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1、Unit 7 Its raining!【短语归纳】1. not bad 不错 2. at the park 在公园3. have a good time / have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself 过得很愉快4. take a message for 为捎个口信5. call sb. back 给某人回电话 6. no problem 没问题 7. right now 现在 8. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈 9. some of 当中的一些 10. by the pool 在游泳池边 11. drink orange ju

2、ice 喝橙汁 12. study hard 努力学习 13. on a vacation 在度假 14. in the mountains 在山里 15. call sb. 给某人打电话 16. write to sb. 给某人写信17. right for 适合 18. 给拍一张照片【用法集萃】1. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事2. have a great time + (in) doing sth.=have fun + doing sth. 愉快地做某事3. just right for doing sth. 做某事正合适【典句必背】1.

3、 Hows the weather? 2. Its cloudy. / Its sunny. / Its raining. 3. Hows it going?4. Great! / Not bad. / Terrible! 5. Can I take a message for him? 6. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 7. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. 8. Its hot in your country now, isnt it? 【经典范文

4、】 The Weather in BeijingHell, everyone! Im from Beijing. Do you want to know the weather in Beijing? Now let me tell you something about the weather here.In Beijing, spring is very short and warm. In summer, its very hot, but it often rains. We often go swimming in the river. In autumn, the weather

5、is very dry and cool. We often go to the farm to work with the farmers to help them. In winter, its very cold, and sometimes its snowy and windy.I like swimming, so summer is my favorite season.Section A 1a - 1c【自主检测】:、看图标写单词II、完美呈现1. Its a _ (阴天的) day today.2. Its _ (下雨) today, so I cant go to the

6、zoo.3. -How is the weather in your city today?-Its _ (晴朗的).4. Its _ (有风的) today. I want to take a bus to school.5. It is _ (下雪) in our city. The kids are very happy because they can make snowmen(雪人).、对号入座请用Hows或Whats填空。1. _ the weather today?2. _ the weather like today?【快乐链接】 形容词后缀-ysnow - snowy 有雪的

7、 rain - rainy 有雨的cloud cloudy 多云的 storm stormy 暴风雨的wind windy 刮风的 sun sunny 晴朗的Section A2a-2d【自主检测】:I、完美呈现1. Where is his sister?-She is _ (学习) at home.2. Is your aunt _ (煮) dinner?-Yes, she is.3. Hows your school trip?-Its _ (很糟的).4. We can use e-mail to send _ (信息).II、你来我往A:Hello, Tom speaking.B:H

8、i, Tom. Its Bob. 1. _?A:Not bad, thank you. 2. _?B:Im playing soccer with some friends at the park.A: 3._.B:Yeah. Is your brother at home?A:Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. 4. _?B:Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?A:5._.【快乐链接】 打电话用语 Hello/Hi! 你好!This is/Its . 我是. Whos t

9、hat? 你是谁呀?Is at home? 在家吗? This is speaking. 我是. Hows it going? 最近怎么样? Oh, he/she is not here. 哦,他/她不在家。 Can I take a message for you? 我能给你捎个口信吗? Could you tell him/her to call me back? 你能让他/她给我回电话吗?Section AGrammar Focus-3b【自主检测】:、完美呈现(注意时态)be rain go snow study1. Hows it _?-Great!2. Its _ now. Its

10、 very cold.3. How _ the weather in Shanghai today?-Its fine.4. What is Tom doing?-He is _ math.5. Its _ outside now. You need to take an umbrella(雨伞).、最佳搭档( ) 1. Hows the weather? A. No, it isnt.( ) 2. Hows it going? B. This is Ben.( ) 3. Whos that speaking? C. Im watching TV.( ) 4. What are you doi

11、ng? D. Snowy.( ) 5. Is it rainy in Boston? E. Great!【快乐链接】 现在进行时的各种句式句 式构 成肯定句主语+ am/is/are + 动词-ing 形式否定句主语+ am/is/are + not + 动词-ing 形式一般疑问句Am/Is/Are + 主语+ 动词-ing 形式?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+ am/is/are +(主语)+动词-ing 形式?SectionB1a-1e【自主检测】:I、完美呈现1. In winter(冬季), its_ (寒冷的).2. I like spring(春季) because its _ (温暖的

12、) and I can see lots of beautiful flowers. 3. The weather here is _ (热的) and _ (干燥的).4. Its _ (凉爽的) in autumn(秋季).、对号入座A: Hi, Cindy. Wheres your brother now?B: 1._ A: In the park? 2._ B: No, it isnt. Its sunny. 3._ A: Its terrible. Its raining.B: 4._ A: Im reading a book but its boring. 5._ B: All right.A. Well, what are you doing now?B. Hes playing soccer in the park.C. Oh, tell your brother to call me when he gets back.D. Is it raining there now?E. Whats the weather like in your c


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