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1、如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到http:/ 打包下载该文本听力李阳英语听力突破掌上宝Unit01by:更多英语听力下载尽在http:/ 英语交流群37795273 1.John will be thirty on November fourteenth.= On November fourteenth John will celebrate his day.几乎没有人能讲对!2.Since your suitcase weights sixty pounds, youll have to pay overweight.= The weight of the suitcase is sixty po

2、unds.3.The Intonation Office has moved to 70 South Speedway.= The new address of the International Office is 70 South Speedway.4.Forty students will receive their Ph.D. degrees in industrial engineering this semester.= A doctoral 博士的 degree will be awarded to forty students this semester.5.A one-way

3、 ticket 单程票 to Washington costs eighty dollars.= Eighty dollars is the price of a ticket to Washington.6.You have fifteen minutes to finish this section of the test.= There are fifteen minutes left for this section of the test.7.Jane lives in room fourteen on the first floor of Parks tower.= Room fo

4、urteen is Janes.8.It only cots fifteen cents to call Miami after five oclock.= After five oclock a call to Miami costs fifteen cents.9.All of the English classes will meet in room 170this semester.= English classes will all meet in room 170 this semester.注meet: vi. 集会;开会;会合;见面;(会议等)召开。Lets meet toge

5、ther again tomorrow.We must meet again to discuss it.The student council meets next week.(学生自治会下周要开会。)10.Turn to page 16 in your textbooks, and do the first fifteen problems.= The problems on page 16 are assigned 分配;指定.11Todays low temperature was thirty degrees.= Thirty degrees was todays low tempe

6、rature 最低温度 .12.I need eighteen xerox copies before my eight oclock meeting tomorrow morning.= At eight oclock tomorrow morning I will need eighteen copies.13.The rate of exchange is thirteen-to-one.= Thirteen-to-one is the rate of exchange 货币兑换率 .14.1-90 is one of the busiest interstate highways in

7、 the nation.= 1-90 is a busy highway.联想 当我看到这个句子的时候,我的脑海中就会出现这个画面:我陪同外国客人到一个城市去进行投资情况调查,结果路上发生的大堵车,于地我就脱口而出:This is one of the busiest intercity highways in the province.(这是本省最繁忙的市际公路之一。)15.CBS news is on channel thirteen at six oclock.= Channel Thirteen carries CBS news.16.The answers may be found

8、on page 90 in your textbook.= Page 90 has the answers on it.17.You need an eighteen-cent stamp for this package.= It will cost eighteen cents to mail the package.18.Flight forty to Dallas is now boarding at gate two.= The fight now boarding is number forty.19.Fifteen percent of the students who took

9、 the examination scored above 450.= A score of 450 or more was achieved by 15 percent of the student tested.20.W: Prices are really going up. I had to pay three dollars for a shirt yesterday, and I used to pay only two.M: I know what you mean. My sweaters cost me over ten now.Q: How much do shirts c

10、ost now?A: 3 dollars each. 李阳英语听力突破掌上宝Unit02by:更多英语听力下载尽在http:/ 英语交流群37795273 听力小把戏-计算题1.Stone bought used books for 6 dollars saving about 2.50.2.Sindy bought a 200-dollar camera for 165 dollars.3.City college has 520 students in 1960, but since then the school has doubled its enrollment.4. Mr.Smit

11、h always gets to the store a half hour early in order to check the register before the store opens at 10 oclock.5. By the time I paid 250 dollars for my rent I only have a half of my salary left.6. The flight was scheduled to depart at noon, but the plane was delayed for half an hour.7. The stadium

12、sits for 5000 people ,but it was half-empty for last nights game.8. Doctor Jones got to the counter at 8:40 am missing the bus by 5 minutes.9. If Jane can type 40 words a minute, Julie can probably type 80.10. This end table is on sale for 85 dollars each, or 150 dollars for a pair.11. The class beg

13、ans at 8 oclock ,but Bill is always 50 minutes late.12. We expected to sell 40 tickets, but we sold twice as many.13. Since the taxi was late, Dr. Jones didnt get to the airport until 11 oclock missing his flight by half an hour.14. Mr.Black has to leave his house at 8:30 in ordor to get to work by

14、9 oclock.15. Alice was short changed 10 dollars when the teller cashed two 300 cheque.16. My wife said 9:30, but she always said 10 minutes ahead.17. This rest he will only serve 10 people, and we expect at least 20.18. Since the shuttle bus only goes half way from state university to married studen

15、ts housing, Bob and Carro have to walk half a mile to the bus stop.19. Jone was supposed to arrive at time for the new nil ,but he was two hours late.20. At the end of the season, many of the sixty dollar dresses will be on sale for half price. 李阳英语听力突破掌上宝Unit03by:更多英语听力下载尽在http:/ 英语交流群37795273 1、Alice want to transfer to Beijing University because she has many friends studying here.2 Sally borrowed her sisters bicycle.3 Ann would like us to



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