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1、双语学习之-炎炎夏日如何消暑降温?How To Beat Heat In Summer?炎炎夏日如何消暑降温?Beat the heat: Peppermint tea mist 防暑降温:薄荷茶喷雾 Brew a pot of peppermint tea, then stick it in the fridge. Once its nice and cold, W suggests pouring some into a spray bottle and misting yourself with it. Better than water, the menthol in the tea

2、will give your skin a tingly, cool feeling. 煮一壶薄荷茶,放在冰箱里。做好之后待其冷却,Wonderhowto网站建议可以倒进小喷雾壶里,给自己来一次薄荷喷雾吧。这比水要好很多,茶里面的薄荷脑可以给肌肤透清凉的凉爽感觉。 Whether its hot or cold, chrysanthemum tea is served to lower body temperature, according to China Daily. Its also been said to soothe heat rash, experts told Natural

3、Health. 据中国日报表示,无论是热饮还是冷饮,菊花茶都能有效降低体温。Natural health网站上说还可以缓解湿疹。 Next time you feel overheated, do a few minutes of yogic breathing, recommends Art of Living. Curl your tongue by pulling both sides upward toward the middle, then breathe in through your mouth. Hold your breath, and slowly exhale thro

4、ugh your nose. Repeat five to 10 times. 生活的艺术杂志上面推荐道:下次觉得热的时候,做几分钟瑜伽呼吸吧。把舌头两边往中间卷起,然后从中间的空隙中进行呼吸。憋气,慢慢的用鼻子呼气,重复5到10次。 Beat the heat: Chill your mattress 防暑降温:让床垫也凉爽起来 Put soft gel ice packs on top of the mattress and underneath the sheets; try under your legs, neck, or lower back for maximum comfort

5、. Real Simple also suggests freezing a cotton sock filled with rice, then slipping it between the sheets. The rice will hold a chill longer. 在床单和床垫之间放一片软软的冰袋吧。放在腿和脖子、或腰部下方,这样能让你获得最大程度的舒适感。Real Simple还推荐用棉袜装着大米冷冻,然后在床单上滑动。大米能让凉爽维持得更久一点。 Freeze a couple of water bottles and place them in front of a fl

6、oor or desk fan, and youll enjoy a much cooler breeze with your makeshift air-conditioner. W advises adding salt to the water first to beat the heat longer; Apartment Therapy skips the bottles altogether in favor of a bowl of ice water. 冰几瓶水,放在立式或台式风扇前,你就能享受人工的舒适凉风啦。Wikihow网站建议在水里加点盐能让降温效果更加明显。Apart

7、ment Therapy网站则建议不要用瓶子,不妨直接试试一大碗冰水吧。 Beat the heat: Aloe vera 防暑降温:芦荟制品 You know aloe vera soothes sunburn, and its cooling properties also work to help you beat the heat. Blogger Crunchy Betty offers different recipes to make spray of it, combining witch hazel and peppermint oil. 我们都知道芦荟胶能有效减缓晒伤,其凉

8、爽度还能有效降温。Crunchy Betty博客提供了不同的方法来制作芦荟喷剂,里面还添加了榛子和薄荷油。 Beat the heat: Spicy food 防火降温:辛辣食物 If youre already sweating, why would you want to sweat more? Professor of food science at Penn State University Luke LaBorde offers this answer: eating spicy food increases blood circulation and makes you sweat

9、, so youll feel cooler as the sweat dries. He explains that the capsaicin in hot peppers encourages your body to sweat more without raising your body temperature. 如果已经流汗了,为什么不多流一点呢?佩恩大学食物科学教授Luke LaBorde提供了答案:吃辛辣食物能促进血液循环,让人出汗,当汗液蒸发你就能感到更加凉爽。他还解释道红辣椒里面的辣椒素可以在不升高体温的情况下让人多流汗。 Beat the heat: Pressure p

10、oints 防暑降温:关注身体几个重要部位吧 Ls solution to lower body temperature is to apply a bottle with ice-cold water on points like your ankles, wrists, or behind the knees. Lifehacker网站上对降温的解决方法是把一小瓶冰水,放在你的手腕、腰部或是膝盖后方这些的位置。 Chill your bed by folding sheets and pillowcases, placing them in plastic bags, and sticki

11、ng them in the freezer for a few hours, according to Mother Nature Network. Then make up the bed just before you go to sleep for sweet (and cool) dreams. Mother Nature网站上建议把床单和枕头套都叠起来,放在塑料袋子里,然后放在冰柜里冰上几小时。然后睡觉前记得铺床,这样就会进入凉爽的梦乡啦。 When all else fails, take frequent cool showers to keep your body tempe

12、rature down and rinse off the sweat.如果这些都不管用,那还是时不时去洗个冷水澡来降降温吧,洗掉身上的臭汗。wrist rist video n. 手腕;腕关节vt. 用腕力移动ankle ?kl video n. 踝关节,踝circulation ,s?:kjulei?n video n. 流通,传播;循环;发行量witch wit? video n. 巫婆,女巫vt. 迷惑;施巫术gel d?el video vi. 胶化n. 物化 凝胶,胶体sunburn s?nb?:n video n. 晒黑;皮肤 晒斑vi. 晒伤皮肤;晒红皮肤;晒黑皮肤vt. 晒伤;晒黑;晒红recipe resipi video n. 食谱;临床 处方;秘诀overheat ,?uv?hi:t, ?uv?hi:t video vi. 过热;愤怒起来vt. 使过热;使愤怒n. 过热;激烈spicy spaisi video adj. 辛辣的;香的,多香料的;下流的rinse rins video vt. 漱;冲洗掉;漂净n. 冲洗;漂洗;轻 染发剂;染发vi. 冲洗掉;漂净



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