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1、通州湾实验小学备课专用纸学科英语(六)年级上册The kings new clothes教学设计共计4课时 统稿:课题Unit1 The kings new clothes(Story time)课时1授课时间9.1教学目标1. 学习单词和词组:rich, clothes, king, clever, foolish, light, soft, beautiful, wearing, 理解意思,能听懂,能读熟。2.学生理解并掌握行为动词的过去式: was, liked, visited, showed, walked, were, looked, shouted, pointed, laugh

2、ed.3.学生能独立完成Write time。4.能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。重点难点1. 学习单词和词组:rich, clothes, king, clever, foolish, light, soft, beautiful, wearing, 理解意思,能听懂,能读熟。2.学生理解并掌握行为动词的过去式: was, liked, visited, showed, walked, were, looked, shouted, pointed, laughed.3. 学生能有感情地朗读故事和复述课文。教学准备图片、课件、电脑等板书设计 Unit 1 Th

3、e kings new clothesKnowWant to knowLearnedWho gives the new clothes to the king? What do you think of the kings new clothes? What do you think of the king?There arent any new clothes.前置性学习自学新单词教 学 过 程思考与调整Step 1 Pre-reading1. Greetings2. Free talk T: Guess, what did I do last night? I will give you

4、some letters to help you?(T ask Ss to guess what did she do last night, write down the answer one letters by letters on the blackboard. )T: I read a story-The kings new clothes.Step2 While-reading1. 出示国王的图片。T: Who is he? (the king)(teach “king”) T: The king is very powerful and he has a lot of money

5、. Hes rich. (teach “rich”) (T shows the pictures of the story to help Ss get more information.)2. Talk about the backgroundTalk about “What do you want to know about the story?” in groups.T gives questions: 1) Who gives the new clothes to the king? Ss: They are beautiful! (teach “beautiful”)2) What

6、do you think of the kings new clothes? Ss: He likes new clothes. (teach “clothes”)3).What do you think of the king?Ss: Hes. (teach “foolish”)3. Watch the cartoon.1) True or false2) New teaching: point at, laugh, shout(May include: was, liked, visited, showed, walked, were, looked, shouted, pointed,

7、laughed)Ss read the words. 4. Paragraph 1:1)Look and learnT: Im the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I dont think so! T: Who can make new clothes for me? 2)Read and underlineWho can make new clothes for him?3)Read par

8、agraph 1.4. Paragraph 2 1) 学生自读引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them.2) T: What kind of clothes are they? T: They are soft and light. (teach “soft”体验感知, “light”手势感知)5. Paragraph 3&41) Learn the textT: The king is going to show his new clothes to other people. What do

9、they think of the clothes?(出示人群和男孩的图片) T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!)Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No) Then who? (The boy.)What does he say? (出示图片4,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)(teach “wearing”) 2) 一位学生扮演国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图3&4。Step3 Post-reading1. Talk about the charactersKing: rich

10、, foolish Two men: clever, bad Other people: foolish Boy: honest2. Read the story. 3. Act the story4. A trick 拿出另一个盒子,但盒子里什么也没有。T:Can you see some clothes? (Yes/No.)T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them! Can you see them? T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself!Step4 Homework1. Design an ending for the story. The king is back home ,.2. Read more English stories from the bookshops and the internet.教后反思


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