高中英语 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela —a modern hero单元同步测评 新人教版必修1.doc

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1、新人教课标版英语单元同步测评系列.语法和词汇知识1(全国高考,22)What fruit is in season now?Grapes and peaches,_.AI know BI think CI see DI feel解析:考查插入语的用法。这类短语有I think,I hope,I guess,I believe,I suppose,I say,Im afraid,that is,that is to say,whats more等,它们可以置于句中或句末。答案:B2What a pity!Old Joshua worked hard all his life but withou

2、t much _.Areward Bprize Caward Dresult解析:此题考查名词词义辨析。reward指对某人的工作或服务等的报答,也指得到赏金、酬金;prize指赢得比赛所获得的奖金或有价值的东西;award指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少,多指奖状或其他表彰物;result“结果”。答案:A3To produce one pound of honey,a line of bees must fly a distance _ to twice around the earth.Asimilar Bequal

3、 Cfamiliar Dnear解析:be equal to “等于”。be similar to“和类似”;be familiar with“对熟悉”。答案:B4As _ matter of fact,_ beauty of _ nature there made an excellent impression on me.Aa;the;/ Ba;the;theCthe;the;/ Da;/;the 解析:as a matter of fact“事实上”;nature前面通常不用冠词,这里特指大自然的美,故beauty前面要加the。答案:A5Their supporters believe

4、 in them so deeply that they are _ to go to war in support of them.Awilling Bafraid Canxious Dcurious解析:be willing to do sth.“愿意干某事”。答案:A6The _ I saw him,I knew he was angry with me.Athing Bwhile Cway Dmoment解析:the moment引导时间状语从句,意思是“一就”。句意:我一看到他,我就知道他生我的气。答案:D7In several parts of the city,cars are

5、not permitted,_ in the main shopping areas.Aactually Bespecially Cpractically Dreally解析:句意:在这个城市的几个地区,不允许汽车通过,特别是主要的商业区。actually“实际上,事实上”;especially“特别,尤其”;practically“实际地”;really“真地,真实地”。答案:B8She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power _.Afailure Black Cabsence Ddrop解析:power failure

6、 “停电”。句意:她房子里放了很多的蜡烛以防停电。答案:A9You cant imagine what trouble I had _ this English article into Chinese.Ato translate BtranslatingCtranslated Dbeen translating解析:have trouble in doing sth.“做某事有麻烦”为固定搭配,in 可以省略。答案:B10You shouldnt _ heart even though you failed this time.Afail Blose Cloose Dgive up解析:lo

7、se heart“丧失信心”。答案:B.句子翻译 1不要丧失信心,只要你再加把劲,下次会做得好些。(lose heart)_答案:Dont lose heart!You will do it better next time if you work harder.2直到我又一次求职失败的时候我才意识到知识的价值。(only放于句首)_答案:Only when I had another failure in my jobseeking did I realize that knowledge is valuable.3其实,这事我昨天就完成了。(as a matter of fact)_答案:

8、As a matter of fact,I finished it yesterday.4他总是乐于帮助那些有麻烦的人。(in trouble)_答案:He is always ready to help those in trouble.阅读理解ABarbara Morgans lifelong dream has always been to travel into space.On August 8,2007,her wish came true.The former teacher was one of seven crewmembers on the Space Shuttle En

9、deavour,which flew into space from NASAs Kennedy Space Station in Florida.Morgan taught at a primary school in Boise from 19751998with some time off for astronaut training.In 1985,she was chosen as a backup for Christa McAuliffe,who was to be the first teacher in space.On January 28,1986,the Space S

10、huttle Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after takeoff killing McAuliffe and the other six crewmembers.After the Challenger accident,Morgan continued to teach.In 1998,she was asked to become an astronaut.Morgans mission aboard Endeavour includes overseeing the move of 5000 pounds of goods from the

11、 shuttle to the International Space Station and operating the shuttles robotic arm.Morgan gave students an unusual class after she was in space.Morgans outofthisworld class was broadcast live on NASA television.Her husband Clay Morgan said he couldnt help but smile as he watched her talk to students

12、.“Im just so proud of her and how shes going to do all this and do the work of an astronaut as well as a teacher,” he said.“She just kept telling me how unbelievable it was to be in space and I think its much better than she expected.” One student asked Morgan how being a teacher compared to being a

13、n astronaut.“We explore,we discover and we share,” she said.“The great thing about being a teacher is you get to do that with students,and the great thing about being an astronaut is you get to do it in space,these are both wonderful jobs.”The 25minutes questionandanswer meeting also included the as

14、tronauts entertaining students by swallowing floating juice bubbles and playing with Pingpong balls.1Which of the following would be the best title for the text?AThe First Female AstronautBSpace Shuttle Endeavour CAn Unusual ClassDBarbara Morgans Longlife Dream解析:这是一道主旨大意题。文章介绍了美国女教师巴巴拉摩根在“奋进号”机舱内,给学生们上课,并回答了他们的问题。因此文章介绍的是一节课,而不是人。答案:C2The underlined word in the second paragraph most probably means _.Asomeone as a replacementBsomeone as a volunteerCsomeone as a


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