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1、Module 5Unit 2 The environment练习一 (Welcome to the Unit & Reading)一、词义配对1. consultantA. connected with environment 2. dutyB. a person who speaks on behalf of a group or an organization 3. greedyC. responsibility, obligation 4. businessmanD. a person who works in business, especially at a high level5.

2、 beliefE. in its natural state; not yet changed into sth else 6. environmental F. an expert who gives advice7. operateG. to work in a particular way or from a particular place8. creditH. an argument or discussion expressing different opinions 9. seafoodI. praise because you are responsible for sth g

3、ood that has happened 10. debateJ. wanting more money, power, food etc. than you really need11. spokeswomanK. fish and sea creatures that can be eaten12. recycleL. money that you have to pay the government for public services 13. rawM. a strong feeling that sth/sb exists or is true14. taxN. take sth

4、 back and use it again二、根据方框内所给短语的适当形式完成句子in addition, ask around, side by side, pour into, be bad for, be concerned about,large amounts of, open the floor, work with, run out of, cut back on, seeas1. When _, I found Tom was a good boy in the eyes of his neighbors.2. The two children are walking to

5、school _.3. TV presenter, thank you. Lets _ for questions.4. After his first novel was published, he was _ one of the most outstanding new authors of his generation. 5. It shows your friends havent stopped _ you. 6. Mary had to _ expenses when his father was out of work.7. He is _ some environmental

6、 consultants to preserve the Yellow River.8. More and more waste and poison _ the water, the soil and the air.9._, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local peoples attention to the situation.10. _ money were spent on the bridge.三、单项填空1. After a long _, the bill was pass

7、ed by the House of the Commons. A. argue B. debate C. discuss D. quarrel2. What caused this terrible traffic accident? In my opinion, his carelessness _ this terrible traffic accident. A. resulted in B. brought in C. took in D. got in3. The government has announced plans to cut back _ _ _defense spe

8、nding _ 10% next year. A. upon; toB. on; by C. of; by D. for; to4. Im still working on my project. Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _ . A. running out B. going out C. giving outD. losing out5._ we move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better? A. What about? B. How far C. What if D.

9、 How come6. Ten years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs. A. as twice large as B. twice as large asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as 7. Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1,000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree C. a tall tree is standing D.

10、a tall tree stands8. He is not a bit mean; instead he is always _ to help anyone in trouble. A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. willing四、根据提示翻译下列句子1. 如果你想保持苗条,要尽量少吃脂肪和糖份含量过高的食品。(cut back on)2. 他昨天的确给你打了电话,但是你不在。(助动词do表示强调)3. 如果她忘了把我们要的那本书带来怎么办?(what if)4. 读完这首诗歌后,孩子们开始自由讨论。(open the floor)5. 到2011年,中

11、国的汽车产量将是2001的十倍。(倍数句型)6. 他在唱歌上的天赋让他的朋友把他视为将来的流行歌手。(see as )7. 很明显,他们没有把你作为朋友,给你更多的信任。(give sb. credit) 练习二(Grammar)一、语法填空(用所给动词的适当形式填空)1. _(complete) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.2. The old man, _(work) abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland. 3. A

12、t this moment the bell rang, _ (announce) the end of class. 4. The workers had the machines _ (run) all night long to finish the work on time.5._ (blame) for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. 6. A person_ (learn) a foreign language must be able to use the foreig

13、n language,_ (forget) all about his own. 7. When he awoke, he found himself _(look after) by an old man. 8. The graduating students are busy _(collect) material for their reports. 9. She caught the student _(cheat) in exams. 10. The students are advised _ (take) more exercises. 二、单项填空。1. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake. A. having sent B. to sendC. sending D. to have sent2. _ such heavy loss during the financial crisis(金融危机), the businessman didnt have the courage to go on. A. To suffer


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