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1、上锁/挂牌lockout/tagoutTopics:What is Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) 什么是上锁/挂牌Why LOTO is needed为什么我们需要上锁/挂牌Who need to understand LOTO谁需要理解上锁/挂牌How to apply and remove LOTO 如何去实施和解除上锁/挂牌LOTO products presenting 上锁/挂牌产品介绍Lockout/Tagout The placement of a lockout device and a tagout device on an energy isolating d

2、evice, in accordanee with an established procedure, ensuring and indicating that the energy isolati ng device and the equipme nt being con trolled cannot be operated until the lockout and tagout devices are removed上锁/挂牌:就是在能源控制装置上加上锁并用标签标识出來,这 样的工具呢合相应的程序管理可以保证能源控制装置和其控制的 设备可以有效地被控制,直到上锁/挂牌被解除后才能操作设

3、备。Three comp orients 3个构成部件 Purpose Of Lockout/Tag out上锁/挂牌的目的: 一 Control of hazardous energy控制危险能量 一 Reduce the potential for employee in jury duri ng the servicing and/or maintenance of equipment resulting from the unexpected start-up or release of hazardous energy减少当维修和保养机械设备时由于意外的启动或释放危险能量而引起潜在的

4、员工伤害 All accidents are unexpected, un-desirable, of cause un- plannevents.工业伤害事故都是“计划”以外的,是不期望发生的事件。几乎所有的事故都是由人的不安全行为,在不安全的状态、环境下发生,从而导致的人身伤害、死亡,或者财产的损失。Most in juries in an accide nt are caused by un-safety operations or un security environment绝大多数意外 伤害是由于不安全的操作 及不安全的环境造成的!6 hazardous energy source

5、s工作场所中6个主要的危害能源Electrical 电Pneumatic气压Hydraulic 液压Chemical化学Mecha nical 机械Thermal热Before maintenance being taken, any people MUST identify all of theseenergy sources, but not limited, and isolate them任何人在进行维修保养之前都必须确认出这些能源(不局限所列的 这些),并将它们全部上锁、隔离意外伤害 Accidence24%/天灾Nature disaster3%97% of accidenee a

6、re related with man!97%的意外伤害是和人直接相关的! !WHO else other than employer, will use/understand LOTOAffectedEmployee 受影响的员工Those who work with or near equipment that can be locked or tagged out.指那些在将要上锁和挂牌的设备上工作,或在附近工作的职员。AuthorizedEmployee受批准的员工Those who have been trained to physically lock or tag out mac

7、hines so service or maintenance would been done.指那些经过培训,实际给机器上锁并挂牌,以便设备的维护工作 得以进行的职员OtherEmployee 其他员工Those who sometimes may come close to an area where lockout/tagout may be used.指那些偶尔会到上锁/挂牌区域的职员。正确实施上锁/挂牌可以极大地避免意外伤害的发生!Implementing LOTO can substantially protect people from accidences!动力源输入収 COM

8、HHG t POWER控制动力源输入IHGOM ING CONTROL li POWERAuthorized employee授权的员I:other employee其它员工Affected employee受影响的员I:EquipmentSpecific LOTO Procedures特定设备的上锁挂牌程序 Specific for different equipment, SOP 不同设备的特殊性 Procedures attached to that specific equipment or a sign indicating its location is attached to t

9、he equipment程序里附上的那些特殊 设备或有附着标示位置 的设备Procedures may in elude 程序将包括:一 Location and identification of equipment. 位置和设备的鉴定一 Types and magnitude of energy, its hazards and the methods能量的类型和大小,它的危害和方式一 to control and release energy.控制和释放能量一 Types and location of energy isolating devices 能量断开装置的类型和位置一 Met

10、hod of verifying the isolation of the equipment 检验设备断开装置的方法一 Restoring Equipment to Service设备工作的恢复LOTO Procedure Form上锁挂牌程序表格LOCK OUT TAG OUT PROCEDURE FORMMachine/Equipment (name)Asset No.Authorized LOTO Employees:Re-energizing EquipmentMachlneBefore start-up of machine/equipment after servicing, c

11、omplete the following steps:Affected LOTO Employees:1 Make sure machine/equipment is in good v/orking order.Other:2. Notify all affected personnel that LOTO devices ar being removed from equipment/machinery and allpersonnel is safely positioned away from the equipment/machinery.Other: Equipment Shut

12、downThe following step-by-step procedure must be followed to shut down, isola怕,block and secure this piece (or class) of equlpment/machino:1. Notify all affected personnel (operators of machine/equipment, etc.) that LOTO procedures at in effect2.3.3. Check for and retrieve all loose tools, equipment

13、/machlne parts. Reinstall all removed equipmont/machin guards.Other:4. Remove all LOTO devices from energy isolating devices. Other:5. Operate the energy isolating devices to restore energy to the equipment/machine. OtherLOTO DevicesThe following steps need to be performed to safely place, remove an

14、d transfer LOTO devices to energy isolating devices:Release All Hazardous Energy SourcesTh following steps are required to release any residual or stored energy of the equipment/machine: Machine/Equipment Is In A Zero Mechanical State (ZMS)Before performing service or maintenance, veri

15、fy the machine/equipment is in a ZMS. Comple怕 the following steps:1.2.3. Step 1 - Prepare for Equipment Shutdown步骤准备关闭设备。识别能源类型(电、机械)和它潜在的危 险。放好隔离装置并准备关闭能源。 Step 2 一 Communicate with affected people步骤2 -通知可能因设备隔离受影响的人员。 Step 3 - Perform Equipment Shutdown步骤3 履行设备的关闭。 Step 4 一 Isolate Equipment步骤4-将设备与能源隔离 Step 5 Apply LOTO


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