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1、twist的用法总结大全twist的用法总结大全twist的意思vt. 扭成一束,搓,捻,绕,卷,连结,交结vi. 被搓揉,蜿蜒,曲折,扭曲身体,扭动,旋转,转动n. 揉搓之物,丝线,烟草卷,旋转变形:过去式: twisted; 如今分词:twisting; 过去分词:twisted;twist用法twist可以用作动词twist的根本意思是指纺纱或捻线的一个程序,两股或多股细丝互相拧成纱或线。引申可指“盘绕”“旋转”“扭伤”。用于比喻可指“曲解(话、词等的)意义”。twist可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动构造。用作不及物动词时,主动形式可含

2、有被动意义。twist有时可接以形容词作补足语的复合宾语。twist用作动词的用法例句She twisted the long scarf round her head.她把那条长围巾围在头上。Selecting the suitable twist factor in order to meet the needs of flax knitting yarn, it is the key to increase high_grade and productivity of flax knitting products.选择合理的捻系数以满足针织用纱的要求是进步亚麻针织产品档次和消费效率的关键

3、。We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.我们把床单搓成绳子,援绳下坠逃跑了。twist用法例句1、The battle of the sexes also took a new twist.两性之争也出现了新的变数。2、Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand.用另外一只手小心地把细绳缠绕到第二根茎上。3、Twist the mixture into individual sausages wit

4、hout splitting the skins.将混合物拧成一段段的香肠,不要把皮弄破。词汇精选:twist的用法和辨析一、详细释义:n.扭,绞,搓,缠,编 C例句:Qualitatively, a torque is a “twist”.定性地说,转矩就是改变。例句:The big boy gave his arm a twist.那个大男孩扭了一下他的胳膊。歪曲,曲解 C例句:She gave the facts a twist.她歪曲了事实。例句:When we allow the press to report without attribution, we permit the m

5、ore sensationalist members to add their own special twist.假设我们准许报界报导来不明的消息,无异我们在允许喜欢耸人听闻的人从事歪曲报导。扭摆舞 C例句:I like fast fox-trot and Vie ese waltz best, but sometimes I like to dance disco and twist.我喜欢快狐步和维也纳华尔兹舞,但有时候我喜欢跳迪斯科和扭摆舞。捻成(或搓成,编成)的东西 C例句:He lit his pipe with a twist of paper.他用纸煤点燃了烟斗。转弯;弯曲处

6、C例句:The mountain road is full of twists.那山路颇多曲折。扭伤;扭歪 C例句:He suffered a painful twist of the elbow.他肘部扭伤,疼痛难忍。怪癖;偏执 C例句:He has a twist in his nature.他天性偏执。意外转折 C例句:The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。窍门,把戏 C例句:Lets apply a new twist to an old idea.让我们在老主意上搞一些新把戏。v.改变,扭弯,旋转

7、,绞 T例句:Twist the knob clockwise.按顺时针方向转动把手。例句:Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, to learn the letter “T”.为了学字母T,绕口令先生试着训练他的舌头弯曲和转动。缠绕,盘绕;编,织 I,T例句:She twisted flowers into a wreath.她将花编成了一个花环。例句:A piece of string has twisted round the propeller.一根绳子缠在螺旋桨上了。扭伤,扭歪 I,T例句:He

8、 twist his wrist.他扭伤了他的手腕。例句:The childs ankle twisted.那孩子的足踝扭伤了。歪曲,曲解 T例句:The police tried to twist his statement into an admission of guilt.警方企图把他的话歪曲成成认有罪。例句:She often twists my words.她时常歪曲我的话。捻合,搓拢 I扭动,跳扭扭舞 I例句:The boy twisted uneasily in his chair.那男孩在椅子里局促不安地扭动着。例句:She twisted and turned from o

9、ne position to another slightly different, but it did not ease her for long.她扭动着身子,微微地从一个姿势换到另一个姿势,但是好不了多久。二、词义辨析:curve,bend,bow,crook,twist这些动词都含“弯、弯曲”之意。 curve指变成曲线或弧线状的动作或状态。 bend普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。 bow指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。 crook指不规那么的弯曲,也指按照规那么或模型弯曲某物。 twist指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。三、相

10、关短语:twist bit螺旋钻,麻花活钻头,麻花钻头twist drill螺旋钻头,麻花钻,麻花钻头四、参考例句:Twist the knob clockwise.按顺时针方向转动把手。He twist his wrist.他扭伤了他的手腕。Hurricanes twist counterclockwise.台风是逆时针旋转的。Please twist the knob clockwise.请按顺时针方向转动把手。He has a twist in his nature.他天性偏执。Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink.卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。Qualitatively, a torque is a “twist”.定性地说,转矩就是改变。The roads twist around the mountain.那些道路绕着山脉蜿蜒盘旋。The police tried to twist his words into a confession.警察试图曲解他的话,使之成为有罪的招供。The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。第 页 共 页



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