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1、Passage1 What might driving on an automatic highway be like? The answer depends on what kind of system is finally adopted. Two different types are on the drawing board. The first is a special-purpose lane(车道)system,in which certain lanes are reserved for automatic vehicles. The sceond is a mixed tra

2、ffic system:fully automatic vehicles would share the road with man-driven cars. A special-purpose lane system would require many physical changes to existing highways,but it promises the greatest gains in highway capacity(流量). Under either plan,the driver would tell the desired destination,feeding t

3、his information to a computer in the car at the beginning of the trip. If a mixed traffic system was in place, automatic driving could begin whenever the driver was on suitably epuipped roads. If special-purpose lanes were available,the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different

4、 ways. One method would use a special on-ramp(入口引道)As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway,devices(装置)build on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle to determine its destination and to make sure that it had the proper automatic equipment in good working order. Passi

5、ng such tests,the driver would then be guided through a gate and toward an automatic lane. In the case,this switch would take place on the entrance ramp. An alternative technique could employ traditional lanes,which would be shared by automatic and regular vehicles. The driver would drive onto the h

6、ighway and move in normal fashion to a “change” lane. Either approach to joining a lane of automatic traffic would harmonize the movement of newly entering vehicles with those already traveling. And once a vehicle had serttled into automatic travel,the driver would be free to release the wheel,open

7、the morning paper or just relax.1. We learn from the first paragraph that two systems of automatic highways_.A. are being revised. B. are being planned C. are now in wide use D. are under construction.2. A special-purpose lane system probably has advantages because_. A. it would require only minor c

8、hanges to existing highways B. it has a lane for both automatic and man-driven vehiclesC. it would achieve the greatest highway traffic efficiencyD. it offers more lanes for automatic vehicles.3.We know from the passage that a car can enter a special-purpose lane_. A. by smoothly joining in cars on

9、the traditional lane.B. by way of a ramp with electronic control devicesC. after all the road blocks are removedD. through a specially guarded gate4.When driving in an automatic lane,the drivers_.A. should harmonize with newly entering carsB. doesnt have to rely on the computer systemC. should watch

10、 out for potential accidentsD. doesnt have to drive by themselvesPassage 2Norman Borlaug led what was known as the Green Revolution. He taught at Texas A&M University and worked on international projects until his death on September 12,2009,when he was ninety-five and suffering from cancer. As a pla

11、nt scientist,he may have saved more lives than anyone else in history-as many as a billion,by some estimates(估计). He traveled the world to help poor people develop better ways to produce food. He worked in the fields to show farmers new ways to grow wheat,rice and other crops. And he worked in the l

12、aboratory to breed new wheat varieties that could resist disease. Before he passed away,he was always worrying about a new threat,a fungus called Ug99,which is a new strain of stem rust organism(有机体)that has the power to destroy most of the wheat varieties being grown around the world. It was discov

13、ered in Uganda ten years ago and has spread in Africa and now Asia. Norman Borlaug began work on a project in Mexico financed by the Rockefeller Foundation In 1944.By the middle of the 1950s,Mexico had doubled its wheat production per hectare. Norman Borlaug and his team had even greater success in

14、Pakistan and India. Farmers could grow four times more than before. Later in life he tried to bring the Green Revolution to Africa. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom seven years later. He won the Congressional Gold Medal two years ago.But not everyone conside

15、red him a hero. Environmental activists criticized his intensive methods,including the use of fertilizers and pesticides. He suggested that Western critics had never known real hunger,and wondered if they had ever watched their children go hungry. But later,he also urged farmers not to overuse chemi

16、cals. At his ninety-fifth birthday party in March,Norman Borlaug said that he was worried about the worlds ability to feed itself.1. Which of the following is TRUE about Norman Borlaug according to the passage?A. He died of hard work. . B. He worked at a university in Britain.B. He served poor people soul and heart. D. He taught farmers how to grow crops in the lab.2. Cho


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