初中最全短语和句型包含详细讲解( R开头).docx

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1、初中最全短语和句型包含详细讲解字母 R开头1.rather than*conj.而不是;与其不如rather than所连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、不定式、分句或动词原形等。例lt is hot rather than warm.这天气与其说暖和不如说炎热。例l like going shopping rather than going to the movies.我喜欢购物而不喜欢看电影。2.reach outv.伸手去摸用:后接宾语时用 reach out for.例 Reach out and touch the lovely cat.伸出手,摸一

2、下那只可爱的小猫。例The boy reached out for the water.男孩伸手去摸水。3.read a book v.读书用”“读书、看报”都用动词read。本短语也可作read books.同:do some reading 读书例When mother came in, she was reading a book.母亲进来时,她正在读书。4.refer tov.谈到;提及;查阅;有关联:refer to.as 把称作例You know who Im referring to.你知道我指的是谁。例 Please refer to the picture below.请参照

3、下方的图片。5.regard.as v.把.看作用:as后可以跟名词或形容词,常用于被动语态结构“be regard- ed as.例| regard the movie as one of the best lve ever seen.我认为那是我看过的最好看的电影之一。例They regarded the situation as serious.他们认为形势严峻。6.remember doing sth*v.记得曾经做过某事辨:remember doing sth:意为“记得做过某事”,动作已完成。 remember to do sth:意为“记得去做某事”,动作未完成。例I remem

4、bered locking the door but forgot to turn off the lights.我记得锁上门了,但忘了关灯。7.remember to do sth *v.记得去做某事例Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room, please.离开房间时,请记得关灯。(黑龙江绥化)例I remember to take the medicine at the right time.我记得要按时服药。8.remind sb of*v.使某人想起用:of后可接名词、代词、动词-ing 形式或从句。例Thank

5、you for reminding me of my calling up Mary.谢谢你提醒我给玛丽打电话。例This song reminds me of my hometown.这首歌让我想起了我的家乡。(山东淄博)9.reply tov.答复;回答辨:reply to:比较正式,是指经过考虑后答复对方的问题或论点。 answer:常用于口语中,一般问题都可以用answer 来回答。例| never replied to any of his letters.我从来没有给他回过信。例He failed to reply to my questions.他没能回答我的问题。10.resu

6、lt from v.产生于.;由引起联:result in 导致;造成例His illness resulted from eating bad food.他的病是吃了变质的食物引起的。例Many problems resulted from misunderstanding.很多问题是由误会引起的。11:return to*v.返回;归还用:作“归还”讲时,是及物动词短语,后直接跟宾语,构成固定搭配 return sth to sb。注不与 back 连用。例Conor did not return to lreland until1937.直到1937 年,康纳才回到爱尔兰。12.righ

7、t away*adv.立刻;马上辨:right away:侧重动作,可用于多种时态。right now:侧重时间,只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。例Please write to me right away.请立即给我写信。例Ill find the address for you right away.我马上就给你找到地址。 13.right now*adv.现在;立刻;马上;就在此刻同:at once 立刻;马上例Hes not in the office right now.现在他不在办公室。(天津)例Do it right now!马上做这件事!14.ring backv.回电话;再打电

8、话同:call back 回电话例Ill ask him to ring you back when he returns.他回来时,我会让他给你回电话的。例He isnt in right now-could you ring back later?他现在不在家,你过会儿再打电话来好吗?15.ring off v.挂断电话用:为不及物动词短语,后不接宾语。联:hold on 别挂断;等一下例He rang off before 1 could explain.我还没来得及解释,他就挂断电话了。16.ring upv.给打电话同:call up 给打电话例 Ill ring you up la

9、ter.我以后再给你打电话。例He rang up the police station.他给警察局打了电话。17.rise to ones feetv.站起来联:struggle to ones feet 吃力地站起来stand up 站起来例He rose to his feet as if he was going to speak.他站起身来,好像要发言似的。18.run afterv.追赶;追求例The cat is running after a mouse.那只猫正在追赶一只老鼠。例Hes always running after young women.他总是追求年轻女子。19

10、.run awayv.逃跑;潜逃;跑掉用:表示从某地逃跑时,用run away from.例He ran away from his home at the age of thirteen.他 13岁时离家出走。例Dont let the thief run away.别让小偷跑掉。20.run away with v.带.逃走;(感情等)不能控制(某人)用:with 后接人或物作宾语。例He ran away with a lot of money.他卷着一大笔钱逃走了。例You shouldnt let your temper run away with you.你不应该乱发脾气。21.r

11、un into v.碰见;撞上例Guess whom I ran into today.猜一猜今天我遇见谁了。例He has run into trouble in his job.他的工作遇到了麻烦。22.run offv.逃走;流出;拐弯;离题例She took the baggage and ran off.她拿了行李跑掉了。例He ran off the topic and started talking about golf.他跑题了,开始说起了高尔夫球。23.run out ( of )*v.用完;耗尽辨 run out:主语通常是时间、金钱等无生命的事物。run outof:必须

12、由人作主语。例Tony has bought lots of gifts for the Spring Festival, andso far he has run out of all his money.托尼为春节买了很多礼物。到目前为止,他已经花光了自己所有的钱。24.rush intov.冲进去;匆忙行事用 作“冲进去”讲时,后接地点状语;作“匆忙行事”讲时,后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。例The firemen rushed into the burning building.消防队员冲进了着火的大楼。例We dont want to rush into having a baby.我们不着急要孩子。1



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