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1、六年级英语演讲稿范文leg manwhile working on the installation of a new piece of machinery, a worker was lifting a heavy steel support beam in order to bolt it into place. as he held the beam he began to exprediscomfort in the muscle of his leg.man oh man! he exclaimed. now that hurt!charlie horse? someone aske

2、d.charlie horse isnt the word for it. a charlie horse would have be a blessing compared to how this feels.by this time, another worker had walked up to see what the commotion was about. he looked at the steel support beam and said, can i help you with that?the injured worker replied as he pointed to

3、 his leg, that would be great. how about massaging it a little while.二:fish killit was a cloudleday. the warmth of the fall sun made the day seem as if it would be perfect. yes, for me perhaps, but not exactly for the technician who was working on one of my laboratory machines. the technician defini

4、tely knew what he was doing and seemed exceptionally qualified except for one thing. he was no electrician. he had found a motor that he identified as being bad. the motor shaft was much too difficult to turn and he had indicated that this was a major problem. expect two to three days for a new one

5、to arrive, he said.one thing my friend didnt understand is that when power is supplied to a generator, it becomes a motor and when mechanical power is applied to a motor, it becomes a generator. during the proceof his working on the machine he disconnected the leads to the motor and spun the shaft t

6、urning the motor into a generator. disconnecting the leads in effect took the load off the motor, the leads being connected causing the motor not to turn freely. he looked rather perplexed to see the motor shaft spin so freely. for reasons unknown to me, he spun the shaft again and grabbed the wires

7、 protruding from the motor. i dont believe i have ever heard quite the string of expletives that this man let fly from his mouth. with his eyes widened he had to slap his hand loose from the wires as the flow of generated electricity locked the grip of his hand.now this being funny all by itself, it

8、 evidently wasnt funny enough for the technician because he spun the motor and grabbed the leads again. another string of expletives that have never been heard previously by man were unleashed unto the world.several years ago, i had heard about a man who went fishing with an old crank type telephone

9、 generator. hed drop the leads into the water and crank the generator causing the fish to be shocked whereby they would float to the top for him to collect. on this warm and cloudlefall day, id say, the technicians fish had all floated to the top.小学六年级英语演讲稿模板小学六年级英语教研工作发言稿小学六年级英语家长会发言稿上学期开学初六年级英语教师家长会发言稿六年级英语演讲稿范文


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