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1、介 by onself, of oneself, for oneself, to oneself等“介词+反身代词”词组在阅读中经常碰到,由于理解不够准确,常常造成阅读理解的障碍,因此,有必要加以举例说明。1. by oneself单独地,独自地 1) They made the model machines all by themselves. 2) You can complete the task by yourself.2. of oneself自行地 1) The fire died of itself. 2) The baby woke up of himself all of a

2、 sudden.3. for oneself亲自,为自己 1) Do you have anying to say for yourself? 2) One cannot do such a thing for oneself.4. to oneself含有“暗自(在心中)的意思 ,常与动词 think,say, talk, tell等连用。 1) The boy said to himself.I must study hard. 2) This dictionary is used to himself.根据以上例句,我们可以看出:by oneself主要含义为独自,自个儿、亲自,没有别人

3、帮助,相当于alone;of oneself是指不受外界事物干涉而自行完成的动作,常用在不及物动词之后;for oneself一般表示“为自己”的意思;to oneself则强度调“供某人独自用”和“暗自”的含义 。词+反身代词 英语中反身代词与不同的介词搭配,可构成意义不同的习惯用语,学习者对如何选用这些习语感到困难。其实,这些习惯用语的意义往往与介词的意义有联系,一旦见多了,对每个习语所表达的意思和所使用的语境便熟悉了,用起来就不会感到困难。现将这类习惯用语分述如下:1.(all )by oneself单独地,独自地 1) They made the model machines all

4、by themselves. 2) You can complete the task by yourself.3)She did it all by herself.这件事是她独立完成的。4)The little girl wrote the letter all by herself.那封信是小女孩独自写成的。5)She likes to take a walk by herself.她喜欢独自散步。6)The house stands all by itself on the hill.那所房子孤零零地耸立在山顶上。(by oneself主要含义为独自儿、亲自,没有别人帮助,相当于alo

5、ne;of oneself是指不受外界事物干涉而自行完成的动作,常用在不及物动词之后)2. of oneself自行地 自发,自动,自然而然 1) The fire died of itself. 2) The baby woke up of himself all of a sudden. 3)You need not call him;he will wake up of himself,他不必叫他,他自己会醒的。4)The enemy will not perish of himself.敌人不会自行消灭。5)The fire went out of itself.火是自己熄灭的。3.

6、for oneself 亲自,为自己,代表自己 ;独自地 1) Do you have anying to say for yourself? 2) One cannot do such a thing for oneself. 3)He kept the book for himself.他把这本书留给自己用。4)I have something to say for myself.我有要辩白的话。 5)He is old enough to do it for himself.他年龄够大了,可以独自做这件事了。6)One cant do such a thing for oneself.这

7、样的事情独自一个人是做不成的。(for oneself一般表示“为自己”的意思 )4. to oneself 含有“暗自(在心中)的意思 ,常与动词 think,say, talk, tell等连用。 1) The boy said to himself.I must study hard. 2) This dictionary is used to himself. 3)He has a room to himself.他独住一间房。 4)We had the whole compartment to ourselves.这个车箱就只有我们几个人。 5)I began to say to m

8、yself,What about becoming an actor? 我开始暗自思量,“去当演员好不好?” 6)He appeared to be talking to himself.他似乎在自言自语。 (to oneself则强度调“供某人独自用”和“暗自”的含义 )5. among themselves (ourselves,yourselves) 一起,共同之间 They were arguing among themeselves. 他们在一起争论 6. beside oneself (with.).得要命,失常,发狂. On hearing the good news, he w

9、as beside himself with joy. 一听到这个好消息,他简直欣喜若狂. 7. between ourselves (=between you and me;between you,me and the gatepost) 私下谈;不和外人谈 This matter is between ourselves.这件事别对外人讲. 8. in oneself 本质, 本身 实际上,就其本质而言 1)The book is really a small library in itself.那部书本身是个小图书馆。 2)He told us not to lose faith in ourselves.他告诉我们不要失去自信心。 3) Water is colourless in itself.水本质是无色的. 9. in spite of oneself 不由自主地 I laugh in spite of myself.我不由自主的笑起来.


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