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1、齐鲁工业大学2013届本科生毕业设计(论文) 本科毕业设论文题目 海带漂烫工艺废水的无害化处理研究 学院名称 专业班级 学生姓名 导师姓名 2013年 6 月 6 日目 录摘 要.4ABSTRACT.5第一章 绪 论.61.1海带漂烫工艺.6 1.1.1工艺概述.61.2海带漂烫废水.61.2.1漂烫废水概述.61.2.2工业处理方法简介.61.3 COD.71.3.1 COD简介.71.3.2 COD测定方法.81.4 Fenton试剂.101.4.1 Fenton试剂简介.101.4.2 Fenton试剂的作用原理.101.5正交实验.11 1.5.1 正交实验的方法.111.6 课题研究

2、.12 1.6.1课题研究的目的和意义.131.6.2课题研究的内容.13第二章 实验材料与方法.142.1实验仪器与试剂.142.1.1实验仪器.142.1.2实验样品与试剂.142.2实验方法.142.2.1废水处理最佳条件的确定.142.2.2实验操作内容.14 COD的测定.14 正交实验.15 单因素实验.15第三章 实验结果与分析.173.1正交实验结果与分析.173.2 单因素实验结果与分析.17 3.2.1pH值的影响.17 3.2.2 Fe2+浓度的影响.18 3.2.3 H2O2浓度的影响.18 3.2.4 反应时间的影响.1

3、9 3.2.5 反应温度的影响.20 结论.214.1 确定废水处理的最佳条件.214.2 Fenton试剂处理褐藻胶生产废水应该注意的问题.214.3 Fenton试剂处理褐藻胶生产废水的应用展望.21参考文献.23致谢.2425摘要本实验是以褐藻胶生产废水为实验对象,用Fenton试剂通过催化剂Fe2+催化分解产生羟基自由基(OH),并引发更多的自由基一起进攻有机物分子,使有机物被氧化为CO2、H2O等无机物。由于在处理废水时,Fenton试剂的氧化效果受到多因素影响,所以先是用L16(54)的正交表来进行研究,以确定哪个因素对COD的去除率影响最大。然后再进行单因素实验,以确定pH、Fe


5、自由基的产生;过高时会伴随其他副反应的增多。实验表明:以上五个因素对褐藻胶废水降解效果的影响程度依次是Fe2+浓度反应时间反应温度pH值H2O2浓度。实验确定的降解褐藻胶废水的最佳条件为Fe2+浓度:4.0mol/L,反应时间:60min,反应温度:40C,pH=3.0,H2O2浓度为0.10mol/L;在此条件下COD的去除率为59.5%,处理后废水的COD为60mgO2/L,达到了排放标准。关键词:Fenton试剂 褐藻胶废水 COD去除率 正交实验 单因素实验ABSTRACTThe experiment is based on alginate production wastewater

6、 as experimental subjects, with Fentons reagent through the catalytic decomposition catalyst Fe2 + to produce hydroxyl radicals (OH ), and cause more free radicals attack organic molecules together, so that organic matter is oxidized to inorganic,such as CO2, H2O, etc.In tackling the wastewater, Fen

7、ton reagent oxidation effect by the multi-factors, so at first there L16 (54) orthogonal table to conduct a study to determine which factors most affected COD removal. Then the single factor experiments to determine pH, Fe2 +, temperature, reaction time, reaction temperature, H2O2 on COD removal eff

8、ect size, which: (1) Since Fe2 + in solution in a form subject to the pH value, so Fentons reagent under acidic conditions can only play a role, in neutral and alkaline environment, Fe2 +can not catalyze H2O2 to generate OH . (2) In the Fenton reagent reaction, Fe2 + played a catalytic role,it is a

9、necessary condition for H2O2 to generate free radicals. When the concentration is low, a small amount of free radicals and the rate is slowly, the entire process is restricted; if the concentration is too high, and the reduction of H2O2 will be oxidized to Fe3 +, resulting in wastewater color increa

10、ses.(3) If the H2O2 concentration is low, as the concentration increases, the amount of free radicals is also increased.(4) According to the COD removal after reagent to determine the best response time.(5)If the temperature is too low, the reaction rate is slow, the impact of free radicals;if it is too high, the side reaction is accompanied by an increase in the other.Experiments show that: the above five factors alginate wastewater degradation followed by the degree



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