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1、小学三年级英语上册Uint3 Colours第一课时教学设计 箕城小学 马丽清The butterfly 教学目标:1, 知识目标:1), Words:butterfly, red ,green ,blue ,pink, yellow, brown, lovely .2),Sentence: Look at the butterfly. Its green and red . 2, 能力目标: 1),能认读颜色单词red ,green ,blue ,pink, yellow, brown . 2),能学唱英语歌曲The butterfly3, 情感目标: 热爱大自然的美教学重点:认读颜色单词r

2、ed ,green ,blue ,pink, yellow, brown教学难点:学唱英语歌曲The butterfly教具学具:A recorder Pictures PPT教学方法:情境教学法 ,TPR教学法教学过程:,Warming up 1,Greetings . 2, Free talk :Whats your name? How are you today? Good morning /afternoon . Good bye .How many? Whats this ? (PPT) My new skateboard ./Its a snail ., Learnimg1, Wh

3、ats this? Guess .(教师画,学生猜。可以任意猜,会用英语说的说英语,不会说英语的说汉语。引出本节课的题目The butterfly)Yes . Its a butterfly . (Learn the words butterfly .) Today well study Unit Three Colours 2, Now lets listen to the song “The butterfly” and point the pictures .(整体感知歌曲)3, Now look here . This is my butterfly . Look , its gree

4、n .(Read green .Spell green: G-R-E-E-N green) Its red . (Read red . ) Its green and red .(Learn the sentences :Its pink and blue . Its brown and yellow .) 重点教学颜色的单词和句子,带下划线的单词和句子要板书并领读。4, Wow . How lovely!(Read )5, 1)I point you say red . 2)Show me red /green and red ., Follow up 1, Listen to the so

5、ng and tell me what you heard .PPT What can you hear? 你们能听到什么(一个单词或者一个句子)?2, PPT Read the sentences .3, Listen and read after the tape .3, Stand up . Lets listen and sing the song . (Do the action ), Practice1, T and Ss sing the song together .2, Sing the song in pair .3, S2 act out in class .Homewo

6、rk : 1, 说出你看到的颜色。2,Sing the song to your parents .板书设计:Uint Three ColoursThe butterflyIts brown and yellow .Its green and red . Its pink and blue教学反思:这是一节歌曲教学课。我以自由谈话开始我的课,目的是复习所学内容,引出新课,我在黑板上画蝴蝶让学生猜,本来我是想让学生复习单词的,没想到孩子们很感兴趣,竞成了本节课的一大高潮。教学颜色的单词时,时间用的较多,学唱歌曲时间有点紧;也是我第一次用课件教学,各个步骤之间显得衔接不上。由于时间关系学生练习的少,要是再把黑板上的图涂色,效果会更好。1


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