年【湘少版】英语五下:Unit 2 We’re going to do some research单元教案

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《年【湘少版】英语五下:Unit 2 We’re going to do some research单元教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《年【湘少版】英语五下:Unit 2 We’re going to do some research单元教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020年精编湘少版英语资料课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research.主备人: 审核人: 日期: 第 1 课时 教学目标1、 理解并掌握四会新词:find, read, collect, study and think, write.2、 掌握并能运用句型:isamare going to3、 通过学习,培养学生的口语发音和交际。教学重点理解并掌握新单词教学难点通过学习,能使用新句型来谈论将要发生或打算去做的事情。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-6 页)教学行为提示一、 English Talent Show!Title: Are we going t

2、o ?二、 目标导航1. Greetings.2. Lets have fun.(P4)三、 自学自研 (self-study)1. Listen to the tape and circle the words if you dont know, and then guess the meaning.2. Listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions. Question: Are we going to do some research?四交流展示(Discussion and show)Task1: I can read.

3、find , read, collect, study and think, write.1. Read after T or LT.Words and spelling.2. Game: Trick game.Task2: I can show.Key structure: What are we going to? We are going to 1. Ask and answer.2. Lets parctise.五巩固提升 Listen, point and read. 展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。游戏激趣。使用双色笔做好笔记。鼓励小

4、老师组织同学进行操练,形式可多样。可根据情境的展开自由会话,力求脱稿,并活用日常用语。对照书本进行听力训练后对单词进行抽测。六. 教后反思 课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research.主备人: 审核人: 日期: 第 2 课时 教学目标1、进一步学习新词find, read, collect, study and think, write.2、能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情。3、学会小组合作,团结友爱。教学重点理解并掌握新词。教学难点掌握并运用句型。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-7页)教学行为提示一、English Talent Show! Tit

5、le: Are we going to ?二、目标导航1. Greetings.2. Picture talking.三、自学自研 (self-study)1.Listen to the recording and try to read.2.Listen again and answer the question: Are we going to study and think?四、交流展示(Discussion and show)Task1: I can read.find, read, collect, study and think, write.1. Game: Sharp ears

6、.2. Words and sentences.Task2: I can show.1. Listen and try to repeat it sentence by sentence.2. Role play.3. Lets check.五、 巩固提升 Finish Part D.展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。温故而知新。使用双色笔做好笔记。鼓励小老师用多种形式操练单词。注意模仿语音语调。鼓励学生创设情境进行展示。独立完成后再分享做题经验。六、教后反思课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research. 主备人:

7、 审核人: 日期: 第 3 课时 教学目标1. 学生能够巩固复习之前所学动词和动词短语。2. 学生能在特定语境下正确熟练的使用句型:be going to 3. 培养学生与他人交流和小组合作的意识。教学重点掌握新词与句型 教学难点学生能熟练运用be going to 来商量和询问计划或打算。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-8 页)教学行为提示一、English Talent Show!Title: Are we going to ?二、目标导航1. Greetings .2. Letters and words.三、 自学自研 (self-study)1. Listen to the ta

8、pe, and then answer the question. What are we going to do today?2. Listen again and try to repeat.四、交流展示(Discussion and show)Task1: I can read.1. Read after LT.2. Train game.Task2: I can show.1. Lets practise.(P6)2. lets write. (P8)五、巩固提升 Write the new words and ready for dictation.展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。知识点的衔接与拓展。注意双色笔的使用。模仿语音语调。鼓励小老师用多种形式操练单词。讨论的声音要轻,要求参与度高,有创新。独立完成后分享解题过程。六、教后反思


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