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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日天涯浪子页码:第3页 共13页mind,注意,用法【一】:mind的用法 mind的用法 n.头脑, 智力, 精神, 情绪 vi.介意, 照顾, 留心, Would/Do you mind+(sbs) doing.? Would you Ex of mind-brain mind my/me smoking here? 回答: 不介意: 1. Do you mind my taking this seat? _. A, Yes, No,not at all./No. Of course not 介意:Id rather you didnt .Im sorry./S

2、orry./Youd better not. sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please d. No, you cant take it. (90,B) Do you mind if sb. does sth.? Do you mind if I smoke here? 2. She made a silly mistake because she hadnt Would you mind if sb. did.?(虚拟语气)eg: 1).Would you mind if I broke the news to yo

3、ur son? make up ones mind(s);下决心 change ones mind 改变主意 make up sb.s mind 使某人下决心, 使某人打 定主意 never mind 别难过;没关系; 不重要 absence of mind:心不在焉 arise in ones mind/come to into sb.s mind 浮上脑际, 涌现在头脑里 bear keep in mind 记住, 记在心里: bring call to ones mind 想起, 回忆起 with. in mind 把.搁在心上 have sth/sb. on ones mind:老想着

4、某事、人, 老为某事、人担心。) minded: 有意的,倾向于的:具有头脑的。常用于复合词evil-minded存心不良 的;low-minded卑鄙的closed-minded:心胸狭窄的 zw 233329663.doc 第 1 页 kept her _ on her work. A. head B. heart C. brain D. mind (D). 3. Would you mind if I used your phone? A. Sure. go ahead. B. No, thank you. C. Yes, I would D. No, go ahead. (D) 4.

5、-Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? -_. A. Id rather you didnt actually B. Of course not, Its not allowed here. C. Great! I love pets D. No, you cant (2000, 上海,A). 5. He didnt seem to mind _ TV while he was trying to study. A. them to watch B. that they watch C. their watching D. watching

6、(C). 6. Dont believe him. He never has us _ A.in mind B.on mind C.in minds D.to his mind (A。have/keep/bear (sth./sb.) in mind记得, 记住 想到; 考虑到, 打算 ) 7. Dont believe Bill, he is selfish and dishonest. He never has us _ A. in mind B. on mind C. in minds D. to his mind (A。have/keep/bear (sth./sb.) in mind

7、记得, 记住 想到; 对比: have sth/sb. on ones mind:老想着某事、人,老为某事、人担心。) 8. He and his wife are of the same _;they both want their son to go to college. A.soul B.spirit C.heart D.mind (07陕西D。 词义辨析. Mind表示 “想法”. be of the same mind意思是 “想法相同”Out of sight,out of mind眼不见 心不烦. 9. (2008江苏卷)-Do you mind if I record you

8、r lecture? - _. Go ahead. A. Never mind B. No way C. Not at all D. No, youd better 2014-9-18 not (C。注意本题回答中有 Go ahead(开all./No. Of course not 介意:Id rather you didnt .Im sorry./Sorry./Youd better not. 始吧),也就说同意record,如果选择 C 则 所答非所问,选择 D 就变成不同意,与下文的Go ahead 矛盾。) 10. - Sorry, I made a mistake again. _. Practice more and youll succeed. (2008全国卷A. Never mind B. Certainly not C. Not at



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