【精品】高中外研版选修6天津专用同步精练11 含答案

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1、外研版英语精品资料Module 1Small TalkPeriod One(时间:50分钟).介副词填空1And are you nervous _ the idea of being at a social event in another country?2Small talk is very important and prepares you _ more serious conversations.3In some countries, for example, you have to arrive _ time at a party; in other countries, you

2、 dont need to.4_ addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave.5When I meet strangers, I dont like to talk _ myself, so I avoid answering personal questions.答案1.about2.for3.on4.In5.about.单词拼写1Would you love to go to a party and talk c_ to every guest?2Do you want to

3、 make more friends but l_ the confidence to talk to people you dont know?3It helps if you do a little a_ planning.4Small talk is very important and prepares you for more _(严肃的) conversations.5Communication is a twoway processit _(包括) speaking AND listening.答案1.confidently2.lack3.advance4.serious5.in

4、volves. 翻译与仿写1Make sure you prepare for your English examination.翻译:_仿写:弄清楚会议在何时何地举行。_2Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize?翻译:_仿写:我每天起得很早, 以便于及时做早操。_3Here are some ideas to make you a better listener.翻译:_仿写:我们推选他作我们足球队队长。_答案1.务必要为你的英语考试做准备。Make sure when and wher

5、e the meeting is going to be held.2你是否曾经故意穿过马路以避免与你认识的人说话?I get up early every day to be in time for morning exercises.3下面是一些是你成为良好倾听者的方法。We made him captain of our football team.语篇填词Have you ever crossed the road to _1_ talking to someone you can _2_? Would you love to go to a party and talk _3_ to

6、 every guest?You neednt worry about _4_ like these if you have good _5_. And they are easy to learn. It helps if you do a little _6_ planning.First, learn how to do small talk. Small talk is very important and _7_ you for more _8_ conversations. Be prepared! Have some lowrisk conversation openers _9

7、_.Second, develop your listening skills. Communication _10_ speaking AND listening. Remember that you wont _11_ people if you talk yourself too much. At last, learn the rules. There are different _12_ rules in different countries. You need to know when to arrive at the party. _13_ addition, you shou

8、ld know how long you should stay and when you have to leave. Some hosts _14_ flowers or a small gift, but in other places you _15_ if you dont want to.答案1.avoid2.recognise3.confidently4.situations5social skills6.advance7.prepares8.serious9ready10.involves11.impress12.social13.In14.expect15.neednt. 单

9、项填空1He began to take English _ only when he left college.Astrictly Btruly Ccarefully Dseriously答案Dseriously“严肃地,认真地”,take.seriously意为“重视,认真对待”;strictly“严格地”;truly“真实地”;carefully“小心地,仔细地”。2Serious _ of current fund forced the closure of the company.Ashort Black Cfailure Dabsence答案B考查名词辨析。题中lack为名词,意思

10、是“缺乏”。 句意:公司因严重缺乏流动资金而被迫关闭。short of虽有“缺乏”之意,但short是形容词;failure“失败”;absence“不在,缺席”。故选B项。3Although criminals try their best to hide their guilt, most of them _ in the end.Afind out Bmake out Care found out Dare made out答案C考查动词词组。find out“查明,发现”;make out“弄清楚,搞明白”。句意:尽管罪犯们尽力掩盖自己的罪行,他们中大多数最后都会被发现。根据句意可知需

11、用被动语态,因此选C项。4What he said just now made Mary _ her boyfriend.Athink over Bthink up Cthink of Dthink about答案Cthink of“想起,回忆起”;think over“仔细考虑”;think up“想出”;think about“考虑”。5She _ from the snake, because she is afraid of it.Alooks after Blooks out Clooks into Dlooks away答案Dlook away from“把目光从移开”;look

12、after“照看”;look out“小心,当心”;look into“向里看,调查”。6The atmosphere at work is fairly _.Aeasy Bdifficult Cinformal Dwell答案C句意:工作气氛相当轻松。informal“轻松友好的,不拘礼节的”;不能说气氛容易或难,而well为副词,故A、B、D三项都不合题意。7He was_ about attending school when he was a boy.Anerves Bnervous Canxious Dinformal答案B句意:当他是孩子时,他害怕上学。be nervous abo

13、ut对感到紧张。nerve神经;anxious焦虑的;informal非正式的。8The bird flew away and avoided_.Ato be shot Bto shoot Cbeing shot Dshooting答案Cavoid后接动词ing形式,the bird与shoot之间为被动关系,故C项正确。9This is not an economical way to get more water; _, it is very expensive.Aworse still Bon the contrary Cin short Din addition答案Bon the con


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