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1、Module 3 Literature导学案I教学内容分析本模块以Literature为话题,介绍了著名英国古典文学作家查尔斯狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的生平和他的作品雾都孤儿(Oliver Twist)、远大前程(Great Expectations)的片段,旨在通过这样的话题,使学生运用所学的知识谈论小说中的人物及其情节,更多地了解作家的作品及其作品的时代背景和深刻的社会意义。通过学习能将小说中的精彩片段表演出来,让学生了解如何对人物和事件进行描写。通过本模块学习,学生要对小说与文学有个辩证认识,学会鉴赏文学的魅力。 Reading and Vocabulary (1) 部分

2、通过阅读雾都孤儿中的一段标题为“Oliver Asks for More”片段,设计了以下的任务:1. 学会对素材片段进行概括,培养学生的总结能力和对文章中心的把握能力;2. 学习相关的词汇和短语,为进一步理解课文扫清障碍,培养学生学习生词的能力,解决了方法问题,同时设计一定的练习,巩固所学习的词汇;3. 在词汇学习的基础上,通过完成素材中的句子填写练习,完成从词到句的功能转变,让学生不仅能学习词汇,而且能更好地巩固一定固定意义的句子结构。II学习重点和难点1.重点掌握一些与小说故事情节描写有关的词汇;2.难点(1) 正确理解和听懂相关小说的片段,并能进行表演和发表看法和评论; (2) 学会从

3、小说的背景、情节、人物了解文学的内涵,并能以此为结构描述自己生活的变化。 .Learning Goals:1.Master how to read a passage.2. Master some words and phrases.3.Talk something about the novels.4.Learn how to talk about the characters in novels.Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary( 1)第一课时IV学习步骤Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision(check the homewo

4、rk)Check whether Ss have finished their homework.Say something about Charles Dickens.Step 2. Leading-in(导学)Give Ss several books of Oliver Twist and The Great Expectations, A tale of two cities and David Copperfield 板书课题Step 3. Fast readingAsk Ss to finish Activity 1on page 30 and divide the passage

5、 into different parts . If they dont know the meanings, they can look up the dictionary.(teamwork) Part 1: The living condition of the boys was very poor and there they suffered from hunger badly.Part 2: Why Oliver was chosen to ask for more food and what Oliver said to the warden that eveningPart 3

6、: Why the warden hit Oliver on the head and how Oliver was treated by the managers of the workhouse.Step 4. careful reading(答案在学案上)Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and complete the exes. On 学案Step 5. Appreciate a group of pictures谈感受Step6.discussion(人物、语言、写作目的、对比)After the reading, Ask Ss to dis

7、cuss what they know about characters 、language 、purpose and compared with Sanmao and Oliver, talk about your life.1、say something about the following characters. (1) The poor and hungry boys poor thinner miserable(2) the warden He was a fat, healthy and cruel man.2.simple exact3. Whats the writing p

8、urpose of the story? To reveal the dark side of the society and at the same time he showed great sympathy to the poor children. 4.were lucky enough. We have chance to study and learn a lot of things. So we should treasure what we have. We should study very hard to make our country more developed.For

9、 your reference:(1) The poor boys each were allowed a bowl of soup no more. The bowls never needed washing. They sit staring at the pot with eager eyes. They became wild with hunger. The soup was served and disappeared down the boys throats(2) The warden was a fat, healthy man. He hit the boy on the

10、 head with the soup spoon. Then he seized Olivers arms and held him Step 7. listen to the tape 完成填空 Step8 反思 Step9. Homework背景知识 Fictions ( publishing years) ChineseThe Pickwick Papers (1836-1837) 匹克威克外传Oliver Twist (1837) 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) 尼古拉斯尼古贝The Old Curiosity Shop (1840- 1841)

11、老古玩店Barnaby Rudge (1841) 巴纳比拉吉A Christmas Carol (1843) 圣诞欢歌Martin Chuzlewit (1843-1844) 马丁朱什尔维特Dombey and Son (1846-1848)董贝父子David Copperfield (1849-1850) 大卫科波菲尔Bleak House (1852-1853)荒凉山庄Hard Times (1854)艰难时世Little Dorrit (1855-1857)小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 双城记Great Expectations(1860-1861) 远大

12、前程(又译孤星血泪第二课时Step1. check homeworkexes.翻译、填空Suggested Answers:(1) eager (2) support (3) employed (4) seized (5) astonishment (6) companions (7) desperate (8) rewarded1,In which the boys were fed 2, served the soup at meal times3,one bowl of soup on special holidays 4, needed washing 5, staring at ea

13、ger eyes 6, have excellent appetites 7, quite wild with hunger 8,desperate with hunger and misery 9, tall for his age was not used to being hungry 10, a wild, hungry look in his eye believed 11,walk up to 12, ask for picked out 13, It was who 14,whispered nudged 15,Frightened by his own courage 16,

14、lively discussion 17,put up offering to18 hang hangedStep 2. Language Points Ask Ss to discuss the important language points in groups. Then give them some explanation.1. The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall, with a large pot at one end. 孩子们住的房间是一个很大的石头砌成的厅,在一角有一个很大的锅。 (1) 这是一个

15、含有定语从句的复合句。定语从句的引导词是介词(in)+which;同时该句还含有with的复合结构:with + n/ pron. + 介词短语(at one end)。(2) feed: 喂(养)、饲(养),为提供食物。其用法归纳如下: 在feed on/ with中,with后面可跟工具等词。如: He feeds the dogs on/ with fresh meat. She feeds her baby with a small spoon. 【比喻用法】You should water the plant once a week and feed it (=with minerals etc. needed for growth). feed on/ with 主语是“人”或“动物”。意思是:吃;以为食物。如: Cows feed mainly on grass.


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