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1、Unit 5 I Like dogs.教学内容Part 1单 元第几课时Period 教学目标知识与技能复习有关动物的单词cat dog snake rabbit turtle, sheep, duck,并学习单词spider mouse parrot, pig.过程与方法通过PPT的展示复习旧词汇,并学习新词汇。情感态度与价值观通过活动激发学生学习兴趣,热爱小动物。课的类型New学情分析Ss feel happy to play games in the class, but its difficult for them to understand the meaning of the di

2、alogue.教学重、难点动物名词的单复数和句型I like.教法、学法直观教学法,游戏法教学准备及用具玩具动物或图片(单复数)PPT教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming up:1. Greetings.2. One sentence every week.3. Lets sing a song.Step 2 RevisionWords competition. Mime the animals and ask the pupils to guess what they are.Step 3 Presentation 1. Look here, I have got many anim

3、al pictures today. What is this? This is a parrot. This is a cat. This is a snake. Do you know this? Learn new words.2. Say the words together.3. Ask, tell me please, what animals do you like? I like cats. / dogs/ ducks. Etc.4. Whisper passing. What animals do you like? I like .Step 3 Practice1. Wor

4、k in pairs. Ask and answer. What animals do you like? I like cats/ dogs/ ducks.2. Show it in class.Blackboard drawings: 5 I like dogs cat dog snake rabbit turtle sheep duck spider mouse parrot pig cow Homework:Read the animal words.Unit 5 I Like dogs.教学内容Part 1, 2单 元第几课时Period 2教学目标知识与技能使学生正确地读出名词的复

5、数形式过程与方法直观教学法情感态度与价值观Make Ss feel happy to study English.Master the important dialogue and key words though games and activities.课的类型New学情分析Ss feel happy to play games in the class, but its difficult for them to understand the meaning of the dialogue and use the pl. forms .教学重、难点动物名词的单复数和句型I like.教法

6、、学法直观教学法,游戏法教学准备及用具玩具动物或图片(单复数)教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming up:1. One sentence every week.2. Lets sing.Step 2 Revision1. Let the Ss read the animal words quickly.2. Guess the riddles. The teacher says, it is an animal . It likes eating fish and mouse. What is it? (cat) etc.Ask, what animals do you like? I

7、 like cats.Step 3 Presentation1. Read and match. Read the words one by one in groups.2. I say, you do the action.I do the action and you say the words.3. Match the words.Blackboard drawings:5 I like dogs. They are rabbits. I like rabbits. Homework:Read and listen part 1. Unit 5 I Like dogs.教学内容Part

8、3,4单 元第几课时Period 3教学目标知识与技能1. Make the Ss understand I like.2. Let the Ss know the plural forms.过程与方法直观教学法情感态度与价值观Make Ss feel happy to study English.Master the important dialogue and key words through games and activities.课的类型New学情分析Ss feel happy to play games in the class, but its difficult for th

9、em to say the sentence: Tell me please, what animals do you like? 教学重、难点I like dogs.教法、学法直观教学法教学准备及用具多媒体教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming up:1. Greetings.2. One sentence every week.Step 2 Presentation 1. Prepare for some pictures; let the Ss look at the pictures, and say , look, they are rabbits. I like rabbit

10、s. They are snakes /dogs / turtles / parrots. I like snakes/ dogs/ turtles. etc.2. T: What animals do you like?Ss: I like dogs. I like parrots.Ask several Ss to answer. Make sure they can answer this question.3. Practice. Ss chant: I like dogs. I like dogs. I like parrots.Step 3 Group workSay: Now l

11、ets do an interesting game. I want to choose one leader from each group who comes to the front and does an action. Then his group should stand up and clap your hands and say, I like cats. I like cats. Etc. Lets see which group can do best.Step 4 ConsolidationWrite down the new words.Blackboard drawi

12、ngs:5 I like dogsWhat animals do you like?I like dogs.Homework:Listen and read for 10 minutes. Unit 5 I Like dogs.教学内容Part 5, 6单 元第几课时Period 4教学目标知识与技能1. Make the Ss learn to sing the song in part 6.2. Let the Ss mime the animals.过程与方法直观教学法,游戏法情感态度与价值观Make Ss feel happy to study English.Master the i

13、mportant dialogue and key words through games and activities.课的类型New学情分析Ss feel happy to play games in the class, but its difficult for them to act out the dialogue.教学重、难点Song.教法、学法直观教学法,游戏法教学准备及用具多媒体软件教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming up:1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.-Old Macdonald had a farm.Step 2 Presentatio

14、n 1. Open the book.Lets listen to the tape carefully. Then ask the Ss to mime the animals.Horses neigh and cats meow.Hens cluck and dogs bow-bow.Ducks quack and sheep baa.Pigs oink and cows moo.2. Think about other animals sound. bird-tweet, sheep-baa.Step 3 Lets play a gameLook and write down the numbers.Step 4 Consolidation1. Loo


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