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1、can 在英语中有一个特殊的名字,叫做情态动词,表示“能够”, “会”, “能力”后面要跟着表示动作的动词。没有时态和人称的变化。表示不能做什么的时候,后面加上 not为 can not,或者缩写为cant。问别人“能吗?”要把can 放在句子前面,首字母要大写,句尾别忘加上问号。例句:I can swing .I can draw.She can jump.He can play . We can touch .They can run.I cant sing.You cant see.She cant dance.He cant hear a car.We cant hear an aer

2、oplane.Can you hear a dog?Can he hear a bus?Can Lucy write?Can you do it? 练习 将下面各组词组成句子1._(an,aeroplane,hear,Lucy,can )2. _ (not,he ,dance,can )3._? (you,can ,see,what )4._(can ,see ,not ,we ,you)5._. (I ,can ,help ,you )6._? (I,can ,do,what)7._? (you ,can ,hear me)8._? (you ,can ,dance) 疑问句是用来提出问题。

3、英语中有四种疑问句: 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。我们现在已经接触到了前两种疑问句。后两种疑问句以后我们还会学到。特殊疑问句(又叫wh-question)用特殊疑问词来提出问题的疑问句叫作特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词一般要放在句首。常用的疑问词有what who ,which how 等这些词都以wh 开头(包括how)所以也叫作wh-question。特殊疑问句要求回答具体内容。不能用yes或no回答。如:What can you see ?I can see a cat.What can you hear ?I can hear a bus.What can you do ?

4、I can sing and dance.What is it ? Its a panda.What do you like ?I like playing footballHow old are you ?Im ten. 二 将下列每组词各组成一句特殊疑问句1.(you are how). _?.2.(old how Ben is)_?3.colour is what your shirt_?4.(can see what the on you desk ) _?5.(like what do you)_? 1. How many can you see? 意思是“你能看见多少?” how

5、many 后面要加名词复数。2. 当对方回答正确时,可说: Thats right./ Youre right./ Right.当对方回答错误时,可说:Sorry.Youre wrong./Wrong./Oh, no.Be 动词的用法: (1) Am-was Is -was Are-were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,复数全用are。(2) 肯定和否定句 I am (not) from London. He is(not) a teacher. She is(not) in the dining room. My hair is(not) long. Her eyes a

6、re(not) small. (3) 一般疑问句 Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 用恰当的be动词填空。 1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. The dog _ tall and fat. 4. The man with big eyes _ a teac

7、her.5. _ your brother in the classroom? 6. Where _ your mother? She _ at home. 7. How _ your father? 8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 9. Whose dress _ this? 10. Whose socks _ they? 11. That _ my red skirt. 12. Who _ I? 13.The jeans _ on the desk. 14. Here _ a scarf for you. 15. Here _ some sweaters

8、for you. 16. The black gloves _ for Su Yang. 17. This pair of gloves _ for Yang Ling. 18. The two cups of milk _ for me. 19. Some tea _ in the glass. 20. Gao shans shirt _ over there. 21. My sisters name _Nancy.22. This _ not Wang Fangs pencil. 23. _ David and Helen from England? 24. There _ a girl

9、in the room. 25. There _ some apples on the tree. 26. _ there any kites in the classroom? 27. _ there any apple juice in the bottle? 28. There _ some bread on the plate. 29. There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 30. You, he and I _ from China.一、名词复数规则 1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-boo

10、ks, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse

11、-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 练习:写出下列各词的复数。 I _ him _ this _ her _ watch _ book_child _ photo _ diary _ day_ foot_ dress _ tooth_ sheep _ box_ strawberry _ thief _yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _ man_ woman_ paper_ people_二动词三单的变化规则 1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 练习: 写出下列动词的第三人称单数。drink _ go _ stay _ make _ look _ have_ pass_ carry _ come_ watch_plant_ fly _ study_ brush_ teach_1


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