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1、-形容词、副词比拟级和最高级变化形式及用法大多数形容词和副词有比拟级和最高级的变化,即原级、比拟级和最高级,用来表示事物的等级差异。一、 原级即形容词的原形,比拟级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。规则变化1. 一般情况在后面直接加-er , -est原级比拟级最高级talltallertallestsmartsmartersmartest特别提醒:以-y,-er, -ow, le结尾的双音节形容词末尾加er和est。如:healthy, funny, busy, hungry, easy, happy, early, pretty, lazy, heavy, dirty, clever,

2、narrow等。2. 以不发音的e结尾只加-r,-st原级比拟级最高级nicenicernicestfinefinerfinest3.“以辅音字母+y结尾的词改y为i,再加-er, -est原级比拟级最高级easyeasiereasiestprettyprettierprettiesthappyhappierhappiest3. 以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词即重读闭音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er,-est原级比拟级最高级slimslimmerslimmestthinthinnerthinnesthothotterhottestbigbiggerbiggest特别提醒:new,

3、 few, slow, clean等词含有字母组合,且发的是长元音,不用双写。5.大局部双音节词和多音节的词(即音标中含有三个或三个以上元音音素的词),要在前面加 more,most特别提醒:以形容前缀un构成的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy-unhappier-unhappiest,untidy-untidier-untidiest原级比拟级最高级beautifulmore beautifulmost beautifulimportantmore importantmost importantinterestingmore interestingmost interesting

4、6.以形容词+ly构成的副词要在前面加 more,most原级比拟级最高级slowlymore slowlymost slowlyquicklymore quicklymost quicklyangrilymore angrilymost angrily特别提醒:early -earlier-earliest7.由ING分词和ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如knowknown)只能加more或most来表示它们的比拟级和最高级。原级比拟级最高级interestingmore interestingmost interestinge*citedmore e*citedmost e*ci

5、tingtiredmore tired mosttiredboringmore boringmost boring不规则变化原级比拟级最高级good/wellbetterbestbad/badly/illworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldest二、形容词比拟级构成方法的记忆歌诀:两者之间作比拟,尾巴er少不了;一般词尾加er,有e词尾加r;单一辅音单音节,双写词尾加er辅音加y很重要,去y变i加er遇到双音和多音,最高级most

6、放前最适宜。三、形容词、副词比拟级和最高级局部用法歌诀:1. 两者和三者、三者以上:两者比拟用than连接,三者比拟the在前;2. 同级比拟歌诀:同级比拟用原级 asas 永不离,假设是否认加 notasas否在前asas加not 只说两者有区别soas加 not 后者总是强前者3.比拟级前常可放以下表修饰和程度的词:a little稍微, much得多, even更、还要, far得多, still要、还要, a lot, 得多rather相当。四、形容词和副词比拟级、最高级的用法级别比拟程度表达方式和意义原级1. 同等比拟的肯定形式2. 同等比拟的否认形式as+原级+as 像一样not+

7、so/as+原级+as比拟级1. 不同程度用于两者比拟2. 不同比拟程度加深比拟级+than+比拟级1) 比拟级+and+比拟级:越来越2) the+比拟级,the+比拟级越 越最高级最高级最高程度用于三者或三者以上the+最高级+of/in+围强调:定冠词在形容词最高级中使用但是在副词最高级中往往省略不用。一. 写出以下各形容词的比拟级和最高级:1. nice _ 2. fat _ 3. slow _ 4. dry _5. happy _ 6. wet _ 7. much _ 8. ill_9. little _ 10. bad _11. thin _12. far _13. early _

8、 14. careful_ 15. e*citing_16.well_17.friendly_ 18. green_ 19. few_ 20.busy_二. 根据句意,用所括号所级形容词的比拟等级形式填空:1. mr. smith is _ man in this office. (rich)2. winter is _ season of the years. (cold)3. this radio is not so _ as that one. (cheap)4. it is much _ today than yesterday. (hot)5. she is a little _ t

9、han her classmates. (careful)6. _ people came to the meeting than last time. (many)7. which book is _, this one or that one? (easy)8. my room is _ than yours. (small)9. hainan is _ from beijing than hunan. (far)10. skating is _ than swimming. (e*citing)11. jim is _ than all the others. (honest)12. t

10、hings are getting _ and _. (bad)13. the higher you climb, the _ it will be. (cold)14. now our lives are being _ and _. (good)15. there are _ boys than girls in our class. (few) 16.the _(hard) you work, the _(happy) your parents will be.17.he is _(tall) of the two.18.of all the subjects, he likes eng

11、lish _(well).19.he runs _(fast) of the three.20.he got _(good) grades in his class.三、用适当形式填空: 1. bob is _ ( young ) than fred, but _ (tall) than fred. 2. jim is not as _ (tall) as jack. 3. almost all the students faces are the same but li deming looks _ (fat) than before after the summer holidays. 4

12、.which is _ (heavy), the hen or the chicken? 5.- how _ (tall) is sally? - she s 1.55 metres _ (tall). what about *iaoling? - she s only 1.40 metres _ (tall). she is much _ (short) than sally. she is also the _ (short) girl in the class. 6. he is _ (bad) at learning maths. he is much _ (bad) at chinese and he is the _ (bad) at english. 7. annie says sally is the _ (kind) person in the world. 8. he is one of the_(friendly) people in the class, i think. 9. a dictionary is much _ (



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