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1、空肠出血综合征Jejunal Hemorrhagic SyndromePrepared by: Dr. Terry Hunt Translated by Dr. Ren Xiaoling病因/发病机理Cause & Pathogenesis确切病因未知,但与A型产气荚膜梭状芽胞杆菌有关Exact cause is unknown but associated with Clostridium perfringens type A可能与烟曲霉有因果关系May be causal relationship with mold Aspergillus fumigatus产奶奶牛和牛犊均可受感染,但在

2、某些牛群更常见Affects both dairy and beef cattle but seen more frequently in some herds发病的频率在增加,以高死亡率为特征Frequency of disease is increasing and characterized by a high mortality rate 危险因素Risk Factors可发酵糖过量Excess amounts of fermentable carbohydrates不当的可发酵的青贮料Improperly fermented silage临床症状Clinical Findings 体

3、温通常不升高Usually no elevated temperature发病非常突然,以高死亡率为特征Occurs very acutely and is characterized by a high mortality rale发现时可见牛己死亡或卧地不起处于休克状态The affected cow might be found dead or recumbent and in a state of shock食欲废绝,无乳Complete anorexia and agalactiae精神高度沉郁,严重脱水 Severe depression and dehydration常见腹部膨胀

4、,急腹痛,肠梗阻,黑粪症(有明显的血或血凝块)Commonly find abdominal distention, colic, ileus and mclena (either frank blood or clots)右侧下腹部可听到液体冲击声,有时在右侧pingOften fluid sloshing sounds in lower right abdomen and sometimes a right-sided ping 直肠检查,可发现小肠襟膨胀和血粪On rectal exam, may find distended loops of small intestine and b

5、loody fecesDiagnosisHistory and clinical signsDiagnosisHistory and clinical signsDiagnosisHistory and clinical signs诊断病史和临床症状Differential DiagnosisAbomasal torsion Salmonellosis Winter dysentery Intestinal accidentDifferential DiagnosisAbomasal torsion Salmonellosis Winter dysentery Intestinal accid

6、ent鉴别诊断四胃扭转沙门氏菌病冬痢肠意外损害实验室和病理学诊断Laboratory and Pathology易变,不能诊断Variable and not diagnostic代谢性碱中毒Metabolic alkalosis PCR 探针町用于烟曲霉的诊断 PCR probe for Aspergillus fumigatus尸体剖检Post-mortem空肠严重内出血,部分损害,肠内有凝血块Severe necro-hemorrhagic segmental lesions in jejunum containing blood clots治疗静脉注射液体非一类固醇的消炎药 口服补液,矿物油广谱抗生素TreatmentIntravenous fluidsNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Oral fluids, mineral oilBroad-spectrum antibiotics预后情况死亡PrognosisGrave预防Prevention & Control TMR饲料可能有益处TMR feeding may be of benefit



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