak? Does he/she speak?5朗读练习纸上的内容。(或个别或小

8、组或全体) 学生试着跟读国家Ss: From China.让学生扮演俱乐部的各国成员,戴上头饰,进行自我介绍,来学习和练习Part B中的内容。让学生边听扮演者的介绍,边完成练习纸上的题“勾出相应的内容”。学生抢答朗读练习纸上的内容。Eg:Tom is from USA, he is American, he speaks American-English.To stimulate Ss interests of learning English.Learn the new lesson by asking and answering.Step 3 : Practice Part C &D o

9、f Ss Book Look at the picture, ask and answer in pairs.Practise and consolidate the new knowledge by exercise.Step 4 : A game通过著名的建筑物或动物或名人来练习国家名、人和语言,每种准备两至三个,说出其名称、国名等的学生各得一个。Look at this building. What is the name? Where is it from?Whats this?Where do they live?Who is this? Where is he/she from?

10、What does he speak?通过著名的建筑物或动物或名人来练习国家名、人和语言,每种准备两至三个,说出其名称、国名等的学生各得一个。To stimulate Ss interests of learning English, and help to consolidate the knowledge as well.Step 5 : Homework1. 抄写复杂的新单词每个四遍。2. Part C&D各自选两张图完成问答练习。3. 听读课文、单词和句型五遍并理解意思。你知道有些什么俱乐部,收集中英文名。板书设计:Unit 9 The Volleyball Club世界地图小国旗和单

11、词卡片贴在上面,一些国家的代表物和人也贴在相应的国家上。第二课时教学要求:1、能听说读写a visitor,visit。2、能听说读日常交际用语Are you from different countries?Id like to go around China.3、了解并会听读辨认元音字母组合ea在单词中的读音。教学重难点:1、能听说读写a visitor,visit。2、能听说读日常交际用语Are you from different countries?Id like to go around China.教具准备:挂图、录音机、音标卡片 教学过程:Step 1 : Revision1.

12、 Revise the sentences and the words of this unit.Where are you from?Where is he/she from?Do you speak ?Talk about the friends in our English books. (板书)Wang Bing China Chinese Chinese Nancy the UK British English & Chinese David the UK British English & Chinese Ben America American English & FrenchL

13、iu Tao China Chinese Chinese T: Are they from the same country?Do you know they buildup a club. They call it- “The English Club”(板书)2. Talk about the clubs (Say the Chinese and the English names).3 Are you a member of the club?Lets go and join their club. In this club, we can talk free in English, m

14、ake many foreign friends, say English with them, and it can help us improve the English. Im from. Im.He/She is from. He/She isYes, I do. I speak,too. /No, I dont. I speak.S: No, (help) they are from different countries.Read the topicTalk about the clubs (Say the Chinese and the English names).Practise daily talking and improve their oral speaking.Step 2 : Introduction1 Today, there is an activi


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