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1、语法练习They in sisted that theyun til the work is fini shed.A. didn t restB. not restC. wouldn t restD. don trestI have no objecti onthe evening with them.A. to spe ndB. of spe ndingC. spe ndingJoh n is the only one of the workers whoto Fran ces.A. has bee nB. have bee nC. had

2、bee nD. to spe ndingD. has beingThe fearI might not be able to finish the work disturbed me greatly.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. whoSo badlyinthecar accident that he had to stay in hospital for a fewmon ths.A. did he injureB. injured himC. was he injuredD.he wasinjuredTherenothingmore for discussion.the

3、 meeting came toan end halfan hourearlier.A. to beB. beingC. to have bee nD. beform the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.A. SeeingB. Having see nC. To seeD. SeenBy the end of this year, sheEn glish for ten years.A. have studiedB. am study ingC. will have studiedD. studiesThousa nds of

4、 productsfrom crude oil are now in daily use.A. to makeB. be madeC. makingD. madeThe grain output of this year is much higher tha nof last year.A. thatB. whichC. thoseD. whatI have n ever bee n to Paris, but it is the place.A. where I d like to visitB. I most want to visitC. that I want to visit itD

5、. in which I d like to visitthe tickets by his friend, he hurried to the cinema with it.A. Being give nB. Having bee n give nC. Give nD. Havi ng give nwere pla nned by our gover nment on econo mic developme nt.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. WhoI love watch ing TVto the cin ema.A. more tha n to goB. tha n

6、goingC. more tha n goingD.rather tha n to goIt is importa nt that heabout the advice give n by his frien ds.A. thoughtB. thinksC. thi nki ngD. thi nkThe year we II producesteel as we did last year.A. three times as muchB. as three times muchC. as much three timesD. three times much asThey worked lat

7、e into night,a speech for tomorrow s opening ceremony.A. to prepareB. prepari ngC. was prepari ngD.preparedI think you are supposedyour tasks last week.toA. to be finishingB. to finishC. to finishingD.have fini shedIt ishe is determ in ed.A. buying a new car thatB. to buy a new car thatC. to buy a n

8、ew car whatD. buying a new car whichBeethove n is my favorite musicia n. I regard him asother musicia ns.A. superior toB. more superior tha nC. more superior toD. superior tha n12. is not terribly interested in the project, and he d rather that he out to play golf.22.23

9、. goB.goesC. wentD. goingPaul would rather that his brotherto the park last Sun day.A. did nt goB. hadn t gone C. not to goD. not gomight be expected, the resp onse to the questi on was very mixed.A. ThatB. ItC. AsD. WhatAll things, the pla nned trip have to be called o

10、ff.A. be con sideredB. con sideredC. con sideri ngD.hav ingcon sideredEvidenee came upspecificspeech sounds are recognizedby babies as youngas 6 mon ths old.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whoseYouher in her officelast Friday.She s been out of town fortwo weeks.A. n eed n t have see nB. can t have seen C.

11、must have seenD.should seeit is you have found, you must give it back to the pers on it bel ongs to.A. HoweverB. ThatC. WhoeverD. WhateverGo through this door, and youthe man wait ing for you there.A. can seeB. will seeC. have see nD. seeNobodyany more to say, the meeti ng was closed.A. hadB. has ha

12、dC. havi ngD. had hadIf he were reallyinterestedin buying the flat, Jackan offer before now.A. must have madeB. will makeC. would makeD. wouldhave madeThe old engin eer talked of the difficulty theythe tower.A. builtB. had buildi ng C. had builtD. buildwith the size of the whole earth, the highest m

13、ountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedB. CompareC. While compari ngD. Compari ngThe wedd ing prese nt bought last week is saida large amount of mon ey.A. to be cost himB. hav ing cost him C. to have cost himD. tocost himMany people favormore nu clear power pla nts.A. to buildB. buildi ng

14、C. buildD. builtA doctor, together with two nu rses,sent to that faraway village to helpthe sick. have bee nB. haveC. hasD. has bee nHe found a nu mber of men alreadyA. workedB. workC. work ingD. to workBy the time I come back from my holiday, youyour paper.A. will have finishedB. will be fini shed C. would finishD. havefini shedthe sad n ews, she lea ned over the desk and cried bitterly.A. To hearB. To be heardC. Havi ng heardN


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