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1、英语语法简单句专项练习题句子成分都由单词或短语担任,且只有一个主谓结构的句子叫做简单句。初中阶段我们需要重点掌握简单句的六种基本句型及其主要用法。一、S + V (主语+不及物动词)这种句型简称为主谓结构。不及物动词是指那些本身意义已完整,后面不需要接宾语的动词,女口 come, go, swim, appear, run, arrive, fall等。如:Did you go by sea ?你们走的是海路吗?No, we flew. 不,我们是坐飞机去的。有时,不及物动词后面会跟副词、介词短语等作状语。如:Why don t you come at once whe n I call yo

2、u 我叫你时,你为什么不马上来?【练习导航】I .根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 他在听。? He.2. 昨晚你睡得好吗?Did youlast ni ght3. 这场雨持续了两个小时。? The rai ntwo hours.4. 事物总是变化的。? Things always.5. 他来中国的梦想实现了。? His dream to Chi na.?二、S + V + P (主语+系动词+表语)系动词通常与表语一起构成系表结构,用来说明主语的性质、特点或状态等。表语通常由名词、形容词、代词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词或从句等充当。常见的系动词有 be, look,soun

3、d, smell, taste, feel, get, grow, turn, become, stay, seem等。如:All her friends are now outside the door.她的所有朋友现在都在门外。The milk turned sour.牛奶变酸了。【练习导航】翻译下面的汉语句子。1. 他感到有点累。2. 这听起来是个好主意。3. 他的梦想是成为一名医生。4. 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。6. 他总是乐于助人。7. 这盘菜闻起来不错。8. 那个女孩是我的妹妹。三、S + V + O (主语+及物动词+宾语)及物动词后面必须接宾语才能表达一个完整的意思。宾语是动作的

4、承受者,一般由名词、代词、 动词不定式、动名词等充当。如:He s havi ng lun ch. 他正在吃午餐。I prefer sta nding.我宁愿站着。他答应借给我几本书。He promised to lend me some books.5.问题是你想干什么。【练习导航】8. 现在我来自我介绍一下。I .找出下列句子的宾语。1. He han ded in his homework this morning.?2. Help yourself to some soup, Jim.?3. He forgot which way to go. ?4. Would you mind w

5、ait ing for a few minu tes ?5. I ll do what I can. ?n .根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。6. 你认识这些人吗?Do you7. 今天早上他完成了报告。Hethis morni ng.Now I ll.9. 他已经决定搬到北京去了。He has decidedBeiji ng.10. 我不记得事故是什么时候发生的。I don t rememberthe accident.四、S + V + IO + DO(主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)有些及物动词,女口 hand, give, throw, le nd, sing, read, w

6、rite, buy, leave, make, pass, tell,get等可以带双宾语,一个宾语指人,称为间接宾语;另一个指物,称为直接宾语。及物动词带双宾语通常有以下两种结构:1. 及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语2. 及物动词+直接宾语+to / for+间接宾语【练习导航】I.找出下列句子中的直接宾语。1. She gave me her teleph one nu mber.? ?2. Bring me some water, please.? ?3. I II make you some fresh tea.? ?4. He sang us a folk son g.?5. She

7、showed me her paintin gs.? ?n .将下列句子改为同义句。6. Tom gave me a nice pen.Toma n ice penme.7. My mother bought my little sister a pink skirt.My mothera pink skirtmy little sister.8. She cooked us a delicious meal.? Shea delicious mealus.【温馨提示】某些动词引导的间接宾语可改为to引导的短语,这类动词有give, ha nd, show, send, bring,pass,

8、 le nd, teach, tell, write, throw, sell, email等。如:Can you lend us your car你能把车借给我们吗?t Can you lend your car to us某些动词引导的间接宾语可改为for引导的短语,这类动词有buy, play, get, make, order,choose, sing, pay 等。如:My uncle bought me a watch.我叔叔给我买了一块表。t My uncle bought a watch for me.五、S + V + O + OC(主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语)有些及物

9、动词加上宾语后,它的意思表达还是不完整,这就需要再加上一个补足语来使句子的意思完整。宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、名词、介词短语、动词不定式、V-ing形式等充当。如:Please dont call me Lucy请不要叫我露西。I fou nd the box empty.我发现箱子是空的。The teacher told us to do some exercises.老师要我们做一些练习题。【练习导航】I .找出下列句子中的宾语补足语。1. They call their daughter Mary.2. Don t leave me beh ind.3. I wish you to

10、be happy.4. I saw her chatti ng with Nancy.5. Good food keeps you healthy.n .翻译下面的汉语句子。6. 他们请我和他们一道去。7. 我刚才看见她在跟简谈话。8. 你注意到他进来了吗?六、there be 句型? there be句型主要用来表示 某地有某物或某人 ”如果be动词后面有两个或两个以上的主语,be动词的选用需要遵循就近原则”。女口:? There is a dictionary, three books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有一本字典,三本书和一支钢笔。【练习导航】n .根据汉

11、语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 一个男孩正在院子里和一只小狗玩。a boywith a dog in the yard.II . 6-10 ABBCD2.以前在街道拐角处有一家商店。? 1. He feels a little tired. ?2. It sou nds a good idea.a shop on the corner of the street.3. Is Helen in?4. My computer is in the study.?8.可能会有一个更好的办法来做这件事。5. His dream is to become a doctor.?6. My favorit

12、e sport is swim minga better way to do this.7. The questi on is what you want to do.?9.没有空气就没有声音8. He is always ready to help others.sound without air.?9. The dish smells good.?10. The girl is my sister.10.没有时间再等你了。、I . 1. his homework? 2. yourself ?3. which way to go?no timeyou.4. waiting ? 5. what

13、 I canKey :I . 6. know these people? ?7. finished his report?I . 1. is listening ?2. sleep well?3. lasted for ?8. introduce myself? ? 9. to move to?10. whe n; happe ned4. change? ? 5. has come true3. some fresh tea ? 4. a folk song? ?5. her pain ti ngsn . 6. gave; to ? 7. bought; for ?8. cooked; for

14、9. showed; to? 10. made; for8. There might be ? 9. There is no ?10. There is; to wait for高中英语语法定语从句总复习郴州资兴三中李俊才定义:用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起定语作 用的句子叫作定语从句。五、I .?1. Mary ? 2. behind ?3. to be happy?一、关系带词引导的定语从句1.关系代词用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词4. chatti ng with Nan cy? 5. healthy? ?n . 6. They asked me to go with them.?7.1 saw her talk ing with Jane just now.8. Do you think the


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