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1、Unit 2 Lets play sports!(Welcome to the unit) 班级_姓名_ 【学习目标】 1、Know the names of sports2、Use the right language to talk about sports【学习重难点】Use the right language to talk about sports or in our own words freely【课前预习】一、Read the following/nut/ /nt/ /uz/ /s/ /smuk/ /fk/si:m/ /i:m/ /sin/ /in/ /sed/ /eft/二

2、、复习第一单元,查找相关信息1、Do you remember Millie, Sandy , Simon, and Daniel,Kitty,Amy, Who likes sports?2、What sports do they like?3、What sports are they good at?【课堂学习】1、检查交流课前作业2、Answer questions and practise in pairsWhat do you like doing?What sport do you like/love/enjoy (doing)?3、What sports do Sandy,Mill

3、ie,Kitty ,Simon, Amy like? 完成PartA on P19.4、What sport does Eddie like?Listen and answer.Read and play.5、Talk about your favourite sport. I like. Whats your favourite sport? 6、Listen and read Part B.Then act it out.7、Practise in pairs.【课堂反馈】1、用所给动词的适当形式填空1、 He often_ (go) to school at 7:00 and_ (hav

4、e)lunch at school.2. Do you want_ (play) basketball after school?3. -_Lily_ (watch) TV every evening?- No , she_.(not)4. Tom doesnt know how_ (look) after his dog.5、Jack and Jim _(be) classmates.6、_ you enjoy _(chat) on the Internet?7、I like_ (go)shopping.8、Id like _ (be) your penfriend.9、Would you

5、like _(go) shopping with me?10、Do you often (play) football?【课后拓展】1、阅读理解Today is Sunday. Its four oclock in the afternoon. Jack and Simon are at home. They are twin brothers. They want to play basketball. So they take their basketball and a bag, then go to the playground. Jack puts the bag under a b

6、ig tree and opens it, but he cant find his sports clothes. “Where is my sports clothes?” Jack asks Simon. “Oh, Im sorry,” says Simon, “I forget to take yours.”1. When do they play basketball?A. At 4 in Sunday afternoon. B. Before 4 on Sunday afternoon.C. At 4 on Sunday afternoon. 2. Where do they pl

7、ay basketball? A. At home. B. In the playground. C. In a park. 3. What do they take? A. The basketball. B. Their bag. C. Their basketball and a bag. 4. What does Jack find in the bag? A. Simons sports clothes. B. His sports clothes. C. Their basketball. 5. Does Jack find his sports clothes?A. Yes, h

8、e does. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he does.2、 完成学习与探究 unit2 第一课时相关作业3、熟记本课时的词组、句型。Unit 2 Lets play sports!(Reading 1) 班级_姓名_【学习目标】1、Know a football player called Li Hua2、Use English to introduce your favourite player【学习重难点】Use English to introduce your favourite player【课前预习】一、Read the following/i:/ /z

9、i:/ /is/ /zip/en/ /zed/lait/ /main/ /sain/ /nail/二、Ask and answerWhat sport do Sandy and Millie often play? What sport does Kitty like? What about Simon?What about Amy?What is your favourite sport? How do you play it?三、对话表演Talk about your and your partners favourite sports【课堂学习】1、检查交流课前作业2、Listen to

10、 an article and find out who is Simons favourite football player.3.Read it quickly and find out which paragraph the information is in.(PartB Page21)4.Make sure you can read and understand the article. Whats your question if there is some? Expain some.5. Some questions about Li Hua. please Answer: Ho

11、w old is Li Hua? Is he from Nanjing?Does he look fat? What does he look?Where does he live?What does he do every day? Does he paly football well?What does he do in his free time? Whats Li Huas dream?6、Read and finish Part B2.7、Work in pairs and talk about Li Hua like Millie and Simon. You can ask mo

12、re questions.【课堂反馈】一、填空1、Li Hua is my_ (喜欢的)football player.He plays football_ (好).2.Now Li Hua_ (live) in Beijing.3. Now _ (listen) to the teacher please.4. In Li Huas free time,he often_ (study) English. 5、He also _ (enjoy)_ (listen) to music.6、Listening to music makes Li Hua _ (happy).7、He wants

13、_ (paly) in the next World Cup.8、Id like _ (be) a football player like Li Hua.9、Does Li Hua _ (play) football well?10、I hope his dream _ (come) true one day.二、选择( )1、A.cat B. map C. father D.bag ( )2、A. desk B. pen C. she D.get ( )3、A. city B. him C. with D.like( )4、A. box B.dog C. stop D.cold( )5、A. but B.cup C.sun D.put( )6、Daniel often _to school by bus. A. goes B. go C. going D.goes( )7、Kate often_ kites with Jim after school.A. fly B.flies C.flys D.flyes( )8、-Bill,whats your sisters


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