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1、 o /o Jw o 黑o -6 o . o 公o o 热o o 高三英语模拟完形填空汇编1 20220205题号I总分得分绝密启用前考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX学校:姓名:班级:考号:注意:本试卷包含I、II两卷。第I卷为选择题,所有答案必须用2B铅笔涂在答题卡 中相应的位置。第H卷为非选择题,所有答案必须填在答题卷的相应位置。答案写在试 卷上均无效,不予记分。第I卷(选择题)一、完形填空(本大题共165小题,共247.5分)Science through wonderIf there was a subject at school that made me anx

2、ious, it was science. So, when my husband andI decided to home-school our daughters, we made a (1): he would teach science, while I would handle everything else. But that s not how things have been going these past few weeks, since my husband has been too to teach the girls. He spent most of his tim

3、e in the lab doing research.Recently, while out on my morning hike before starting lessons, I that the sky was a beautiful blue, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers. That s why I decided that the day s would be taught outside. I returned to the house to get the girls ready.Wc up i

4、nto the forest, stopping by a pond that rarely has any visitors. My daughter Saoirse began butterflies, while my other daughter Ula looked at me, waiting to be instructed. I her a drawing board and the colored pencils. We keep quiet and wait, I told her, “and sec if something comes along. ,just draw

5、 what s around you. ”We worked fbr more than an hour, speaking. A bird flew across the water, and then (10) in front of a fallen log. 1 quickly told Ula, (11) that she d not seen the creature. But she had, and she began drawing it. An hour later, she finished her ( and I stared down-23 c-aim B must

6、c, assump-ion D, demand 一 24. A- ega- B.-emporary CH ng D, random 一 25, agree w=h B, s_art WHh crake charge of D hike care of When vounwcrs Ka-hy and Ruth walked in5 our Learning ccb four years ago- - was -o hc-p our as a onc,ofc Bin as soon as -hey nic二he = 26) . (hey were a-二m Many disadvanraged c

7、hildren don-t have anyone ar home who can (- 27) their -earning* So our Leam-ng C 三b provides afUn ouTofschoo- environ men- where scden-s receive he-p w=h -heir (128).-usuEy we-二 ge-in some reading and homework Then we- (- 29) some SC2-1C9- said Ka-hywe give -hen二 o-s of (-30). Then wc-一一 go 0一二0 ha

8、rder -h5,gs. So -ha- hc-ps _hcm =3-)-scdcnts in need often = 32) access to adln_s outside -heir fam = y or _cachcrs Thafs why OS. v2.un【eers Hke Ka-hy and Ruth are so (一 33) . They crea-e a safe = 34) where children can open up and fee - com-cr-ab 一 e asking ques=ons-They haveo= 35) you and tha- tak

9、es a wh 二 e=said Ka-hy9 -we give -hem 三Ue (136) 一 ike he - ping WHhs-e afternoon Sas -o make 一 hem fee- impor- an- =The bes- part of Kas-y and R=h-S roos is wa-ching scdeHs become more (-37). They wi= never = 38) one SEdcn- who wou - d notook a 二 hem or -a-k when she firs- campBy rhe end of -he year

10、,she was pariicipa二ng (-39) in【he acUvi二es and had set a b-g = 4。) forhe mcrp-she (14 一) on s&ge and said -ha- she warned 5 be -he Prime MmisG of Aus=7a-ia- said Kathy.Rurh is cons-anuy amazed by rhe (-42) of Learning C 三 b She -Oves5-e pos 三 ve feedback (Js,藻:Tom paaHs and huge = 43) in -he scden-s

11、- aEcdes - owards - eamhg = 44) -o see -hese fiveycaTo 一 ds devcop=said Ru-h, -wc-rc doing ihc academic b-t.b=whai we-re doing wi【h -hem = 45) is even more impor-anL They wan 二。come 8 ourLearning C 三 b=126 doc-ors- 27, support128. A, in_erest一 29 A developB. childrenB, acceptB, heaxhB- usec, accrs 0

12、- speed c,=fe c needD, JdersD rememberD homeworko- do上3 93 003 63 53334323AAAA c二FTgave inegcu a 迂g- u a-i, 专.lack friendly game3言BgBBBBBm 音BBQ nBcoc a.B. gainB. importantB. path3pcCCCCcCnCcc c cp pg 三三 于oW05Qg就二 c *VUi八八2 spaceignore IQc 2.d gg 三pDDDDDDDDDDD C7 DpS-S.c a#* c =r工 e a snXrefuse patie

13、nt pointIt-S a bossing_0 do sonicbody a favor” bur some=-二 cs i-s a b-essing 5 ano_her person do somc-h-ng for yoFThe noUce was Posad nexr to -he mid - box in rhe tgarns. apa = menL -a MiNvah (逑 T) for Mrs,Green.-=(一 46) Sign up -o drive Mrs G in 牡 3B home from her chemotherapy -rea-men 二 wice a moH

14、h- The word was always (1 47) in my -hough-s af_er I we=ups-airs. Bu- according _o my grandmo-heri- had = 48) meaning,She was always = 49)cme because she noUced rha- Is-ough 二 r a shame 5 (150) peop - e do -hings for me One evening。snowflakes had been fa 三 ng for several hours 二5 一) ir came -imc -oQ

15、avc for class,= 52) -o the bus s-opreaching i-jus- as a bus wenr by- For an hour 一 prayed 二 53) -ha- a bus woEd compThen - gave up But as 一 pushed -he door of my (一 54) open-10sund myse=/ace 8 face a woman a 二 he ma 二 box w=h (-55) in her hand。obvo-us-y she had a car and was gs.ng = 56) In -hat split second-1 b-u 二ed(s口司=). -



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