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1、 英语学科尝试教案_七_年级英语 学科课题:_Unit1 My names Gina _尝试目标 1. Introduce themselves and greet people .2.New words: clock , my , your , name . Whats your name ? Nice to meet you .3. My names (完全形式)_ . 课堂热身1. ask and answer : Whats this in English ? What color is it ? How are you ? 2 what is (缩写形式)_ . I am(缩写形式)

2、_. hello (近义 词) _.教 学 流 程尝 试 提 示一. New words : clock , my , your , name ( 1a ) 1.Read the words with the class and explain. 2. Ask: Whats your name ? Answer: Alan. My names Alan . Im Alan . 3. Read and practice .二. Listening(1b) 1.Listen and number the conversations . 2.Listen again and check the an

3、swers.3.Listen and repeat.三. Pairwork (1c)1.practice the conversations above . 2.Work in pairs. 3.Greet other students .Pay attention to :I - my You - your 听一听,练一练 .Introduce and greet .达标测评( )1. _ your name ? A. Whats B. What C. How D. Hows( )2. Whats your name ? I _ Alan . A. am B. is C. are D. be

4、 ( )3. Whats your name ? _ name is Jenny . A. I B. My C. You D. Your 4. Nice _ you . ( meet ) 5. A: Hi, Im Jim . Nice to meet you B: _ .教学心得 英语学科尝试教案_七_年级英语 学科课题:_2a - Grammar Focus_ _ 尝试目标 1. my name is - , his name is - , her name is - .2.English names : Tony ,Tom , Bob , Mike .3.熟练问答Whats your na

5、me ? My names - .过渡到 Whats his / her name ? His / Her name is - .课堂热身1. Greeting with Ss.2.Review I and my , you and your .3.learn his and her 教 学 流 程尝 试 提 示一. Learning new words: his , her . 1. Ask and answer : Whats your name ? My names - / Im - 2.learning :Whats his / her name ? His / Her names -

6、. 3. read some English names . 4. read and practice the conversations . 5. act .二.Listening.(2a,2b)1. Listen and number the pictures( 1- 4)2.Check the answers. Finish 2a.3.Listen again and circle the names you hear . 4.Check the answers.5.Listen and repeat. 三. Pairwork.(2c)1.Practice the conversatio

7、ns in 2c in pairs.2.Make up a new conversation in 2c.3.Act out own dialogues.四.Learning Grammar Focus I - my You - your His Her 读一读,学一学。自取英文名字进行问答练习。达标测评1. 他的名字 _ . 2. 认识你很高兴 _ .3.I _ Alan . ( be ) 4. _ name is Lucy . ( I ) 5. What _ this in English ? ( be )教学心得 英语学科尝试教案_七_年级英语 学科课题:_3a - 4_ _ 尝试目标1

8、姓名的中西差异:Gina Miller , Tony Brown -.2. New words : first name , last name = family name zero - nine phone number Whats your phone number ? 课堂热身1. Whats your name ? Whats his name ? Whats her name ?2. first name _ . last name _ .教 学 流 程尝 试 提 示一. Section A ( 3a - 4 )1. Read the list of names . write F

9、for first name and L for last name.2. teach first name and last name and explain 3. practice with first name and last name .二Section B ( 1a ) 1. Count the numbers from zero to nine .2. listen and repeat 3. listen again and write the telephone number .4. ask and tell your phone number三. listen and wr

10、ite 1. listen and match the names with the phone number .2. listen again . complete the phone numbers 3. ask phone numbers and write them down . 选一些姓氏和名字拼 一拼,读一读。用各种方式练习数字的发音及拼写:写有数字的卡片或自报电话号码等。 达标测评1 110 _ 2. 129 _ 3. six + three _ 4. 5247818_ 5. 电话号码 _ 6. 姓氏 _ 7. 名字 _教学心得英语学科尝试教案_七_年级英语 学科课题: _sec

11、tion B 3a - self check _ 尝试目标 1First name and last name 2. telephone numbers 3. spell English names . 课堂热身1. count zero to nine 2. read some English names . 3. show some cards with English names on them .教 学 流 程尝 试 提 示一. look and write (3a)1. find the last name and write .2. read these names 3. ask

12、and answer : Whats your / his / her first last name ? 二. practice numbers (3b)1. look at the ID card and answer the questions .2. Fill in your own ID card 3. ask and answer : Whats your phone number ?4. Pairwork .三. selfcheck 1. Key words check .2. introduce two classmates 3. I you ( he she )My your his her 练习拼读英文姓名熟悉first name与 last name的表达方式。见到数字能马上用英语表达出。体会人称代词与物主代词的拼写和汉语意思。 达标测评( )1. Whats your name ? - _ name is Jenny . A. His B. Her C. My D. Your( )2. Whats the girls


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