江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版

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江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版_第1页
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江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版_第2页
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江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版_第3页
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《江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版精修版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Section A(3a-4) 【新知导学】 A: Do you study in NO.2 Middle School ?B: Yes.A: When did you start?B: Two years ago.A: How long have you been studying here?B: For two years.【自主预习】1.请同学们先认真阅读学习目标,然后仔细研读课本P46, 看完后将所学到的东西进行归纳,画出重要知识点,用红色笔作好疑难标记。2.试着

2、读一读单词表中本课时的新单词(或词组),将不会的单词圈出来,然后通过听磁带或求助于其他等方式将单词读准、读熟。3.你会读并写出下列单词的意思吗?raise_several_ skater_4.请写出下列短语的意思。raise money for charity_the skating marathon _the whole five hours_three and a half yearsthree years and a half_5.听一听,填一填。听P46 3a的报道,完成3a的表格。【合作探究】任务1:考查你的阅读能力。读p46 3a ,完成下列问题。你还能提出什么问题吗?1. Wha

3、t are they doing?2. Why are they doing it ?3. How much does each student raise for each hour they skate?4. How long has the skating marathon been going?5. Who are still skating now?_任务2:复述故事。根据p46 3a的文章与3b表格,用自己的语言对文章进行复述。相信你能说出一篇优秀的报道。_ 任务3:小组采访活动。采访你的同学,问他们平常进行什么活动?可根据 Group work的对话进行采访,然后完成Group

4、work的表格,并进行小组汇报。_考点聚焦all和 whole的用法:它们都表示“全,都”。但all放在冠词,指示代词,物主代词之前。whole放在这些词之后。whole只修饰可数名词,all可修饰不可数名词和可数名词的单复数。练一练:一、单项选择( )1.Li Lei has been studying for _hours.A. whole the two B. all two C. the whole two D. the all two( )2.She was really tired .She worked _afternoon.A. whole the B. the whole C

5、. all D. the all二、翻译句子1.他在这里度过了他的一生。_2.李先生在这家医院工作了整整二十年。_ three years and a half 也可说成 three and a half years练一练:翻译1.四个半星期 _2.五个半月 _【学案整理】_ Section A (3a4)练一练:1-2 CB 1.He spent all his life here. 2.Mr.Li has worked in the hospital for the whole twenty years.练一练:1.four weeks and a half/ four and a half weeks 2.five months and a half/ five and a half months


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