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1、2003SECTION A STATEMENTIn this sectionyou will hear seven statements. At the end of each statement you will be given10 seconds to answer the question.1. Which is NOT true about thelistener?A.He works hard.B.He drinks a lot.C.He smokes a lot.D.He is healthy.2. How did the speaker feel when he heard t

2、he news?A.He was satisfied.B.He was annoyed.C.He was astonished.D.He was relieved.3. When does the next coach leave?A.At 9:10.B.At 9:15.C.At 9:20.D.At 9:05.4. The speaker thinks that Jane mighthave _.A.a better marriageB.a better careerC.a bettereducationD.a better family life5. What does the statem

3、ent mean?A.I am too happy to be helpful in any way.B.I am willing but unable tohelp you.C.I shall be very glad to offer my help.D.I promise to thinkabout how to help you.6. What does the statement imply?A.The man waswearing clean clothes.B.The man was wearing improper clothes.C.The man was wearing f

4、anciful clothes.D.The man was wearing dirty clothes.7. What does the speaker mean?A.I believe I can find you in otherplaces as well.B.I had no idea that I could find you here.C.I believethat I can only find you in this place.D.This is not the place for me tomeet you.SECTION B CONVERSATIONIn this sec

5、tion, you will hear tenshort conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.8. What is the probablerelationship between the two speakers?A.Salesman and customer.B.Doctor and nurse.C.Doctor and patient.D.Patient and patient.9. W

6、hat does the man think of his writing?A.Writing will not be easy.B.Writing will be less difficult.C.Writing has been boring.D.Writing has been enjoyable.10. What can we learn from theconversation?A.Cold is a kind of serious illness.B.Cold will go awayquickly.C.You should go to see a doctor.D.You nee

7、dnt do anythingabout it.11. What did the man assume previously?A.She would go tothe bookstore.B.She would not go to the bookstore.C.She would go tothe bookstore later.D.She would go to another bookstore.12. What dowe know about the flight?A.There will be a short delay.B.There willbe a long delay.C.T

8、he flight has been canceled.D.The condition isstill uncertain.13. What does the man say about Linda?A.She isforgetful.B.She is considerate.C.She is forgiving.D.She iscareless.14. What does the woman mean?A.She doesnt believe he can do it.B.She agrees with the man.C.She expects to see him soon.D.Shew

9、ill go to the library.15. What does the man think of the womans choiceof clothing?A.He thinks her choice is good.B.He thinks her choice isterrible.C.He doesnt like the colour.D.He doesnt like the style.16. Sam refused to take the job because _.A.the working hours wereunsuitableB.the job was not well

10、 paidC.he had to do alot of travellingD.the job was quite difficult17. The man sounds_.A.surprisedB.ignorantC.humorousD.disappointedSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 18 and 19 are based on the followingnews. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer thequestions.Now listen

11、to the news.18. The UN resolution is aboutinternational efforts in tightening control on _.A.terrorism activitiesB.terrorists networksC.weapons for terroristsD.funding forterrorism19. What does the UN resolution specifically require states todo?A.To establish a financial network.B.To revise their ba

12、nkinglaws.C.To increase their police force.D.To curb regional terroractivities.Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the endof the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.20. Altogether how many people were injured during theviolence?A

13、.1.B.2.C.13.D.14.21.How long has the violencelasted?A.For one day.B.For two days.C.For the whole summer.D.For one year.Question 22 is based on the following news. At the endof the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.22. After the terrorist attacks in

14、 the United States,insurance rates soared as much as _.A.100%B.200%C.500%D.1000%Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the endof the news item, you ill be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.23. Eight foreign aid workers were arrested inAfghanistan becaus

15、e of their _ activities.A.politicalB.espionageC.religiousD.relief24. Which of the following is NOT mentionedas one of the penalties?A.A fine.B.Expulsion.C.A jail term.D.Death sentence.Question 25 is based on the following news. At theend of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.25. According to the report, howmany people are HIV-positive?A.22 million.B.36 million.C.25million.D.58 million.Par


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