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1、Planning the Tour 旅行计划脱口而出1.Im going to take a trip abroad.我准备去国外旅行。2.Its a good place for sightseeing and shopping, isnt it?那是一个观光和购物的好地方,对吗?3.Are you interested in taking a tour?你对跟团旅游有兴趣吗?4.What kind of tours do you have?你们有哪些旅游路线呢?5.Whats the quickest way to get there?到那儿去最快的方法是什么?6.The point is

2、 that we dont have enough free time.问题是我们没有足够的空闲时间。7.Has anyone been there before?以前有人去过那里吗?8.Can you give me some suggestions about where to go sightseeing?关于去哪里观光你能给我一些建议吗?9.Maybe we can go there next time.也许我们可以下次去那儿。10.I will spend all the holiday there.我会花整个假期呆在那儿。对答如流 精彩对话Dialogue OneWhere are

3、 you going this holiday?这个假期你要去哪儿?Im going to Paris.我要去巴黎。When are you leaving?什么时候走?Next Saturday.下周六。Are you all packed?你的行李都整理好了吗?Yes, I am.是的,都整理好了。Paris is a good place. I like it, too.巴黎是个好地方,我很也很喜欢那儿。Why not go with me ?你为什么不和我一起去呢?Im afraid I cant get a ticket.恐怕现在买不到机票了。You can have a try.你

4、可以试试啊!Dialogue TwoIts said you will travel to Hangzhou.据说你要去杭州旅行。Yes, Ill leave tomorrow.是的,明天就出发。How long are you going to stay there?你打算在那儿呆多久?Its hard to say.不好说。How to say it?这怎么说呢?I would like to spend all my holiday there if the view is worthy to be seen.如果风景值得看,我会在那里花掉我整个假期。And otherwise?如果不是

5、呢?I will come back quickly.我会马上回来。Good idea.好主意。Dialogue ThreeWhat can I do for you?需要帮忙吗?I want to see the places of interest in Germany. Can you arrange a tour for us?我们想看看德国的名胜古迹,你能为我们安排一次旅行吗?How long would you like to stay there?你们想在那儿待几天?Well, two weeks.嗯,两周。There is a package tour. You will ha

6、ve fifteen days in the country. It is a general tour of the country.有一个包价旅游。你们将在哪个国家待15天,是对整个国家进行游览的旅行。That sounds good. How much is the tour?听起来不错,这个旅行多少钱?13,000 yuan for each one.每人13 000元。Let us think about it.让我们想想。Dialogue FourWe will have a long holiday.我们马上就有一个长假期了。Yes. Do you have any plans

7、for your vacation?是啊。假期你有什么计划吗?Im going to pay a visit to Egypt.我打算去埃及旅游。Great! Sphinx is a must while you are in Egypt.好极了!到埃及就一定要去看看狮身人面像。Yes, its famous in Egypt. Have you ever been to Egypt?是的,那是埃及有名的景点。你去过埃及吗?No, but I have been to South Africa.没有,但我去过南非。Is it interesting there?那儿很好玩吗?Yes, of c

8、ourse.是的,当然。出口成章旅游During holidays, Toms whole family was touring through the remotest and most desolate areas in the town. After several days of traveling, the son asked the guide, “What else should we see?”“What have you seen up until now?” The tour guide asked.“Nothing!”“so, you have seen everything!”假期,汤姆全家在旅行社的安排下,穿越镇上最偏僻、最荒凉的地区。走了好几天,儿子问向导:“我们还能看到什么?”“到现在为止,你们看到什么了?”向导问。“什么都没有!”儿子回答。向导说:“那么你们已经看得差不多了。”



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