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1、武汉市2022届高中毕业生二月调研考试二次开发 亲爱的同学们:很多人都说:“打好一抡基础是关键,但把握住二轮复习,就等于抓住了高考分数! ” 二轮复习将持续两个多月,复习效果的好坏将直接影响高考的成绩,让人不禁感叹,成也二 轮,败也二轮!二轮复习的重要性不言而喻了。其中二轮复习,会通过刷题来巩固夯实基础,查缺补漏,其实考试也是暴露问题的好 时刻。我们学习过程中每一次考试的最大意义就是发现和暴露问题,找出自己的“盲点”, 以便及时复习和补救。面对高三考试出现的问题,我们应该庆幸在每次练习或考试中找到了 自己的“疑难杂症”的关键点。为此我们做好考(练)后“三思(思得、思失、思改): 其中“思得”是

2、“思”本次考试我得到了什么,也就是说通过这次考试练习“我收获了什 么。包括应试的基础知识、技巧、策略、规范性和心理五个方面。以武汉市2022届高中毕 业生二月调研考试试卷听力和阅读理解板块为例,我们也可进行试卷二次开发,让我们每次 考(练)后收获更多!元宵一、听力:词汇make dinner reservations fbr leave me alone._under a lot of stress have a doctorsappointmentprepare for the mid-term exam show SB round句型Its your turn fbr doing sth.

3、Would you like to come with us to the cinema tonight?二、阅读理解:A篇词汇Higher life enjoyment and greater confidenceBrush up on a language_Show off Online learning platform leg-upNon-fictionwork/lifebookBe hannful tobalanceMental/physical healthachieve a deal with mental stressbetter句型(分Leaning a new langua

4、ge canhave nrofound effects cn theway you aDprcach析画横Droblem-solving.线处)B篇词汇Exchange studcnt_a good adventure fbrus_Inspirineentertaininga very well-rounded kidAvery goodunderstanding of granted initially_ be amazed byTake forexperience a lotof fun_ let aloneBe acceptedA bunch of immediate friends a

5、ndacquaintanceFeelfortunate todomake aneffort to do.Be carefulabout hang out with句型(翩We do expecuhat this hosting experience is the start of a lifelong relationship.译且注意画横线处)词汇connect with talent showalarminglyat the end ofbe allowed to dothe intense competitionmusic aids academic achievementspeed u

6、p secondary school extracurricularmusicshortsighted fundamental have a sense ofbelonging句 型 译且注意画横线加1) Joan Koenig argues that music is fundamental to a well-functioning society. Besides (hat, music-making nurtures sympathy and belonging.2) In this time of uncertainty and fearcnsuring that all child

7、ren can access music-niuking isa cause deserving meaningful support and attention from ministers.D篇词汇Living alone have harmful effects onbe particularlybad forA significant association between.and. contribute tothe impact ofIncreasing understanding of fundamental links between psychological stress a

8、nd physical health related to句型(翻There is increasing understanding of fundamental links between Dsychological stress译且注意画and nhycical health related to illness.横线处)七选五词汇make up for stay awake keep our full attentionstruggle forcant/couldnt wait to doin the beginning ofat the end of the yearpushsb to do句 型(翻译且注意 画横线 处1) f you wanted an A,you had to work for thatA.2) Mrs. Thomas not only got us ready for high school bul also really prepare me for life in the future. Im just waiting fbr the next teacher who can affect my life and me as a person.



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